Arizona Election Loser Kari Lake Unduly Crowns Herself With A New Title


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looks like Cry a Lake is such a sore looser she is willing to pay even more to get thrown out of court. she said she was offended when she was asked if she was trumps person but yet here we are.

Arizona Republican Kari Lake played a game of make believe when she crowned herself “the duly elected governor” during a call-in to right-wing streaming channel Real America’s Voice this week.
Lake, who lost the 2022 gubernatorial election to Democrat Katie Hobbs (D) and subsequently lost an election lawsuit, claimed that the election was rigged “in broad daylight” before she gave herself the phony title.

Her opponent was sworn in as governor on Monday, but that hasn’t stopped Lake from making her latest claim.
“They had to pull out all the stops and do this in broad daylight so everyone saw it,” said Lake, who was backed by former President Donald Trump in the 2022 election.

“The way we get it changed is we get the real governor, the duly elected governor, myself, in there to work with lawmakers, to change our laws, put some teeth into the laws, and frankly, we need to recall every one of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.”


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And the sociopath who started all this dangerous election denying, Donald Trump, is still out there playing golf and spewing hateful, deranged rhetoric despite inciting an insurrection to block the lawful transfer of power and stealing top secret documents and obstructing attempts to recover them.


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I've barely even heard her name in the news. Maybe she can wrangle a house seat or senate seat in the future. Firebrands like her - who don't have the magic of Trump or win their elections - tend to rise and fall pretty quickly. Her fifteen minutes of fame may be halfway over already - or more.
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