DC Movie Universe


What the F?!!!
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Meant to post this this morning, but my Mini hasn't been cooperating so...

While Marvel has a connected Cinema universe, DC is staying with a variety of projects, some with or without ties.

This is the one making the rounds today based on the Multiversity series of stories. I wonder how SOME fanboys will be taking it

WB announced a new Superman film in February produced by J.J. Abrams and written by renowned author Ta-Nehisi Coates, which then led to speculation that a Black man would don the cape of the Man of Steel. That is confirmed today in a report by The Hollywood Reporter. WB is "committed" to not only a Black version of Superman, but trying to find a Black director for the film as well. When announced, a director was not named, and "One source adding that putting Abrams at the helm would be "tone-deaf." according to the article and anyone with a brain. Also of note: this Superman film will be on its "own track" and not part of whatever DC is doing post-Snyder…for now.
Michael B. Jordan had been heavily rumored to be donning the cape as Superman, with numerous reports and more saying that he is who J.J. wanted. The actor threw water on those rumors last week, however, saying "It's definitely a compliment, but I'm just watching on this one." Coates will have his screenplay delivered sometime near the end of the year in December, and it will be about Kal-El, who lands on Earth after being sent in the rocket from Krypton. The question is WHICH Earth. In the comics, Grant Morrision introduced Kalel, or Calvin Harris, a version of Superman who is also the President. Those issues, Final Crisis #7 and The New 52 Action Comics #9 have skyrocketed in the aftermarket since the film announcement in anticipation that this is the version we will see on the big screen.

Allow me to throw out Daniel Kaluuya as the Man of Steel. He has a great screen presence, can basically do whatever is asked of him onscreen, and he just won an Academy Award, bringing gravitas to the role that this clear prestige picture wants. Whoever it is, this is shaping up to be a special version of the character we know and love.
If you aren't aware, the character had a very "Obama" vibe.


Thomas Veil

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They need to have a scene where a cop pulls him over for driving while black. Think of the surprise that cop will be in for when he tries to shoot him and the bullets bounce off his chest.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Meant to post this this morning, but my Mini hasn't been cooperating so...

While Marvel has a connected Cinema universe, DC is staying with a variety of projects, some with or without ties.

This is the one making the rounds today based on the Multiversity series of stories. I wonder how SOME fanboys will be taking it

If you aren't aware, the character had a very "Obama" vibe.
Reboot I assume.


What the F?!!!
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Reboot I assume.
Not necessarily.

There's still a call for new traditional Superman movies ( I myself vote for more Henry Cavill ), this would probably be a one off.

Unless it was somehow a bigger hit than the comic book series was.

If I had to vote for any movie with a Black DC character, despite the internet's choices of Static or finally doing John Stewart Green Lantern that DC is doing incredible gymnastics to avoid doing.


DC every time fans ask for John Stewart.

"Hey have you heard about this Ryan Reynolds guy?"

DC fans: "Why Green Lantern is a Black guy?"

My choice is...

One of the greatest comics ever written is when Icon crosses over with Superman

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Thomas Veil

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Not necessarily.

There's still a call for new traditional Superman movies ( I myself vote for more Henry Cavill ), this would probably be a one off.

Unless it was somehow a bigger hit than the comic book series was.

If I had to vote for any movie with a Black DC character, despite the internet's choices of Static or finally doing John Stewart Green Lantern that DC is doing incredible gymnastics to avoid doing.


DC every time fans ask for John Stewart.

"Hey have you heard about this Ryan Reynolds guy?"

DC fans: "Why Green Lantern is a Black guy?"

My choice is...

One of the greatest comics ever written is when Icon crosses over with Superman
Interesting in that first example where Icon comes to help and gets nothing but grief from the cops.

Batwoman took an interesting tack recently. The lesbian theme is the most frequent social issue running through the show, but this was different. (I'm gonna enclose it in spoiler tags for those who haven't seen the latest episode.)

While visiting a prison, Luke Fox, the son of Lucius, meets a white guy who's been picked up for auto theft. Luke comes across him again, this time on the street, doing what the thief does best: attempting to jack a car.

A cop comes by, and the white thief tells them that it was Luke who was attempting to boost the car. Since Luke is black, the cop is all too willing to accept that. Luke tries to defend himself via a recording on his phone--but the minute he reaches for it the cop guns him down.

It was pretty much of a "Holy shit!" moment where the story suddenly got heavier than expected.


Elite Member
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DC tends to write changes in the characters in pretty well, which is good. They give themselves different versions of the universe to alter some aspects of popular characters. I'm not sure I would hold out as much hope for Marvel.


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
Interesting in that first example where Icon comes to help and gets nothing but grief from the cops.

Batwoman took an interesting tack recently. The lesbian theme is the most frequent social issue running through the show, but this was different. (I'm gonna enclose it in spoiler tags for those who haven't seen the latest episode.)

While visiting a prison, Luke Fox, the son of Lucius, meets a white guy who's been picked up for auto theft. Luke comes across him again, this time on the street, doing what the thief does best: attempting to jack a car.

A cop comes by, and the white thief tells them that it was Luke who was attempting to boost the car. Since Luke is black, the cop is all too willing to accept that. Luke tries to defend himself via a recording on his phone--but the minute he reaches for it the cop guns him down.

It was pretty much of a "Holy shit!" moment where the story suddenly got heavier than expected.
Great, now I have to catch up in order to return and read the spoiler. Thanks a lot! 😡😂


What the F?!!!
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Interesting in that first example where Icon comes to help and gets nothing but grief from the cops.

Batwoman took an interesting tack recently. The lesbian theme is the most frequent social issue running through the show, but this was different. (I'm gonna enclose it in spoiler tags for those who haven't seen the latest episode.)

While visiting a prison, Luke Fox, the son of Lucius, meets a white guy who's been picked up for auto theft. Luke comes across him again, this time on the street, doing what the thief does best: attempting to jack a car.

A cop comes by, and the white thief tells them that it was Luke who was attempting to boost the car. Since Luke is black, the cop is all too willing to accept that. Luke tries to defend himself via a recording on his phone--but the minute he reaches for it the cop guns him down.

It was pretty much of a "Holy shit!" moment where the story suddenly got heavier than expected.
It's interesting because of a few sites that I do go to, they weren't big on that moment.

Batwoman has been going hard on their criticism of the Crows—and law enforcement by proxy—so it is no surprise that the show would Go There. Yet despite the season-long setup for Crows or cops to do something blasé, like shoot an unarmed Black man, the fact that they made me watch an unarmed Black man get shot on my television in this year of our lord is truly a f*cking choice. Is it crack? We spend time in the episode proving that Tavaroff is a racist piece of shit with no moral compass—he and his team literally gun down a building full of people. We absolutely did not need to punctuate that little massacre with additional violence.
Separate from the decision to evoke unnecessary trauma, Batwoman writers undermine themselves in a way that is truly egregious. Ryan gets harassed by white GCPD cops who respond to a “noise complaint” during a fundraiser at the bar, despite it being daytime… and a bar. She talks back to them, and Luke steps in, hoping to appease the officers and defuse the situation. They both get manhandled and arrested. In their cell, they argue about it, and Luke tells Ryan that growing up around rich white folks didn’t teach him to go along, it taught him to keep his head down.

So riddle me this… WHY THE F*CK would Luke see a white man breaking into a car and think, “hmm… let me interfere here.” This is within hours of being released from custody, after being racially profiled and unfairly detained. How does that make sense? Then, when the Crows pull up, the white man accuses Luke of trying to steal the car, and Luke—who took a photo of the guy committing the crime before confronting him— pulls out his phone! (Never mind that he could’ve just called the cops, or sent the photo to a tip line if he was truly against minding his rich, Black business.) A Black man makes a sudden movement in front of armed cops?! A Black man who earlier this very same day proved he passed Existing While Black 102: How To Talk To Police. He has the good sense to “yes sir, no sir” the cops at the bar but somehow forgets all of that to be a Captain Save-A-Beamer in the streets?!! I am truly aghast.

The imagery of a Black man being shot by police is upsetting, yes. But it’s the hoops the writers go through to put Luke in that position that really grates me. Luke physically stepping in to stop any crime is a stretch, but stepping in to stop a white man from stealing a luxury car is downright ludicrous. Luke comes from wealth, so I find it odd that he wouldn’t just think, “I’m sure it’s insured,” shrug, and walk away. But not only does he think stolen property is a worthwhile thing to prevent, he thinks it’s important enough to personally intervene. It’s not just contrived, it’s also really goddamn dumb. And it completely ignores everything that happens earlier in the episode. I have to assume that the Black writers took that week off because I don’t see how that gets pitched and no one in the room says “why would Luke do that, though?”


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
It's interesting because of a few sites that I do go to, they weren't big on that moment.

Batwoman has been going hard on their criticism of the Crows—and law enforcement by proxy—so it is no surprise that the show would Go There. Yet despite the season-long setup for Crows or cops to do something blasé, like shoot an unarmed Black man, the fact that they made me watch an unarmed Black man get shot on my television in this year of our lord is truly a f*cking choice. Is it crack? We spend time in the episode proving that Tavaroff is a racist piece of shit with no moral compass—he and his team literally gun down a building full of people. We absolutely did not need to punctuate that little massacre with additional violence.
Separate from the decision to evoke unnecessary trauma, Batwoman writers undermine themselves in a way that is truly egregious. Ryan gets harassed by white GCPD cops who respond to a “noise complaint” during a fundraiser at the bar, despite it being daytime… and a bar. She talks back to them, and Luke steps in, hoping to appease the officers and defuse the situation. They both get manhandled and arrested. In their cell, they argue about it, and Luke tells Ryan that growing up around rich white folks didn’t teach him to go along, it taught him to keep his head down.

So riddle me this… WHY THE F*CK would Luke see a white man breaking into a car and think, “hmm… let me interfere here.” This is within hours of being released from custody, after being racially profiled and unfairly detained. How does that make sense? Then, when the Crows pull up, the white man accuses Luke of trying to steal the car, and Luke—who took a photo of the guy committing the crime before confronting him— pulls out his phone! (Never mind that he could’ve just called the cops, or sent the photo to a tip line if he was truly against minding his rich, Black business.) A Black man makes a sudden movement in front of armed cops?! A Black man who earlier this very same day proved he passed Existing While Black 102: How To Talk To Police. He has the good sense to “yes sir, no sir” the cops at the bar but somehow forgets all of that to be a Captain Save-A-Beamer in the streets?!! I am truly aghast.

The imagery of a Black man being shot by police is upsetting, yes. But it’s the hoops the writers go through to put Luke in that position that really grates me. Luke physically stepping in to stop any crime is a stretch, but stepping in to stop a white man from stealing a luxury car is downright ludicrous. Luke comes from wealth, so I find it odd that he wouldn’t just think, “I’m sure it’s insured,” shrug, and walk away. But not only does he think stolen property is a worthwhile thing to prevent, he thinks it’s important enough to personally intervene. It’s not just contrived, it’s also really goddamn dumb. And it completely ignores everything that happens earlier in the episode. I have to assume that the Black writers took that week off because I don’t see how that gets pitched and no one in the room says “why would Luke do that, though?”
All right, all caught up. Expected early on that the episode would be trashed a lot in certain circles. Then came the ending…

Regarding their complaints about the writing, come on! Luke is a good guy, a caring person. It makes perfect sense that he would try to save another person, especially one he has met before and feel some kind of connection to. That’s what good persons do.

I think it says a lot about the people complaining. They value property. They value Black people knowing their place. They can’t imagine helping a stranger keep out of trouble unless there is something in it for them personally.

I haven’t decided yet what I think about the episode and its writing overall. Luke’s decision on the other hand was perfectly in line with something I could see the character doing.

Let’s see where they take this. Plenty to unfold.

Thomas Veil

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Meanwhile, back in the DC film universe, it looks like one more movie and then we’re going to lose the last of DC’s big three.

There are also stories that Robert Pattinson is clashing often with The Batman director Matt Reeves, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Sparkles is a one-and-done. The Deathstroke movie is in limbo. And we all know Cavill’s not coming back.

Warner Bros.’ ongoing fumbles and direction changes make it look like they’re not going to right the ship anytime soon.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Meanwhile, back in the DC film universe, it looks like one more movie and then we’re going to lose the last of DC’s big three.

There are also stories that Robert Pattinson is clashing often with The Batman director Matt Reeves, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Sparkles is a one-and-done. The Deathstroke movie is in limbo. And we all know Cavill’s not coming back.

Warner Bros.’ ongoing fumbles and direction changes make it look like they’re not going to right the ship anytime soon.
I think it would have been best if they took their time like Marvel did. If successful, the actors would be motivated to stick around longer. If you don’t think your bosses know what they’re doing it makes you nervous. It amazes me how bad DC fucked this up when Marvel pretty much handed them the template for how to do it.

Thomas Veil

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That's the only upcoming film I'm truly jazzed for...specifically because it's set early in Batman's career, and (reportedly) emphasizes his detective skills. Those are two approaches not yet taken in the films...unless you want to count Michael Keaton figuring out how Smilex was made.
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