Federal appeals court strikes down California's ban on high-capacity magazines


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says restrictions violate 2nd Amendment
'It criminalizes the possession of half of all magazines in America today,' court majority says in ruling
freedom baby


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I am sure there is some fancy way to link them but I don't know how

Why would anyone need more than 30 bullets in a clip?

It was supposed to be a joke. When I was told about this new forum I thought about coming here and posting normally but be the polar opposite politically as the site I was coming from. However I decided not to do that.


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Do we know it CA is going to try and appeal this to the Supreme Court yet? That is the only way I could see it screwing things up from everyone.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I can’t wait until my rocket launcher is delivered.

LOL it does seem to be the next logical step up from high capacity magazines on more ordinary weaponry. Mr rocket launcher could be camo'd in the husk of a 2000 Chevy Prizm if I can't get my mechanic to haul that corpse off to the crusher before my buying opportunity for a rocket launcher shows up. ( He usually likes to take my driven-to-ground cars over to his place to rip the seats out and then use it as a "cereal bowl" for small no-good metal parts until it's chock full and ready for a profitable stop at the crusher.)

In all seriousness, around here if someone can't put down a rabid fox hassling one's livestock (or family) with a couple shots, I don't really like the idea that he's walking around with dozens more at the ready "just in case".

But this is not general discussion material in my neck of the woods, so I've never asked a neighbor who occasionally dispatches a woodchuck to the next life (while it's enjoying the fruits of having dug under garden fence) whether he's also prepared to take on the government with what's left in his weapon of choice. I suppose that I don't even want to know if that ever crosses his mind, since I have regarded him all these many years as entirely sane.

I don't think it's nuts to own a gun around here in the sticks, but I also don't think anyone who does would need even as many as 15 shots to conclude a discussion with someone else who has ended up "in the wrong house" in the middle of the night. Plenty of such conversations around here take place somewhere outside the porch or at the fenceline, and are just managed by a dog.


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One of my issues is with this whole thing is the dishonesty these people are trying to pass off. I understand the people making these laws want people to believe that anything over 10 rounds is “high-capacity”.
It seems to be very arbitrary because I have firearms that were designed and sold with magazines that held more than 10 rounds. So a 20 round magazine would be “standard capacity” not “high capacity”. When you bring this up their next statement is usually well who needs more than 10 rounds.
My answer to that is don’t tell me what you think I need when it comes to my rights.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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My answer to that is don’t tell me what you think I need when it comes to my rights.

To a point. If someone were to show up at a gun shop asking for three 100 round drums and a matching amount of hollow points for their tacticooled up AR15, being suspicious is a perfectly reasonable response to that situation.


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To a point. If someone were to show up at a gun shop asking for three 100 round drums and a matching amount of hollow points for their tacticooled up AR15, being suspicious is a perfectly reasonable response to that situation.
tons of people compete. you do need to cycle what you carry in your EDC . personally 100 rd drums are finicky .


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
One of my issues is with this whole thing is the dishonesty these people are trying to pass off. I understand the people making these laws want people to believe that anything over 10 rounds is “high-capacity”.
It seems to be very arbitrary because I have firearms that were designed and sold with magazines that held more than 10 rounds. So a 20 round magazine would be “standard capacity” not “high capacity”. When you bring this up their next statement is usually well who needs more than 10 rounds.
My answer to that is don’t tell me what you think I need when it comes to my rights.

I sure don't want to take your 20-round weapon away... although it does look like states that have passed laws looking to keep it to 10 or 15 have not taken your point into consideration. I'm not sure how they all mean to deal with this issue. "Confiscation" of legally purchased weapons would not go over very well in the USA.

My problem with guns in general as a former longtime resident of NYC is I still remember as a milestone the day in 1984 when Bernie Goetz solved a problem not everyone thought needing solving the way he solved it. A gun in the hands of someone on the subway is just trouble no matter who's deciding "Now's the time to use this". The Goetz incident has remained controversial.

I was terrified when I happened to pop a token into the turnstile at the 50th Street station one afternoon and found myself smack in the middle of a frozen tableau, several cops with drawn guns to my right and a passenger or would-be passenger near the door of the train and holding a drawn gun about 20 feet in front of me. I like everyone else there froze too, thinking I was in mortal danger. The situation was resolved without gunfire and "nothing happened" was the gist of the official report, so I never did find out what the hell had created that scene. I re-lived it for weeks though after that, whenever putting a token into one of that station's turnstiles.

I've since asked myself many times whether if NYC had permitted the general population routinely to get licensed to carry concealed weapons, would I have felt better at that moment if I'd been packing heat, and the answer has always been hell no. I do realize it's a YMMV scenario in urban USA. However, I've been mugged a few times, usually by unarmed kids and once by a knife-wielding guy with a lookout, both in need of drugs money, but in none of those incidents did it occur to me that having a gun on me would have been nice. That's how it is with most muggings. A moment's inattention or misjudgment of time, place and intent... and kablam, you've just been mugged and if lucky, you get to dine out on it forever, once you get your new credit cards. How having had a gun stashed on one's person improves on that general template has never really been explained to me in a way that made me wish I'd been carrying.


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To a point. If someone were to show up at a gun shop asking for three 100 round drums and a matching amount of hollow points for their tacticooled up AR15, being suspicious is a perfectly reasonable response to that situation.

Well then you would be suspicious of a lot of people.
Several times a year I will go to a gun store and buy 1000 rounds of ammunition if not more. As far as buying high-capacity magazines every time, not so much because those are expensive and they last for a long time if you take care of them. Also the Beta company known for making high capacity drum mags warranties their product for life as well as sells parts.
Speaking of that you reminded me I need to order a new spacer round string for one of my 100 round drum mags.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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These days, I can just about see the justification for having a lot of weapons on hand. Between the Covid deniers going around coughing on everyone, the rioters, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo bunch, and the unmarked secret police snatching people off the streets between bouts of teargassing moms, having a gun or ten on hand seems like an investment towards your future.

I think the secret is to find the fine line between "prepared" and "fucking nuts", and try to walk it.

Well then you would be suspicious of a lot of people.

A lot of it probably comes down to demeanor.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
These days, I can just about see the justification for having a lot of weapons on hand. Between the Covid deniers going around coughing on everyone, the rioters, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo bunch, and the unmarked secret police snatching people off the streets between bouts of teargassing moms, having a gun or ten on hand seems like an investment towards your future.

I think the secret is to find the fine line between "prepared" and "fucking nuts", and try to walk it.

Probably right. So far around here I'm still one who encounters more four-legged than two-legged rabid creatures, and a phone call to a neighbor usually suffices.

I admit though that I have stopped putting political bumperstickers or lawn signs on any of my property. I would not like to find bullet holes in a lawn sign, for instance, and I've heard that it became a pastime in these parts starting in 2008. Not sure how people have the nerve to be that brazen about disrespect for laws about use of a gun near a residence, but there it is and if there's one thing I do respect, it's the local grapevine. That and the confederate flags that still fly off some barns in the area.

Sure there are lefty gun owners, I just don't know many around here. That may be changing. It could definitely be a generational thing with "old school" liberals, too. I don't regard myself as a kneejerk liberal on the subject of guns since I've had one foot each in urban and rural camps for almost half of my life now.

The whole conversation about guns is changing in several contexts now, and for my money these days, it's the young kids who've endured school shootings and lockdown drills who will need to figure out how that stuff relates to the vaunted right to bear arms in the USA. I'm not a fan of the militia movement and think that our political problems cannot be solved by anyone whose first thought is to bring a gun to the "dialogues". I regard those discussions as separate from use of guns in self defense, gone-rogue critter control and sport shooting even aside from hunting. All that said, I don't see the need for an AR15 and a high cap drum for any of that either. But, how to put a lid on overkill potential and gain assent for that from people who are fans of the 2A over everything else sure beats me. Some assert that need is never at issue there, and that the right to bear arms is just a given. Feels like a quarrel about as endless as those over turf in the Middle East.
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