General Health and Exercise


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The Misty Mountains
At the pool yesterday (indoor pool at Lifetime Athletics) I was amazed at the sight of a 20ish Hispanic male come bee bopping into the pool with a towel loosely wrapped around his torso revealing he was nude, headed for the hot tub that sits adjacent to the pool. There were 3 elderly women in the hot tub and you should have seen their faces when his towel came off as he started to climb in with them. One threw up her hand in a stop signal and said NO! STOP!! He looked quizzical and stopped, then calmly walked to the steam room.

As the lady bounded out of the hot tub to report this abomination, I walked over to the Steam room and he was laying down relaxed (covered), I got his attention and told him that nudity was not allowed there and he was going to get into trouble. He looked troubled and told me he did not know.

About that time a contingent of employees I assume anticipating having to wrestle a nude man out of the building appeared and escorted him back to the lockers where he donned a swim suit and returned to the hot tub, the women all vacated. I was laughing through most of this, the (white) lady was still agitated, vocal and I think she wanted him arrested. Thankfully it did not go there, but honestly, who does not know that nudity is not allowed anywhere in the US in a facility unless it is expressly allowed? :unsure: He could speak English, but I don’t know if he was a US citizen or not.


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Right-wing Twitter was collectively clutching their pearls over something similar a short time ago.



It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Reminds me of a trip I took to Iceland and visited a hot spring. You’re required to shower naked prior to putting on swimwear. I walked into that locker room and….so many dongs. Culture shock overwhelmed me.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Right-wing Twitter was collectively clutching their pearls over something similar a short time ago.

There are some hang ups about nudity in the US. We were staying in an inn in Japan which had a communal shower room. When you think about looking at the genitals of strangers, it’s not that much different if it’s the opposite or your own sex‘s genitals exposed in the locker room.


At the pool yesterday (indoor pool at Lifetime Athletics) I was amazed at the sight of a 20ish Hispanic male come bee bopping into the pool with a towel loosely wrapped around his torso revealing he was nude, headed for the hot tub that sits adjacent to the pool. There were 3 elderly women in the hot tub and you should have seen their faces when his towel came off as he started to climb in with them. One threw up her hand in a stop signal and said NO! STOP!! He looked quizzical and stopped, then calmly walked to the steam room.

As the lady bounded out of the hot tub to report this abomination, I walked over to the Steam room and he was laying down relaxed (covered), I got his attention and told him that nudity was not allowed there and he was going to get into trouble. He looked troubled and told me he did not know.

About that time a contingent of employees I assume anticipating having to wrestle a nude man out of the building appeared and escorted him back to the lockers where he donned a swim suit and returned to the hot tub, the women all vacated. I was laughing through most of this, the (white) lady was still agitated, vocal and I think she wanted him arrested. Thankfully it did not go there, but honestly, who does not know that nudity is not allowed anywhere in the US in a facility unless it is expressly allowed? :unsure: He could speak English, but I don’t know if he was a US citizen or not.
the prudery here is just hilarious:D
ask @Pumbaa what they think about this:D


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The Misty Mountains
Someone told me I needed to eat breakfast to get my metabolism going, I promptly gained 5 lbs. 👀

I’m back to reducing the window of calorie consumption, no calorie before noon And none after 6pm. I’m not worried about my body hoarding calories as a response, as I work out in the mornings forcing my body to burn calories. I’m 5’10” 220 lb, current goal is to drop 10 lbs with an eye on dropping 20 lb, but it requires hard core calorie discipline.

Runs For Fun

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Someone told me I needed to eat breakfast to get my metabolism going, I promptly gained 5 lbs. 👀

I’m back to reducing the window of calorie consumption, no calorie before noon And none after 6pm. I’m not worried about my body hoarding calories as a response, as I work out in the mornings forcing my body to burn calories. I’m 5’10” 220 lb, current goal is to drop 10 lbs with an eye on dropping 20 lb, but it requires hard core calorie discipline.
Metabolism is a very tricky thing. If you had not previously been eating breakfast, a sudden addition of several hundred extra calories could cause your body to hoard those calories especially if you're not eating enough to begin with. What you might want to try doing is adding a very small breakfast and every couple of weeks add an additional ~100 calories to it. That will ramp up your metabolism without causing a big rebound weight gain. It really all comes down to calories in vs calories out.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
I won't know what to do in this thread without some relentless fuckstick to tell me how to work out, what to eat ... SO LOST ... ! o_O


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
Metabolism is a very tricky thing. If you had not previously been eating breakfast, a sudden addition of several hundred extra calories could cause your body to hoard those calories especially if you're not eating enough to begin with. What you might want to try doing is adding a very small breakfast and every couple of weeks add an additional ~100 calories to it. That will ramp up your metabolism without causing a big rebound weight gain. It really all comes down to calories in vs calories out.

Yeah, a fried egg on a piece of whole wheat toast, that's ~200 (K)cals or less (very dependent on the bread), or a 1/2 'cado on toast, or a couple of eggs with a little low fat cheese, low carb whole wheat tortilla/egg/salsa.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
I won't know what to do in this thread without some relentless fuckstick to tell me how to work out, what to eat ... SO LOST ... ! o_O
Start with 10 laps in the pool and work up from there!! :whistle: Now as far as what to eat, that’s a tough one, the real battle is calorie consumption.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Metabolism is a very tricky thing. If you had not previously been eating breakfast, a sudden addition of several hundred extra calories could cause your body to hoard those calories especially if you're not eating enough to begin with. What you might want to try doing is adding a very small breakfast and every couple of weeks add an additional ~100 calories to it. That will ramp up your metabolism without causing a big rebound weight gain. It really all comes down to calories in vs calories out.
When I was eating breakfast during the trial it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and a flour tortilla, low carbs, apparantly no good.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
When I was eating breakfast during the trial it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and a flour tortilla, low carbs, apparantly no good.

That’s a 300 calorie breakfast, that shouldn’t cause significant weight gain.


Elite Member
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Metabolism is a very tricky thing. If you had not previously been eating breakfast, a sudden addition of several hundred extra calories could cause your body to hoard those calories especially if you're not eating enough to begin with. What you might want to try doing is adding a very small breakfast and every couple of weeks add an additional ~100 calories to it. That will ramp up your metabolism without causing a big rebound weight gain. It really all comes down to calories in vs calories out.

He doesn't mention whether he just added calories or shifted some to breakfast.

When I was eating breakfast during the trial it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and a flour tortilla, low carbs, apparantly no good.

For how long? You wouldn't be able to attribute five pounds to this if you did this for a couple weeks. There aren't enough calories in that to add five pounds.

Runs For Fun

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When I was eating breakfast during the trial it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and a flour tortilla, low carbs, apparantly no good.
How long did you do that? It could also just have been water weight. Your weight can fluctuate ~5lbs depending on your salt intake.
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