JFK QAnon group claiming Uvalde shooting was ‘all an act’


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of course these loons should be in a padded room.
Members of the JFK QAnon group harassed March For Our Lives participants in downtown Dallas Saturday, shouting at them that the mass shooting in Uvalde on May 24—in which a gunman killed 19 elementary-school-aged children and two teachers—was orchestrated by the federal government.
Members of the group gathered at Dealey Plaza Saturday after their leader, Michael Protzman, predicted earlier that week that JFK would reappear there that day to reinstate Donald Trump as president and begin executions of the alleged global cabal of pedophilic, blood-drinking liberal elites Protzman claims runs the world.

Organizers of Dallas’ March For Our Lives rally had told participants to gather at Dealey Plaza Saturday morning before marching to nearby Dallas City Hall. Members of the two groups encountered one another early Saturday afternoon when several March For Our Lives protestors returned to Dealey Plaza after the march.
“We were just asking each other if we could take pictures of each others’ signs,” said Gabrielle Gonzalez, 20, of her and other gun violence protestors who’d reunited at Dealey after marching to city hall. “Then one of [the members] came up to me and were like ‘what do your signs say, are you on the opposite side of the fence?’ and we were like, ‘we’re with March For Our Lives,’” Gonzalez explained.
“Then [the QAnon member] was like, ‘did you know that Uvalde has been closed for years? It was fake, it was all an act, it was actors and actresses.’ Then two more [QAnon members] came up and were like ‘none of these are real, mass shootings don’t happen,” Gonzalez continued.



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of course these loons should be in a padded room.
Members of the JFK QAnon group harassed March For Our Lives participants in downtown Dallas Saturday, shouting at them that the mass shooting in Uvalde on May 24—in which a gunman killed 19 elementary-school-aged children and two teachers—was orchestrated by the federal government.
Members of the group gathered at Dealey Plaza Saturday after their leader, Michael Protzman, predicted earlier that week that JFK would reappear there that day to reinstate Donald Trump as president and begin executions of the alleged global cabal of pedophilic, blood-drinking liberal elites Protzman claims runs the world.

Organizers of Dallas’ March For Our Lives rally had told participants to gather at Dealey Plaza Saturday morning before marching to nearby Dallas City Hall. Members of the two groups encountered one another early Saturday afternoon when several March For Our Lives protestors returned to Dealey Plaza after the march.
“We were just asking each other if we could take pictures of each others’ signs,” said Gabrielle Gonzalez, 20, of her and other gun violence protestors who’d reunited at Dealey after marching to city hall. “Then one of [the members] came up to me and were like ‘what do your signs say, are you on the opposite side of the fence?’ and we were like, ‘we’re with March For Our Lives,’” Gonzalez explained.
“Then [the QAnon member] was like, ‘did you know that Uvalde has been closed for years? It was fake, it was all an act, it was actors and actresses.’ Then two more [QAnon members] came up and were like ‘none of these are real, mass shootings don’t happen,” Gonzalez continued.

People should think about what they say. It is highly irresponsible to say (as some gun rights advocates have) that gun control advocates “need” mass shootings to further their cause. It is offensive rhetoric, and clearly dangerous when you see people running with that idea, such as Alex Jones after Sandy Hook…. And now these idiots you posted about.


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People should think about what they say. It is highly irresponsible to say (as some gun rights advocates have) that gun control advocates “need” mass shootings to further their cause. It is offensive rhetoric, and clearly dangerous when you see people running with that idea, such as Alex Jones after Sandy Hook…. And now these idiots you posted about.
they think JFK was coming back from the dead they dont think period. even trump wont go own that crazy lane.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
People should think about what they say. It is highly irresponsible to say (as some gun rights advocates have) that gun control advocates “need” mass shootings to further their cause. It is offensive rhetoric, and clearly dangerous when you see people running with that idea, such as Alex Jones after Sandy Hook…. And now these idiots you posted about.

Alex Jones has lost at least four defamation suits by default, regarding his prior assertions that the Sandy Hook shootings were "a hoax". He's already down court costs and the juries have been starting to try the damages part of those cases.

Don't the Q-Anon conspiracy addicts mouthing off garbage about the Uvalde shootings ever read an actual newspaper or watch something besides Fox opinion shows? They might not care about facts, but the lawyers they'll eventually face will find judges and jurors who distinguish between fact and fantasy.


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Don't the Q-Anon conspiracy addicts mouthing off garbage about the Uvalde shootings ever read an actual newspaper or watch something besides Fox opinion shows? They might not care about facts, but the lawyers they'll eventually face will find judges and jurors who distinguish between fact and fantasy.
they are nut jobs no one takes them seriously they ae not on tv. so of course they don't have to worry about it.


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I guess they didn’t learn their lesson from Alex Jones. It seems like with every mass tragedy there are conspiracy theorists who feel compelled to claim the event was staged or planned a false flag operation. It’s just beyond offensive to those affected and the people that spew this are just sick.

Let’s not forget 3000 people died on 9/11- not to mention likely thousands more who have or will succumb to illness caused by the toxic dust- plus all the lives deeply affected (and in some cases destroyed) by the psychological trauma of that awful day. Yet there’s a whole group of morons who think it was an inside job and will fund multiple documentaries about it.

Alex Jones has lost at least four defamation suits by default, regarding his prior assertions that the Sandy Hook shootings were "a hoax". He's already down court costs and the juries have been starting to try the damages part of those cases.

Don't the Q-Anon conspiracy addicts mouthing off garbage about the Uvalde shootings ever read an actual newspaper or watch something besides Fox opinion shows? They might not care about facts, but the lawyers they'll eventually face will find judges and jurors who distinguish between fact and fantasy.
I’m pretty sure Jones lost at least one of those cases, the one in CT, on summary judgement because he refused to hand over any of his financial information. Against his lawyers advice of course. So the judge ruled he lost the case by default. That’s one way to lose a case I suppose, though I’m sure the conclusion would have been the same had he actually been compliant.

It’s one thing to believe an event like Sandy Hook was a hoax, that’s bad enough as it is. It’s another entirely to fly from Texas to a small, quiet town in Connecticut and harass victims’ families, telling them their kids never died and that they are liars. And producing videos to disseminate their psychotic delusions onto the world to an impressionable audience who perpetuate the conspiracy theory and harassment. There’s a special place in hell for people like that.
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