Live: Alex Jones Trial


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By my math, the jury just awarded the plaintiffs $965 million, plus attorney’s fees.


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Hahaha, I feel like Dr. Evil should've read the award ...


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Couldn't be happier.

Here's the thing; his defenders, and maybe even detractors who are worried about free speech, will argue that this is punishing people for their speech. Depending on who's making the argument, there's definitely room for debate and discussion about what is or isn't protected free speech, should someone be held liable for their words, etc.

All of those are valid arguments. But my whole thing is, I don't know where the line should be, but I do think that if what Alex Jones did regarding Sandy Hook doesn't cross it, then there is no line at all.

It's like one of those situations where you don't know what the answer is, you just know what it isn't. All I know is that if any laws are going to exist at all regarding what someone can be held accountable for saying, Alex Jones should be one of the easiest cases to show why such laws are needed. Trump's rally, for instance, where I wouldn't be able to draw a clear line. Alex Jones making tons of cash off of lying about a traumatic event the survivors were trying to recover from, which in itself put people living quiet lives in danger? Yeah, if that doesn't merit a laws holding people accountable in some fashion, then there should be no such laws against saying anything at all, including yelling fire in a burning building.

In any decently-run society, Alex Jones would have been broke and castigated and ridiculed long ago, driven into bankruptcy and obscurity before he could have even made an impact on the Sandy Hook families in the first place. But we're definitely not anywhere close to that happening, so this is the next best thing.

It really is parallel to a lot of things going on with Trump - any individual case he's involved in can be dissected and debated, some more than others - but on the whole, it's long past the point of "if he's not going to be held accountable, then who the hell ever will? If this isn't a crime, then what the hell is? If this isn't disqualifying from public office, what the he hell is?"


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Couldn't be happier.

Here's the thing; his defenders, and maybe even detractors who are worried about free speech, will argue that this is punishing people for their speech. Depending on who's making the argument, there's definitely room for debate and discussion about what is or isn't protected free speech, should someone be held liable for their words, etc.

All of those are valid arguments. But my whole thing is, I don't know where the line should be, but I do think that if what Alex Jones did regarding Sandy Hook doesn't cross it, then there is no line at all.

It's like one of those situations where you don't know what the answer is, you just know what it isn't. All I know is that if any laws are going to exist at all regarding what someone can be held accountable for saying, Alex Jones should be one of the easiest cases to show why such laws are needed. Trump's rally, for instance, where I wouldn't be able to draw a clear line. Alex Jones making tons of cash off of lying about a traumatic event the survivors were trying to recover from, which in itself put people living quiet lives in danger? Yeah, if that doesn't merit a laws holding people accountable in some fashion, then there should be no such laws against saying anything at all, including yelling fire in a burning building.

In any decently-run society, Alex Jones would have been broke and castigated and ridiculed long ago, driven into bankruptcy and obscurity before he could have even made an impact on the Sandy Hook families in the first place. But we're definitely not anywhere close to that happening, so this is the next best thing.

It really is parallel to a lot of things going on with Trump - any individual case he's involved in can be dissected and debated, some more than others - but on the whole, it's long past the point of "if he's not going to be held accountable, then who the hell ever will? If this isn't a crime, then what the hell is? If this isn't disqualifying from public office, what the he hell is?"
The notion of "Free Speech" is a protective shield shouldn't be even an argument, tort laws have been protecting people against defamation for centuries. It's pretty much a staple of our society for more than a century. "Free speech" doesn't protect you from slandering, or using hateful speech. It boggles my mind why people think "free speech" means you can get away with saying anything about anybody or making false reports, like the old adage of shouting fire in a crowed theater. There are consequences to the words you say, whether it's paying $965 Million in damages or being labeled a horrible person.


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The notion of "Free Speech" is a protective shield shouldn't be even an argument, tort laws have been protecting people against defamation for centuries. It's pretty much a staple of our society for more than a century. "Free speech" doesn't protect you from slandering, or using hateful speech. It boggles my mind why people think "free speech" means you can get away with saying anything about anybody or making false reports, like the old adage of shouting fire in a crowed theater. There are consequences to the words you say, whether it's paying $965 Million in damages or being labeled a horrible person.

Agreed, except that the first amendment DOES protect hateful speech, so long as it isn’t incitement to violence, slander/libel/defamation, etc. You’re pretty much free to be as hateful and as racist as you want.

Alex Jones, knowing that he was causing injury to the parents by doing so, lied about them, knowingly caused his followers to harass them (and, the evidence shows, may even have specifically told a caller off-the-air who to harass next). He was so far over the line that he refused to comply with discovery because he likely knew that the evidence in his possession would show that the story is probably much worse than even came out in trial, in terms of his directing the harassment.


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Agreed, except that the first amendment DOES protect hateful speech, so long as it isn’t incitement to violence, slander/libel/defamation, etc. You’re pretty much free to be as hateful and as racist as you want.

Alex Jones, knowing that he was causing injury to the parents by doing so, lied about them, knowingly caused his followers to harass them (and, the evidence shows, may even have specifically told a caller off-the-air who to harass next). He was so far over the line that he refused to comply with discovery because he likely knew that the evidence in his possession would show that the story is probably much worse than even came out in trial, in terms of his directing the harassment.
Understood... I think I should have made it clear, that you are free to shout derogatory, racist, demeaning, and down right ugly words. However, be prepared for the consequences, like a punch to the nose for instance.


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Understood... I think I should have made it clear, that you are free to shout derogatory, racist, demeaning, and down right ugly words. However, be prepared for the consequences, like a punch to the nose for instance.
As long as it isn’t the government punching you in the nose, yes.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Hopefully it will be a lesson for us all, that the "free" in "free speech" does not mean that it comes with no cost. I am not optimistic that the lesson will reach those that need to learn it, though – Jones will be held forth by many as a victim of the Deep State/Elitists.


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Cannot believe it has taken this long.

I think the comment on this action I like the most was "Liquidate him until he has nothing left but a wooden barrel held up by suspenders."


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🖕🏼 this guy. Hasn’t even begun to get what’s due to him until he’s digging in the dumpster for dinner. It’s one thing to be an ignorant asshole spreading bs propaganda, it’s another to go out of your way to make other people’s lives hell, especially those who suffered unimaginable grief.

Double 🖕🏼🖕🏼 this guy.


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🖕🏼 this guy. Hasn’t even begun to get what’s due to him until he’s digging in the dumpster for dinner. It’s one thing to be an ignorant asshole spreading bs propaganda, it’s another to go out of your way to make other people’s lives hell, especially those who suffered unimaginable grief.

Double 🖕🏼🖕🏼 this guy.
I’m hoping his friend Donnie J meets the same end.
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