Most concise explanation and justification for single payer

Chew Toy McCoy

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Not this focus of the article but taken from it.

"The group’s proposed negative messages include the claim that “Fetterman supports far-left policies like a $34 trillion-dollar government takeover of health care.”

This is a highly misleading spin. Under a single-payer system, the government would insure everyone, but doctors and hospitals would still be privately-owned. Single-payer would save the U.S. significant money overall — because the current system is enormously wasteful, inefficient, and designed to make investors and corporate executives wealthy."

It isn't a takeover of the entire healthcare system. Why is it so hard for Democrats to get that simple message out? Corruption? I’m going to go with corruption.


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Not this focus of the article but taken from it.

"The group’s proposed negative messages include the claim that “Fetterman supports far-left policies like a $34 trillion-dollar government takeover of health care.”

This is a highly misleading spin. Under a single-payer system, the government would insure everyone, but doctors and hospitals would still be privately-owned. Single-payer would save the U.S. significant money overall — because the current system is enormously wasteful, inefficient, and designed to make investors and corporate executives wealthy."

It isn't a takeover of the entire healthcare system. Why is it so hard for Democrats to get that simple message out? Corruption? I’m going to go with corruption.
Many Democrats have been ringing the bell. However, the entire GOP is opposed to it, which makes it easy for those who benefit financially from the current system. They only need to find a couple Democrats to pay off and they keep the status quo intact.

The Obama early years were the only time we had enough Democrats to get single payer through. But they nerfed it instead, probably because the insurance industry convinced just one or two Democrats to “slow their roll."

If the GOP wanted to pass this, then the insurance industry wouldn’t be able to pay off everybody, and we’d get change. Until the GOP changes things, we will be the most inefficient healthcare system in the world. We pay way more than anybody and our life expectancy keeps dropping compared to most other countries. It’s a broken system, but the people need to stop playing tribal politics if they want it to change. Either vote Dem or put tons of pressure on your current GOP rep to support single payer.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Many Democrats have been ringing the bell. However, the entire GOP is opposed to it, which makes it easy for those who benefit financially from the current system. They only need to find a couple Democrats to pay off and they keep the status quo intact.

The Obama early years were the only time we had enough Democrats to get single payer through. But they nerfed it instead, probably because the insurance industry convinced just one or two Democrats to “slow their roll."

If the GOP wanted to pass this, then the insurance industry wouldn’t be able to pay off everybody, and we’d get change. Until the GOP changes things, we will be the most inefficient healthcare system in the world. We pay way more than anybody and our life expectancy keeps dropping compared to most other countries. It’s a broken system, but the people need to stop playing tribal politics if they want it to change. Either vote Dem or put tons of pressure on your current GOP rep to support single payer.

I'm not saying that the GOP isn't the biggest blockade but it seems like Democrats are easily corruptible. Something that got very little, if any, coverage here in ultraliberal CA is Newsom ran on Medicare for all but shortly after the party received some substantial donations from the insurance industry it conveniently got removed from the docket.

Let's not forget that Obamacare was based on Romneycare. Somehow a Republican got that passed in MA but a mega Democrat in CA is incapable of advancing a better healthcare insurance initiative. There really is no "but the GOP" excuse in CA.


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I'm not saying that the GOP isn't the biggest blockade but it seems like Democrats are easily corruptible. Something that got very little, if any, coverage here in ultraliberal CA is Newsom ran on Medicare for all but shortly after the party received some substantial donations from the insurance industry it conveniently got removed from the docket.

Let's not forget that Obamacare was based on Romneycare. Somehow a Republican got that passed in MA but a mega Democrat in CA is incapable of advancing a better healthcare insurance initiative. There really is no "but the GOP" excuse in CA.
They only need ONE Democrat to flip on this. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the Democrats if over 90% of them support single payer. If people really want it, they need probably a 2/3rds Dem majority or else enough Republicans to support it.

Chew Toy McCoy

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They only need ONE Democrat to flip on this. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the Democrats if over 90% of them support single payer. If people really want it, they need probably a 2/3rds Dem majority or else enough Republicans to support it.

I'm not blaming democrats, but I'm also not excusing them. We have 2 DINOs taking the bullet for other moderates which they seem to be perfectly happy to do.

But we're also just talking about the politicians. This is popular with voters of all leanings, and by that I mean well over 50%. We don't have a representative government on most things.

But going back to the OP, it seems like Republicans always have Democrats on the defensive and most of the energy is spent on "we're not socialists!" instead of selling things loudly in understandable terms.


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I'm not blaming democrats, but I'm also not excusing them. We have 2 DINOs taking the bullet for other moderates which they seem to be perfectly happy to do.

But we're also just talking about the politicians. This is popular with voters of all leanings, and by that I mean well over 50%. We don't have a representative government on most things.

But going back to the OP, it seems like Republicans always have Democrats on the defensive and most of the energy is spent on "we're not socialists!" instead of selling things loudly in understandable terms.
It isn’t the Democrats’ fault. Period. Dems are clear that they want to fix the health system.

It is the fault of voters not picking enough of them. It is the fault of our system with gerrymandering and a Senate that gives more power to a smaller group of people every year.

Unless our system changes drastically, the only way single-payer happens is if Republicans start to support it. OR if young people ever wake up and realize they could flip the country to about 2/3rds Democrat if they simply showed up to vote as much as old people already do.

Chew Toy McCoy

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It isn’t the Democrats’ fault. Period. Dems are clear that they want to fix the health system.

Read what I said above about Gavin Newsom. No excuse. There is no it's not their fault "period" and by extension "ever".

But none of this changes the fact that the message I quoted in the OP isn't cutting through. Blame whoever or whatever you want for that. There are plenty of Democrats who admit they suck at messaging. CNN or MSNBC would never post a headline like "Single Payer Would Save Trillions". They might mention it but it wouldn't be the headline. It would be buried in a bunch of other horse shit on the topic. This is knowing damn well that a lot of readers won't go past the headline.

Similarly the supposed left biased media almost never mentioned the yearly cost of BBB. It was always the massive 10 year cost which actually is a tactic of the right. If they are left biased then they should have ALWAYS mentioned it by the yearly cost and toss in how it's less than our annual military budget. This isn't complicated shit. It's corporate control of our government and media.
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