Photo of the Day - November, 2020

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It’s a new month. These are the pies we got last night. Still plenty left.



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What? Where are the Anchovies?! Can't have Pizza without Anchovies! :D. :D
I’m usually overwhelmed just by the cheese. Hubby gets the pepperoni. I ate the rest of my white pizza for late lunch/early dinner today. I may return to wine tonight though. ;)

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Ah, I do like white pizza, with plenty of garlic, and yes, I do forgo anchovies for a white pizza, come to think of it..... And also for the traditional Neapolitan pizza certified by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana.....mmmmm, delicious, and indeed, no extra ingredients necessary! We have a pizza restaurant here in my area which is certified by the Association to prepare and serve their Neapolitan pizza in exactly the traditional way..... Now I'm thinking about Pizza and it's been a long time since I've had any.....

Chew Toy McCoy

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This new tradition is reminding me of when I was fairly active on a music forum but people would rarely post their music. Well, actually, there was a whole sub forum for people to post their music but it wasn’t very active beyond people posting a track and getting no responses. So I started a monthly digest like this which seemed to get more attention from posting tracks to people commenting on them.


Mama's lil stinker
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This new tradition is reminding me of when I was fairly active on a music forum but people would rarely post their music. Well, actually, there was a whole sub forum for people to post their music but it wasn’t very active beyond people posting a track and getting no responses. So I started a monthly digest like this which seemed to get more attention from posting tracks to people commenting on them.
Yeah, we've got a couple of active users in here and that's about it. I was hoping for more activity but we'll just let it ride and see if we get more interest down the road.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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For me it is very motivating to feel that I need to get out there and shoot and that there is a place to share the image(s)...... Back when I was in the throes of trying to make up my mind about what I wanted to do vis-a-vis my photography, I knew that one thing which is important is actually SHOOTING. Maybe not every day, but at least several times a week and making a point of doing so. This keeps the old brain cells churning in terms of thinking about what to shoot and a creative way or two to shoot it, plus gets me out of the house in good weather. While it is possible to shoot for just oneself and never share the image(s) it really is more fun and more motivating to keep in mind that there is an audience out there, if one is willing to put the images out for public consumption.

After having gone though a fairly lengthy period during which I rarely shot at all, it didn't make sense to me to just run out and buy a new camera and/or new lenses. Would they wind up sitting in the camera bags the way my current gear was already doing? I told myself that one big test of whether or not I should put big money into buying into a new camera system, etc., would be just how much I'd actually use the stuff and actually take photos. Using what I already had, I conducted a sort of experiment over a period of time during which at first I shot infrequently, then more frequently, and as time went on found myself shooting almost daily..... I also found MR's POTD thread to be very motivating, too. I started out by dropping in older images, and then as time went on was shooting more and more fresh stuff and got to the point where I was pretty much shooting every day so I'd have something new to add to that POTD thread. That worked, it got the small, tiny inner flame within flickering more and more strongly again and that was what I needed to tell myself that it would be OK to buy new gear.

So I finally took the plunge that I'd been fretting over for more than a year, bought new gear and thought, "OK, we're gonna USE this stuff!" It helped that at the beginning of 2020 I joined in on a subforum in Nikon Cafe where everyone was doing a 52-Week project. That, coupled with my participation on MR's POTD thread has gotten me to at some point during just about every day to have a camera in my hands, thinking about what to shoot, where to shoot it, how to shoot it....and actually it's been a real sanity saver during the whole COVID-19/Pandemic/Shutdown/Lockdown thing.....

Most people are not that serious about photography, don't go out shooting every day or even every week, whether it is with a DSLR/Mirrorless/rangefinder/bridge camera or their iPhone or something else, and so it's not surprising that this thread hasn't taken off in a big way. If I recall correctly it took a while for the POTD thread at MR to really get going, too; iGary started the ball rolling there, but while there was enthusiasm right from the first, there also were still some growing pains and eventually a few rules and guidelines had to be set in place.

Part of what makes a POTD thread interesting and fun for both participants and viewers is, of course, the diversity of images shared. Right now this site isn't all that large in membership, so yeah, there's not going to be a whole lot of participation. However, if we get to the point where it is only just one or two of us consistently sharing our images, then that should suggest that for this particular forum it's just not a feasible idea.....

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
Main Camera
Something a little different today...... I spent some time out on my deck shooting the Hooded Mergansers and at one point got a bit creative with the exposure (both during the shoot and later in editing) and decided to add a bit of drama to what would otherwise have been simply a photo of a Hooded Merganser swimming around in the lake:

Dramatic Take on a Typical Scene.jpeg


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What a pretty arrangement that is!! Darned shame you couldn't have bought it! Oh well, at least you got to enjoy seeing it in person and photographing it!
I’ll take photos of my purchases after I get them settled. Well, the flowers. No reason to photograph the lettuce. LOL!
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