The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds


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The Misty Mountains
A real piece of garbage, the Head Piece of Garbage on display in America for rhe world to be disgusted by. Now that he is out, the Federal government should dictate the price they are willing to pay Mr Trump to provide him Secret Service protection and if he rejects it, tell him he‘s on his own.

The room charges Trump is billing the government for is only a part of the cost of protecting his sorry ass.

Maybe being a pay wall, use browser reader mode to view:
Trump charged Secret Service nearly $10,200 in May for agents’ rooms

The records — released by the Secret Service in response to a public-records request — show that the ex-president has continued a habit he began in the first days of his presidency: charging rent to the agency that protects his life.
Since Trump left office in January, U.S. taxpayers have paid Trump’s businesses more than $50,000 for rooms used by Secret Service agents, records show.
The Washington Post reported previously that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club — where he lived from January, when he left the White House, to early May — charged the Secret Service more than $40,000 so that agents could use a room near Trump.
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Chew Toy McCoy

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And he's certainly not paying the taxes that would help pay that tab.

A truly successful and respectable businessman wouldn't have charged a dime. "This country has given me the opportunity to become very successful. Out of gratitude I'm not going to ask the taxpayers to pay for this." But WTF do I know.

Thomas Veil

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I find it amusing that Trump’s afraid of stairs.

Wolff wrote that working out of the second-floor office, as Trump advisors Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Miller opted to do, "meant a degree of exclusion but also protection" because "Trump would never climb the stairs (and, by the end of his term, he never had)."



Snowflake from Hell
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The hypocrisy and corruption know no bounds. But hey, I'm sure they are all good people, right?


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
The hypocrisy and corruption know no bounds.
Well apparently it does know some bounds. He asked DoJ to do this thing. The interim AG dude balked and did not do this thing. Had he been the utterly amoral PoS that CFSG wanted him to be, had he seen opportunity to forge a despotic government in which he could be a dangerous and powerful person, and yearned for that, he might have started throwing wrenches at the works.

Instead, he told maniac no, not doing it. This guy, that CFSG himself elevated to a significant position of authority, chose not to ass-fuck America. We are fortunate that the RW are so heavily invested in ignorance and stupid that they are stuck playing that game. Are so incompetent that they cannot even put together the autocracy that they desire. Hopefully they cannot escape their own mud pit.


Snowflake from Hell
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Well apparently it does know some bounds. He asked DoJ to do this thing. The interim AG dude balked and did not do this thing. Had he been the utterly amoral PoS that CFSG wanted him to be, had he seen opportunity to forge a despotic government in which he could be a dangerous and powerful person, and yearned for that, he might have started throwing wrenches at the works.

Instead, he told maniac no, not doing it. This guy, that CFSG himself elevated to a significant position of authority, chose not to ass-fuck America. We are fortunate that the RW are so heavily invested in ignorance and stupid that they are stuck playing that game. Are so incompetent that they cannot even put together the autocracy that they desire. Hopefully they cannot escape their own mud pit.
That's pretty much like saying "hey, I raped your mom, shot your husband to death 57 times, but at least I didn't kick your cat"


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I mean, here we are at another unthinkable act by Trump, which we all pretty much knew he was doing anyways, but there will be a collective shrug from MAGA-land. None of this is new or surprising.

This is a dude who gives no crap about America, never faces real accountability, and has about 40% of America’s support regardless of what he’s done. This was illegal, but will he face consequences? Probably not.

The funny thing is, by saying “leave the rest to me”, he’s pretty much admitting (and counting on the fact) his base is comprised of people who believe anything he says. “Yeah, just throw me a nugget out there to legitimize my lie, and that’s all I need to get my followers onboard, since they believe anything I tell them”.


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The Misty Mountains
The man should be put away for 10-20 for tax evasion, corruption in Federal office, sedition, and treason. If we were not a broken society it would happen. :oops:


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Trump won’t be the first to escape justice. Robert E. Lee suffered no real consequences, Jefferson Davis only served about two years, Davis’ VP won his congressional seat back, Nixon was never really held accountable (and one could argue his acts were far less egregious and consequential than Trump’s).

The scary part in all of this isn’t Trump in and of himself, it’s the normalization of consistent criminal conduct (and generalized face-palming stupidity). The need for quick, cheap political wins and constant one-upmanship is destroying our already barely-functioning political system.

I don’t even know if those in Washington can truly see how bad things are. Many pretend to be in different teams, and some are, but many of them just play the part of “frenemies” on TV and then go have steak dinners and think this is all just politics as usual. It isn’t.

Really, a total dolt like Trump winning any sort of public office, least of all the presidency, should have been a warning of how dire a situation we are in in the first place. If people think that moron is going to “save America”, then we’re in deep shit, my friends. It sounds like a person in a medical crisis willing to resort to eating skunk feces because “what have I got to lose?”


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Trump won’t be the first to escape justice. Robert E. Lee suffered no real consequences, Jefferson Davis only served about two years, Davis’ VP won his congressional seat back, Nixon was never really held accountable (and one could argue his acts were far less egregious and consequential than Trump’s).

The scary part in all of this isn’t Trump in and of himself, it’s the normalization of consistent criminal conduct (and generalized face-palming stupidity). The need for quick, cheap political wins and constant one-upmanship is destroying our already barely-functioning political system.

I don’t even know if those in Washington can truly see how bad things are. Many pretend to be in different teams, and some are, but many of them just play the part of “frenemies” on TV and then go have steak dinners and think this is all just politics as usual. It isn’t.

Really, a total dolt like Trump winning any sort of public office, least of all the presidency, should have been a warning of how dire a situation we are in in the first place. If people think that moron is going to “save America”, then we’re in deep shit, my friends. It sounds like a person in a medical crisis willing to resort to eating skunk feces because “what have I got to lose?”
These people in DC trying to destroy democracy are there because some significant % of citizens elected them as their ideal. Think of any sports team where 30-45% of the team are trying to sabotage the team, that team is fucked, and lately I’ve been saying so are we. It’s going to take some kind miracle where that 30-45% suddenly get smart (not planning on that), they die off fast enough for a political change in the nick of time, our youth and minority citizens collectively get in gear politically, or they (elected STUPID in DC) will just continue to drag us down into calamity.

With the latest actions by the breaking bad GOP to disenfranchise their version of “unworthy” voters, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we see a coup or a civil war. :oops:

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