UK: How embarrassing! No. 10 messes up Biden congratulations…


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Bath, United Kingdom
As to be expected from this one foot in the mouth Tory government, they screw up the smallest of things.

After quite a delay our PM's office at No. 10 sent a tweet to Joe Biden with the customary congratulations message.

Well… it seems they actually had it prepared for Donald Trump.
So instead of creating a new message, they went and just brushed out the "Trump related" bits and filled in "Biden related" stuff.

In the process doing a fine job of messing it up royally, failing at basic Photoshop 101…

Downing Street’s congratulatory message to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on winning the US presidential election contains a hidden message congratulating Donald Trump for winning a second term in office.

The message, posted on Twitter as an image a few hours after the US TV networks called the election for Biden, congratulates the president-elect on his election, and Harris “on her historic achievement”.

But the image, a simple white-on-black block of text, is more than it seems. A simple colour adjustment reveals a second message hidden in the background.

Above and behind the words “Joe Biden on his election”, the shadow of the words “Trump on” become faintly visible. Where the main message reads “the US is our most important ally and I look forward to working closely together”, the words “second term” appear. And below the words “shared priorities” is the phrase “on the future of this”.


This government is such a disgrace.

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As to be expected from this one foot in the mouth Tory government, they screw up the smallest of things.

After quite a delay our PM's office at No. 10 sent a tweet to Joe Biden with the customary congratulations message.

Well… it seems they actually had it prepared for Donald Trump.
So instead of creating a new message, they went and just brushed out the "Trump related" bits and filled in "Biden related" stuff.

In the process doing a fine job of messing it up royally, failing at basic Photoshop 101…


This government is such a disgrace.

View attachment 1305

An utter embarrassment and an absolute disgrace.

And lazy, and contemptuous and arrogant; and so, so, incompetent.

Right: And they also want a "world-beating" trade agreement with the US?


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Uh, this is weird. The Trump bit is in a different location than Biden’s name. Wouldn’t that be intentional? Sorry, I don’t use Photoshop or anything like it.


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The thing is, Mr Johnson (aka Boris) is known to be lazy, careless, casual, and monstrously entitled. He is used to having other people do the work for him (while claiming credit if the outcome is positive).

Most notoriously, he is not a details man, and rarely bothers to master a brief, and, I suspect not only thought - but banked on - Mr Trump emerging victorious in the election.

This has thrown all of his calculations off. However, it is extraordinarily careless and casual, and sloppy.


The thing is, Mr Johnson (aka Boris) is known to be lazy, careless, casual, and monstrously entitled. He is used to having other people do the work for him (while claiming credit if the outcome is positive).

Most notoriously, he is not a details man, and rarely bothers to master a brief, and, I suspect not only thought - but banked on - Mr Trump emerging victorious in the election.

This has thrown all of his calculations off. However, it is extraordinarily careless and casual, and sloppy.
I honestly thought that he just pretended to be that sloppy.


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I honestly thought that he just pretended to be that sloppy.

I think that it is a blend of character (which means that it is authentic), and elements of something deliberately cultivated (yes, pretence); as he is an extraordinarily calculating and ambitious and mendacious yet narcissistic (but exceptionally lazy individual - the sort of well-connected and entitled, upper-middle-class white male who effortlessly and endlessly "fails upwards"), it is difficult to begin to identity where character ends and calculation and cultivation of specific tendencies begin.
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