How to deal with misinformation.


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Unlike the tranquility of this place, much of the internet is full of anti-mac misinformation. Not necessarily dishonest, but inaccurate nonetheless. I wonder how many of you deal with it? My instinct is to ignore it. Life is too short and it’s pointless trying to correct everyone. Other times I get agitated when I see someone being misled, and feel an urge to jump in!

Most recently I was browsing the obs forum and saw an absolute doozy

I wouldn’t know where to start with this. The simple answer, without repeating the entire thread, is someone tried streaming two 4k streams using the cpu as encoder on a Mac, got frustrated, tried on a PC (using the gpu to encode) and came to the conclusion that Apple Silicon is junk. This answer seeks to confirm their suspicions. Where would I even begin to correct this gibberish?


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Unlike the tranquility of this place, much of the internet is full of anti-mac misinformation. Not necessarily dishonest, but inaccurate nonetheless. I wonder how many of you deal with it? My instinct is to ignore it. Life is too short and it’s pointless trying to correct everyone. Other times I get agitated when I see someone being misled, and feel an urge to jump in!

Most recently I was browsing the obs forum and saw an absolute doozy
View attachment 27702

I wouldn’t know where to start with this. The simple answer, without repeating the entire thread, is someone tried streaming two 4k streams using the cpu as encoder on a Mac, got frustrated, tried on a PC (using the gpu to encode) and came to the conclusion that Apple Silicon is junk. This answer seeks to confirm their suspicions. Where would I even begin to correct this gibberish?
If you were actually inclined to respond, then I would say that your summary is quite a good starting point:

[so you] tried streaming two 4k streams using the cpu as encoder on a Mac, got frustrated, tried on a PC (using the gpu to encode) and came to the conclusion that Apple Silicon is junk

My exhaustion with replying to these kinds of things is why I don’t post much tech related stuff anymore, or much of anything, outside of these forums - at Macrumors it just got so overwhelming. I don’t always agree with everyone here on all subjects, but damn do I appreciate the quiet and the fact that people generally try to have one foot in reality*.

*This makes it sound like I’m the personal adjudicator of what is reality, and to an extent I am, for myself. But rather what I’m going for I suppose is “shared reality”. People sometimes derisively call that a bubble but actually a shared reality is necessary for a healthy community. The key is to make it wide enough to accommodate diversity without compromising the integrity of reality (by which I mean acting like we should treat purveyors of “alternative facts” in good faith).
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If you were actually inclined to respond, then I would say that your summary is quite a good starting point:

My exhaustion with replying to these kinds of things is why I don’t post much tech related stuff anymore, or much of anything, outside of these forums - at Macrumors it just got so overwhelming. I don’t always agree with everyone here on all subjects, but damn do I appreciate the quiet and the fact that people generally try to have one foot in reality*.

*This makes it sound like I’m the personal adjudicator of what is reality, and to an extent I am, for myself. But rather what I’m going for I suppose is “shared reality”. People sometimes derisively call that a bubble but actually a shared reality is necessary for a healthy community. The key is to make it wide enough to accommodate diversity without compromising the integrity of reality (by which I mean acting like we should treat purveyors of “alternative facts” in good faith).
I agree completely. Posting here is such a pleasant experience, not just because so many knowledgeable people post here but also because you know you can have a conversation without people acting in bad faith or jumping down your throat.

I find browsing or posting in other forums an anxiety inducing experience.

I think I will probably just leave it.


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I agree completely. Posting here is such a pleasant experience, not just because so many knowledgeable people post here but also because you know you can have a conversation without people acting in bad faith or jumping down your throat.

I find browsing or posting in other forums an anxiety inducing experience.

I think I will probably just leave it.

In this case I actually disagree. I think accuracy is important, and while you don’t need to go back and forth, Stating a reply with facts and leaving it would do good. There’s way too much lies and bullshit In general


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My exhaustion with replying to these kinds of things is why I don’t post much tech related stuff anymore, or much of anything, outside of these forums - at Macrumors it just got so overwhelming.

I still occasionally get sucked in over there. Yesterday, on an iPhone camera thread, I was trying to have a deeper conversation about photography. And rather than focusing on gear being the driver to making strong photographs, trying to gently elevate the conversation to how photographs (ideally) communicate and form a connection with viewers via the many choices/decisions a photographer makes before releasing the shutter.

That devolved pretty quickly.


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I work and have worked as both a software engineer, cloud architect and with AI/ML and these days I manage a number of sotware development teams. From the grass roots of the company right the way to the very top, I see the exact same issues that people complain about here - it's not limited to random strangers on an internet forum. For me it boils down to communication skills.

We confuse understanding with agreeing, and we confuse agreeing with liking.

We can disagree with someone, think they're completely wrong, and yet still like them.

We can understand someone, their context, their rational, their reasoning and yet still disagree with them.

Understanding someone else's perspective does not require you to give up your own perspective.

I think this is lost sometimes in the confusion between understanding, agreeing and liking.

When I encounter threads - as I do on Macrumors also - it can be very intimidating to type something out that might contradict some of the more assured viewpoints , I will often type out a response, think.. "do I care that much about sending or not" , make a judgetment call and often times delete my response. It's just not worth the vitriole, or being made feel small for 'being right'.

My grandmother helped raise me as a kid ... she used to say to me 'do you want to be happy or do you want to be right... the two aren't always the same thing'. As I've gotten older, I find myself leaning into that saying a little more :)

My 0.02.


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I'm probably going to regret this:

But I posted there for the first time in forever, because well like you said, sometimes you see something and you just can't help psychologically but write a correction for it. I mean I'm trying to ignore the rest of the thread because yikes. But that small point I thought I could address. I saw @throAU there too.


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I'm probably going to regret this:

But I posted there for the first time in forever, because well like you said, sometimes you see something and you just can't help psychologically but write a correction for it. I mean I'm trying to ignore the rest of the thread because yikes. But that small point I thought I could address. I saw @throAU there too.

Are we going to need an intervention?


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I mean such incredibly detailed analysis that so completely misses the point, while simultaneously accusing others of a lack of reading comprehension. She seriously thinks that the average Mac buyer is going to spend $2000+ every 3 years on a device for Apple Silicon (and junk it rather than resell it) or rather that the kind of person with that level of disposable income is going to do so now, but didn't in the good old days. And her sole piece of evidence for this is Apple's environmental report where they assume a 4 year period of use for a Mac. Weirdly she doesn't seem to realize it says that for the very devices she's touting (the early unibody Intel macs) and in the same report for the new AS Macs they even clarify that the 3-4 year upgrade cycle is for the first user. And her presumption is people just junk working computers because AppleCare ended. Despite that you can add years to AppleCare.

Oh, I see a wild @theorist9 has made his appearance in the thread too. :)
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I mean such incredibly detailed analysis that so completely misses the point, while simultaneously accusing others of a lack of reading comprehension. He seriously thinks that the average Mac buyer is going to spend $2000+ every 4 years on a device for Apple Silicon (and junk it rather than resell it) or rather that the kind of person with that level of disposable income is going to do so now, but didn't in the good old days. And his sole piece of evidence for this is Apple's environmental report where they assume a 4 year period of use for a Mac. Weirdly he doesn't seem to realize it says that for the very devices he's touting (the early unibody Intel macs) and in the same report for the new AS Macs they even clarify that the 3-4 year upgrade cycle is for the first user. And his presumption is people just junk working computers because AppleCare ended. Despite that you can add years to AppleCare.

Oh, I see a wild @theorist9 has made his appearance in the thread too. :)
Well fuck. I'm really going to regret this:

And I was doing so well for so long. That's another problem: outrage causes stress yes, but it is also addictive.
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Site Champ
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Well fuck. I'm really going to regret this:

And I was doing so well for so long. That's another problem: outrage causes stress yes, but it is also addictive.
Thoughts and prayers.


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Well fuck. I'm really going to regret this:

And I was doing so well for so long. That's another problem: outrage causes stress yes, but it is also addictive.

The reply to your reply hurts my head.


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The reply to your reply hurts my head.
I'm out. Hopefully I got it out of my system and am going to try to restrain the urge to go back to check for further replies.



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I'm out. Hopefully I got it out of my system and am going to try to restrain the urge to go back to check for further replies.

Kudos for trying. I admire people who can engage with this level of foolishness and stay calm. I am not one of them so I’ve had to remove myself from places like that.


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Wow, and I still have a mac from 2015 working (Sister in law is using it) and another from early 2018 as my backup. I think that goes beyond the 4 year replacement scenario.


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Beaverton, OR
I very rarely get sucked in over there. When I do, I appreciate the fact that I'm logged out. Anytime I'm even tempted to reply, I realize I can't because I've not logged in. Obvious it would be easy to simply log in, but up till now, that's more than enough to remind me to just shut up and move on. And usually reading through a thread is more than enough to chase me back out of there for a few months.

I'd gladly participate if it was a place where people came with open minds. I've learned tons from open, honest conversations where people aren't afraid to have their beliefs challenged. But there's too much noise (putting it nicely) there these days. I don't handle stupid people well. I love the stupid characters on TV shows. But in real life, I have better things to do than waste words they don't care about.
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I will often type out a response, think.. "do I care that much about sending or not" , make a judgetment call and often times delete my response.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that.

And her presumption is people just junk working computers because AppleCare ended. Despite that you can add years to AppleCare.

So, I admit that I tend to stay rather current on machines. My cycle was around every 3 years or so either my desktop or laptop would get replaced, depending on which needed the boost more. But I've always sold the hardware on or used it to help upgrade someone in my extended family. Hell, the iMac G5 that I bought once I got a job outside of college went to my father who still uses it. Being able to upgrade the storage/RAM hasn't really been a factor in why that machine is still kicking.

But I also know I'm an outlier of sorts because my career somewhat depends on keeping up with the tech treadmill.
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