General Monkeypox


Mama's lil stinker
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This thing is going around, at first they said you need a lot of exposure around an infected person to catch it but now the news is saying 6 people on a flight together got it. :oops:


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I have been wondering about this disease. Does it have a high mortality, or long term health complications? I know I could google it, but I just don't want to take the chance of going down the q rabbit hole.


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Gotta admit Monkeypox is such an adorably cute word.
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I have been wondering about this disease. Does it have a high mortality, or long term health complications? I know I could google it, but I just don't want to take the chance of going down the q rabbit hole.

It’s historically been a pretty rare disease, mostly occurring in humans in Africa, so there are some big gaps in data. The case fatality rate is said to be between 3-6%, however this probably does not consider first world healthcare due to where these cases typically occur. Risk of transmission historically has been through contact with bodily fluids with an R0 (number of people infected by a single infected person) is again not well hashed out but believe to be in the low 1.x number, which is low. What is a bit concerning is that the virus now seems to possibly be transferred via airborne droplets and it’s not yet understood why that’s the case.

The smallpox vaccine is about 85% in preventing monkeypox due to their similarity. Some of these vaccines are rather invasive compared to what we normally think of vaccines- like requiring 15 stabs with a tiny 2-prong fork-like device (rather than a needle), that results in the formation of a pustule- not ideal.

Treatment recommendations include a couple antiviral options and antibody infusion using smallpox antibodies. Viruses are not usually that easy to treat with drugs, with some exceptions.

For the moment there seems to be a disproportionate number of MSM (men who have sex with men) afflicted with monkeypox. That said anyone with close contact to an infected individual is at risk. The risk is not very high at the moment with only a handful of cases around the world, but there is a risk it could mutate into something much more problematic.


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For the moment there seems to be a disproportionate number of MSM (men who have sex with men) afflicted with monkeypox. That said anyone with close contact to an infected individual is at risk.
Too many don't want to talk about the possible link to circuit parties. They think gay men/MSM will be stigmatized. I say fuck emotions and get a handle on this before it mutates and really goes into scary territory.


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Too many don't want to talk about the possible link to circuit parties. They think gay men/MSM will be stigmatized. I say fuck emotions and get a handle on this before it mutates and really goes into scary territory.

This is one of those examples of where trying to protect people’s feelings and prevent stigma could also harmful. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d be willing to bet that males having sex with males (MSM) are not aware monkeypox is disproportionately affecting their community. That said, the number of cases globally are very very small. But it’s a good reminder for MSM especially to take proper precautions.

The unfortunate reality for homosexual and bisexual males is that receptive sex is inherently an extremely effective route for transmitting certain diseases. Here’s the risk per exposure for HIV:
Receptive MSM - 1/72
Insertive MSM - 1/900
MSW - 1/2500
WSM - 1/1250
Needle Stick - 1/435
Blood Transfusion - 9/10
Bites, spitting - ~0

We don’t know what the risk values for specific modes of transmission (ie sex, airborne transmission, skin contact, etc). But what we do know suggests MSM seems to have a greater risk.

The recent outbreak (1/1 to 6/15/2022) is known to have affected around 2100 people in 42 countries- so 2100 among billions. But it is a bit concerning however is that 98% of cases have occurred since May.

It should be obvious as I think everyone here is A. Intelligent and B. Not bigoted but I’ll say it anyways. Given the extreme rarity of the disease, the fact it has a very high survival rate and that we have some (limited) treatment options on the shelf, people should stigmatizing the gay community over monkeypox. Not that I would think anyone would do that anyways.


Mama's lil stinker
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Worthy of its own meme...

Greenshot 2022-07-21 11.10.44.png


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It’s as if nobody learned anything from the AIDS epidemic decades ago. Even doctors are acting dumb as doornails by making sure to say “men having sex with men“ pretty much EVERY time they mention the disease.
Forget the AIDS epidemic. We're still enmeshed in the COVID-19 Pandemic. And doctors are being shitty humans. Denying testing to make sure it's not monkeypox. Telling women and straight men that they shouldn't get tested since they're not gay men/men having sex with men.

Couple weeks ago some gay men and others predicted that children will get monkeypox and the disease will spread exponentially. And that gay men will be targeted. In that respect, it's just like he AIDS epidemic decades ago. I'm afraid that it's too late to prevent widespread infections with monkeypox. And despite weeks, months of alarm, there will be huge numbers of infections in the coming weeks. Just as COVID numbers are growing... again.


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A bit off topic but I’ve been rewatching Stargate SG-1, and in Season 3 it’s casually mentioned that the show takes place in one of the few timelines where they aren’t just curb stomped by the bad guys, suggesting they are in the ideal timeline.

So how’d we wind up in the timeline where we as a society are Sideshow Bob stepping on every rake we can?


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First time monkeypox appeared on TV news here (Spain), they narrated the entire news section while showing images of monkeypox lesions intercalated with images of last year's gay pride 🙃


Mama's lil stinker
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Well, as long as the violence is only against Dave Chappelle, I don't see a problem with it. :)
News has made it sound that way even though there's a much bigger picture, but yeah homophobic comedians will have a field day with it.


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Once again I find myself wondering WTF the CDC and FDA are doing.

First, the government failed to take the lead on the messaging properly. First they refused to admit MSM were at highest risk despite 95% of cases being in this cohort and providing no guidance for the MSM community. Now there is the stigma that that this is a “gay disease”. This is very easy: “ANYONE who comes into contact with lesions is at risk, but MSM appear to have the highest risk. MSM should consider limiting sexual partners for the near future” or something along those lines.

In related news the US Government ordered a massive amount of bulk stocks already *forgot* to ask for the vaccines to be individually packaged for individual distribution. At this point the manufacturer does not have the ability to bottle the vaccines, delaying the delivery by months. Pharmaceutical packaging is a very specialized industry.

Additionally HHS miscalculated the demand for vaccines, selling a stockpile of 215,000 doses to Europe because they assumed it was not needed.

There were also 1m doses of vaccine sitting in Denmark that the FDA would not accept because they were not able to inspect the factory and would not accept European inspectors approval of the factory.

Now the highest risk community in the US only has about 30% of the vaccine. More doses are not expected until October. Doses are being rationed to only provide 1 dose instead of 2.

The incompetence here is alarming. Swine Flu, COVID, Baby Formula. Now Monkey Pox. Seriously?

Something needs to change here. The American people, especially the MSM community in this case, should not accept this level of failure.


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Once again I find myself wondering WTF the CDC and FDA are doing.

The incompetence here is alarming. Swine Flu, COVID, Baby Formula. Now Monkey Pox. Seriously?

Something needs to change here. The American people, especially the MSM community in this case, should not accept this level of failure.

I think you've just found your calling:

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