Prosecute Donald Trump to the full extent of the law


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The Misty Mountains
Now is the window of not just opportunity, but necessity, Donald Trump must be subjected to an avalanche of prosecution to keep him from poisoning the political waters in 2024. From 2019 an outstanding article:

Prosecute Donald Trump To The Full Extent Of The Law​

There is a reason that “Equal Justice Under Law” is carved into the physical architecture of the Supreme Court above its primary west entrance. Far, far too often, America has not been a society where we are all actually subject to law equally. And yet the notion that politicians and billionaires are supposed to be the same under the law as the poor and the oppressed is a powerful principle. This aspiration is necessary for the development of a sense of community and has served as a powerful impetus for America becoming generally less unfair over time.
When the idea of equality under the law is breached serially and nearly irrevocably, that sense of commonality fractures. We won’t be able to address our many challenges ― for instance, a Green New Deal ― as an actually *united* United States unless we can create a sense that the rule of law applies to all equally.

Refarding Obama:
In 2009, then president-elect Obama expressed “a belief that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards” in previewing his administration’s free pass to George W. Bush alumni. That view was at odds with a commitment to justice, since, by its very nature, justice is always retrospective ― crimes are committed, criminals are charged, juries or judges weigh the evidence and proceed to punish (or not) accordingly.
The view was also a political calamity ― Obama’s governance strategy of burying the broadly accepted failures of the Bush presidency created a path for Bush’s enablers in Congress to secure historic victories in the 2010 midterms. And the Obama administration’s failure to prosecute bankers and other elites responsible for economic cataclysm added fuel to the fire of resentment that led so many Americans to the tea party, and ultimately, Trumpism.
Democrats and their candidates should resolve now to end the cycle of injustice that allows the powerful to shield themselves from the consequences of their actions. It should be a litmus test for any aspiring Trump opponent to commit to governing under the principle of “equal justice for all” and to empowering prosecutors to go where the evidence takes them.
The end of Trumpism will not be when Trump is defeated at the polls or even when he is impeached. It will be when America comes together as a nation and acts to ensure that elites like Trump who transgress against our shared laws suffer consequences proportionate to their actions.


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I can understand Obama’s reasoning. He wanted to create a bipartisan governing coalition. I don’t think he expected Republicans in Congress (and millions of Americans) to go full-on racist and block everything associated with America’s first black president. But that’s what they did. Mitch dumped the Republican platform for “block everything the black guy in the White House does” instead. The end result? Donald J. Trump as president, promising to kick all the Muslims and Mexicans out of America. Appalling.

In South Africa, Nelson Mandela didn’t prosecute the folks that perpetuated Apartheid for generations. He felt it was better to heal and move on. Other countries with civil wars in their past followed a similar path.

However, I think it would be unwise to give Trump and his minions a pass. They are perhaps the most corrupt administration in America’s history, and not really part of the traditional Republican Party. Locking up members of his criminal organization will actually benefit the Republicans as well. They had a chance to convict him, and missed it. If they want to be inextricably linked to Trump, it says a lot about them, and bodes poorly for their future as a party for all Americans.


Now is the window of not just opportunity, but necessity, Donald Trump must be subjected to an avalanche of prosecution to keep him from poisoning the political waters in 2024. From 2019 an outstanding article:

Prosecute Donald Trump To The Full Extent Of The Law​

There is a reason that “Equal Justice Under Law” is carved into the physical architecture of the Supreme Court above its primary west entrance. Far, far too often, America has not been a society where we are all actually subject to law equally. And yet the notion that politicians and billionaires are supposed to be the same under the law as the poor and the oppressed is a powerful principle. This aspiration is necessary for the development of a sense of community and has served as a powerful impetus for America becoming generally less unfair over time.
When the idea of equality under the law is breached serially and nearly irrevocably, that sense of commonality fractures. We won’t be able to address our many challenges ― for instance, a Green New Deal ― as an actually *united* United States unless we can create a sense that the rule of law applies to all equally.

Refarding Obama:
In 2009, then president-elect Obama expressed “a belief that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards” in previewing his administration’s free pass to George W. Bush alumni. That view was at odds with a commitment to justice, since, by its very nature, justice is always retrospective ― crimes are committed, criminals are charged, juries or judges weigh the evidence and proceed to punish (or not) accordingly.
The view was also a political calamity ― Obama’s governance strategy of burying the broadly accepted failures of the Bush presidency created a path for Bush’s enablers in Congress to secure historic victories in the 2010 midterms. And the Obama administration’s failure to prosecute bankers and other elites responsible for economic cataclysm added fuel to the fire of resentment that led so many Americans to the tea party, and ultimately, Trumpism.
Democrats and their candidates should resolve now to end the cycle of injustice that allows the powerful to shield themselves from the consequences of their actions. It should be a litmus test for any aspiring Trump opponent to commit to governing under the principle of “equal justice for all” and to empowering prosecutors to go where the evidence takes them.
The end of Trumpism will not be when Trump is defeated at the polls or even when he is impeached. It will be when America comes together as a nation and acts to ensure that elites like Trump who transgress against our shared laws suffer consequences proportionate to their actions.
If Trump isn't held criminally accountable we'll see a huge influx of high profile "white collar" criminals into high-level politics.


Can they fit anymore in there? It’s like a clown car full of them already.
Sure they would if they are Ever Given a chance.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Because the similarities keep coming fast and hard....apparently Hitler was an epic number fudging tax evader. He was doing it before he took complete control but once he did have control he just made it law that he personally doesn't pay taxes. At face value that's relatively minor, but I think it says a lot when you're advertising yourself as the most patriotic savior of a country but then go out of your way to try to prevent any of your outsized wealth go towards paying for that country.


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
Because the similarities keep coming fast and hard....apparently Hitler was an epic number fudging tax evader. He was doing it before he took complete control but once he did have control he just made it law that he personally doesn't pay taxes. At face value that's relatively minor, but I think it says a lot when you're advertising yourself as the most patriotic savior of a country but then go out of your way to try to prevent any of your outsized wealth go towards paying for that country.
“That makes me smart”.

Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what your country can do for me.


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The Misty Mountains
Because the similarities keep coming fast and hard....apparently Hitler was an epic number fudging tax evader. He was doing it before he took complete control but once he did have control he just made it law that he personally doesn't pay taxes. At face value that's relatively minor, but I think it says a lot when you're advertising yourself as the most patriotic savior of a country but then go out of your way to try to prevent any of your outsized wealth go towards paying for that country.
Trump is or was a budding Hitler, a sociopath seeking his aweful potential. If the military had not told him to stuff it, we would have seen martial law and a possible military backed coup.


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I think this is the only answer. Not just for Trump, but for anyone who is blatant in their disregard. Sidney Powell and Rudy are good examples of this. Make lawyers think twice before filing bogus lawsuits. Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn and Roger Stone would be good examples of this had the head crook not given them all a free pass.

But to the larger point, Trump needs to be prosecuted. If you let him go, you piss off most Americans who see through his BS and scams. If you prosecute him, you piss off all his MAGAts. But by prosecuting him and pissing people off, you make it clear that nobody is above the law, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re loved or hated by people or by how many - break the law and you will be prosecuted.

The January 6 case is a good example. This past Saturday had a weak turnout. The cultists were scared they’d be arrested. That’s a great thing. Their own paranoia and lies are getting to them. They will self-destruct eventually, but it’s about them not damaging democracy in the meantime, and they’re already doing a bang-up job of that.


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Just saw that the Biden White House won’t help protect Trump, and will release evidence to the January 6 committee. GREAT.
The part that sucks about Trump isn’t that he’s a lawless sleaze, but that people support and cheer on his behavior. How on earth can we hold anyone in the future accountable when they can just play tapes of Trump the last four years? If he broke the law, prosecute his ass.


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Just saw that the Biden White House won’t help protect Trump, and will release evidence to the January 6 committee. GREAT.
The part that sucks about Trump isn’t that he’s a lawless sleaze, but that people support and cheer on his behavior. How on earth can we hold anyone in the future accountable when they can just play tapes of Trump the last four years? If he broke the law, prosecute his ass.
I did read that Trump could take the Biden administration to court to protect the information. However, the legal experts quoted in the article said he would have almost no chance of success, especially since using “executive privilege” to cover up wrongdoing is not protected.


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I did read that Trump could take the Biden administration to court to protect the information. However, the legal experts quoted in the article said he would have almost no chance of success, especially since using “executive privilege” to cover up wrongdoing is not protected.

Plus, they can play tapes of Trump bragging about his “absolute” authority as president. Elections have consequences, and you can bet your money I voted for Biden not just to get rid of Trump, but to uncover the dirt on Donald. Look at how much horrible stuff he’s done without shame or consequence in public, bragging about it sometimes (like asking if it’s even necessary to pay taxes on large gifts and perks). So I’d imagine there’s a trove of stuff as bad or worse that we don’t yet know about. Heck, probably just on the events of January 6 alone. Really, they should form a committee investigating Trump’s entire term.

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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen

The team was formed on Jan. 11, 2017, because (ShitGibbon) believed “veterans were treated badly.” … the team consisted of Marvel executive Isaac Perlmutter, Washington, D.C.-based lawyer Marc Sherman, and Dr. Bruce Moskowitz, a West Palm Beach, Florida, physician. According to ProPublica, as the trio began advising the VA on budgeting and contracting issues, they pitched the idea of selling veterans’ medical data. According to the outlet, more than 9 million veterans get medical care from the department at more than 1,000 facilities nationwide.

Is there any place we can look in that fiasco of an administration without gagging?


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The team was formed on Jan. 11, 2017, because (ShitGibbon) believed “veterans were treated badly.” … the team consisted of Marvel executive Isaac Perlmutter, Washington, D.C.-based lawyer Marc Sherman, and Dr. Bruce Moskowitz, a West Palm Beach, Florida, physician. According to ProPublica, as the trio began advising the VA on budgeting and contracting issues, they pitched the idea of selling veterans’ medical data. According to the outlet, more than 9 million veterans get medical care from the department at more than 1,000 facilities nationwide.

Is there any place we can look in that fiasco of an administration without gagging?
Only the finest people:

Must have been pretty bad if the sexual harassment was too much for the Trump crew…

And just to prove that Trump only hires the finest people, here’s Lewandowski’s replacement:

Pam Bondi, a former Florida attorney general and staunch Trump supporter, is to take Lewandowski’s place in steering the super PAC.
Read more about her here:

Post in thread 'Police Brutality'


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Read more about her here:

Post in thread 'Police Brutality'

You know, it's funny. After reading about her, I wondered if she might look like an Ivanka clone. I was not disappointed.


Only the finest people:

Must have been pretty bad if the sexual harassment was too much for the Trump crew…

I suspect it's more a case that the rules applied to Trump don't necessarily apply to those around him.
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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
You know, it's funny. After reading about her, I wondered if she might look like an Ivanka clone. I was not disappointed.

The second thing I saw when I opened that link was that she had been endorsed by Junior, the stupidest DJT in America (which, for him, is quite the accomplishment, given the stiff competition in that field).


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
The second thing I saw when I opened that link was that she had been endorsed by Junior, the stupidest DJT in America (which, for him, is quite the accomplishment, given the stiff competition in that field).
Is he dumber? Boy, I don't know, 45 is really stupid. Wow, I'm gonna need to give this serious thought. I mean, who's dumber, fuck, I've got a headache already.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Is he dumber? Boy, I don't know, 45 is really stupid.
Put it this way: Junior seemed to be of the opinion that CFEFWSG should be President. I mean, yes, there were a few people nominally less stupid than CFEFWSG who supported him, but that can be accounted for with venality or nihilism. Junior had an inside view and yet he still thought CFEFWSG was a good idea. That is some serious Kelly Conway level stupid.


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The Misty Mountains
News flash-Jan6 defendants ask SCOTUS to overturn their convictions because they were not trying to obstruct proceedings at the Capitol by storming it. 🙄 This could effect Trump’s prosecution. I guess we’ll find out just how Broken Bad the high court has become.

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