Senator Menendez Indicted (Again)


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Time to go. He was charged and not convicted just a few years ago, WTF? And we’re trying to fight corruption… Reisgn.

Gold bars, are you f******g kidding me?

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Agree. Although he deserves due process, like any other defendant, he should resign. And so should Clarence Thomas, who has some new allegations about participating in Koch donor events:



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Whoa... you'd think that after squeaking by on a hung jury in his previous trial, he'd take the hint, thank his lucky stars, and stop what he was doing. Especially knowing he'd probably remain under scrutiny by law enforcement going forward.


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Beaverton, OR
Not to bring up old arguments, but I've seen it suggested a lot of times that if it were someone on "our side", wouldn't be as quick to criticize. I'm happy to see we are.

A corrupt politician is a corrupt politician and has no business representing any American. Party isn't part of the equation. And since this is his second time in recent years for the same crime, he should have the book thrown at him.


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Not to bring up old arguments, but I've seen it suggested a lot of times that if it were someone on "our side", wouldn't be as quick to criticize. I'm happy to see we are.

A corrupt politician is a corrupt politician and has no business representing any American. Party isn't part of the equation. And since this is his second time in recent years for the same crime, he should have the book thrown at him.

I was thinking the same thing. Glad to see Menendez being swiftly called out.


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He’s innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, I’ve seen enough and he’s guilty as charged. Barring a huge revelation, which we’d have already seen by now because he knew he was under investigation, there’s nothing to defend this behavior even if he’s acquitted. Especially given the fact he’s already been charged previously and squeaked by previous charges.

Lucky for him, the Trumpers are onto their usual theories - Menendez is a democrat scapegoat to take heat off crime lord Joe Biden. 🙄


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Is that for real? If so jeeeeez...

One need only read the comments on a number of conservative news sites to see how the mind of your typical MAGA Republican works. “He’s being charged to take heat off of Biden. He’s being charged so people think the Trump witch hunts aren’t biased”.

To be honest, they’re so predictable, I usually go to those comment sections to reaffirm what I already know the sheep are thinking. 😁


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Beaverton, OR
To be honest, they’re so predictable, I usually go to those comment sections to reaffirm what I already know the sheep are thinking. 😁

I enjoying reading their comments too. Sometimes it's like watching a waterfall go backwards. You just can't help but stare at it with your jaw hanging open in shock.

My favorite thing, especially on OAN, is to see how long it takes to drag Biden into the conversation. It really doesn't matter what the story is. If it's a big enough story for a decent amount of replies, someone will connect the two. Even when that sub imploded a few months back, someone managed to drag the president into the conversation. They're obsessed with it being Biden's fault. Doesn't really matter what "it" is, it's Biden's fault.

The scapegoat theory doesn't even phase me. If you take all the crazy stuff they say on its own, that comment would be at the saner end of the scale.


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I wonder what the GOP response will be as this is the Siuthern District of New York… 🤔

They better keep their do-nothing, inability to govern, hypocritical mouths shut as long as they have George Anthony Kitara Ravache Devolder Santos running in the ranks. I think Menendez will be forced out rather soon, and unless a revelation of sorts comes to light for Menendez (it won’t), I’m going to be pissed if democrats don’t start publicly demanding it.


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So far I don’t know of any Senate Democrats who have called for his resignation and Schumer’s off the cuff remarks were … not good. State and House Democrats have been better.


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So far I don’t know of any Senate Democrats who have called for his resignation and Schumer’s off the cuff remarks were … not good. State and House Democrats have been better.

I heard Chris Murphy speak on this and he gave the appropriate answer - it’s bad but I need to talk with my colleagues first. And I think the caucus is just waiting for next week to decide together, and the answer is obvious; they should be calling on him to resign yesterday. The impropriety alone is bad enough; there may be a legal defense (we all know there isn’t), but there is zero political defense. This would have been a salacious scandal in 1920’s Chicago, much less in the era of Trump. A guy hiding cash in his pocket emblazoned with his government seal, stashing kilos of gold bars and googling their prices, and divulging America’s secrets while abusing his committee position.

I don’t know if the dems are in office tomorrow or Tuesday, but I will be disappointed if I don’t hear the entire caucus in both chambers call for him to leave. But I expect them to.

And yeah, Schumer better backtrack quickly and use the excuse “I just needed to discuss it with my caucus and didn’t express myself well.” He sounded waaaay too much like a typical Republican defending Trump for my comfort.

*Eric Swalwell just called on Menendez to resign live on Jen Psaki’s show.
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I heard Chris Murphy speak on this and he gave the appropriate answer - it’s bad but I need to talk with my colleagues first. And I think the caucus is just waiting for next week to decide together, and the answer is obvious; they should be calling on him to resign yesterday. The impropriety alone is bad enough; there may be a legal defense (we all know there isn’t), but there is zero political defense. This would have been a salacious scandal in 1920’s Chicago, much less in the era of Trump. A guy hiding cash in his pocket emblazoned with his government seal, stashing kilos of gold bars and googling their prices, and divulging America’s secrets while abusing his committee position.

I don’t know if the dems are in office tomorrow or Tuesday, but I will be disappointed if I don’t hear the entire caucus in both chambers call for him to leave. But I expect them to.

And yeah, Schumer better backtrack quickly and use the excuse “I just needed to discuss it with my caucus and didn’t express myself well.” He sounded waaaay too much like a typical Republican defending Trump for my comfort.

*Eric Swalwell just called on Menendez to resign live on Jen Psaki’s show.
The Senate should expel him if he doesn't resign - it takes a two-thirds vote, and I'm sure many Republicans would go along. While they're at it, maybe they can get rid of Cruz too.


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George Santos has come out in support for Bob Menendez … not who I’d want supporting me … personally
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