Senator Menendez Indicted (Again)


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Not accusing anyone here, but as a logical adult, you have to view anyone supporting Trump, and/or the GOP as the anti-Democracy, anti-Constitutional, enablers/cheerleaders for the modern US fascism movement, even if they are too stupid or self serving to realize it, because all they can imagine is that they’ll come out ahead or get something they want, an advantage over other citizens they don’t like, or even the ability to shove their straight jacket religious views down everyone else’s throats. 🔥🔥

They're going to end up preaching themselves into a North Korea-like dictatorship, where everyone has to have a Trump decal on their car and a putrid image of him on their wall. But in a sign of progress, it is the males who will be forced to cover their heads with an ill-fitting, cheaply-made MAGA hat when in public.


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Not accusing anyone here, but as a logical adult, you have to view anyone supporting Trump, and/or the GOP as the anti-Democracy, anti-Constitutional, enablers/cheerleaders for the modern US fascism movement, even if they are too stupid or self serving to realize it, because all they can imagine is that they’ll come out ahead or get something they want, an advantage over other citizens they don’t like, or even the ability to shove their straight jacket religious views down everyone else’s throats. 🔥🔥
I think most of Trump's base, especially the people who show up at his rallies, have no inclination to question anything he tells them, no matter how mendacious or outrageous, especially since they repeatedly hear much the same from Fox News and other right-wing outlets. That elected Republican officials also support Trump just reinforces their view that his pronouncements should be accepted as is, especially since they also like the "strength" he appears to demonstrate. Are these folks stupid or brainwashed? Maybe it's a combination of both, though I suspect many of them are at least intelligent enough to apply some thought to other things in their daily life like mortgage offers or business dealings.


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He will not be running for re-election as a democrat. He may or may not run as an independent. But run he will, as he needs to grift as much as possible before his trial starts.



Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
He will not be running for re-election as a democrat. He may or may not run as an independent. But run he will, as he needs to grift as much as possible before his trial starts.

Yep, we don't want that shit in our party, let him run under MAGA where they seem to love it.
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