The Democrat agenda 2022 and going forward

Chew Toy McCoy

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CNN just posted the results of the most useless poll question ever. "Are you happy with the direction of the country?" Unsurprisingly a vast majority aren't. What makes it useless is both sides could give valid reasons why they aren't happy with the direction of the country that could be blamed on Republicans or Democrats depending on who you ask and on specific actions or platforms. The Democrats having control is only a perception. I don't think anybody would deny that Republicans are the ones getting big things done. So which are you mad about?


Resident Redneck
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Is there anyone in the WH in charge of what advisers say?

Yesterday in an interview with CNN, WH Economic Adviser Brian Deese said this in relation to gas prices:

"Well, what you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes," Deese said. "This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm.

If this isn't played in GOP campaign ads all over the country, then some campaign managers need fired. There have been several posts here wondering if the Dems want to win or are actually trying to lose, well this one certainly cements that idea.


Chew Toy McCoy

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Is there anyone in the WH in charge of what advisers say?

Yesterday in an interview with CNN, WH Economic Adviser Brian Deese said this in relation to gas prices:

If this isn't played in GOP campaign ads all over the country, then some campaign managers need fired. There have been several posts here wondering if the Dems want to win or are actually trying to lose, well this one certainly cements that idea.

I think "liberal" means different things to different people.


What the F?!!!
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Is there anyone in the WH in charge of what advisers say?

Yesterday in an interview with CNN, WH Economic Adviser Brian Deese said this in relation to gas prices:

If this isn't played in GOP campaign ads all over the country, then some campaign managers need fired. There have been several posts here wondering if the Dems want to win or are actually trying to lose, well this one certainly cements that idea.

Think that through.

That's literally what it's actually called. It falls into the hands of a group that has made liberal a bad word, like socialism, without being the slightest bit concerned about context or truth.

After World War II—the deadliest conflict in human history—countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence.

World leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy. The United States has championed this system—known as the liberal world order—for the past seventy-five years. During this time, the world has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.

Should another name had been used? Because then the crying would be about how the person lied about the group. "Why did he lie? Is it because they are afraid of the name Liberal World Order?" Well, ...for some yeah. For good reason. For some something that has been around longer than the created buzzwords & sentiments would turn it into something it isn't.

Which let's be honest.

Is par the course with the GOP these days.


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Think that through.

That's literally what it's actually called. It falls into the hands of a group that has made liberal a bad word, like socialism, without being the slightest bit concerned about context or truth.

Should another name had been used? Because then the crying would be about how the person lied about the group. "Why did he lie? Is it because they are afraid of the name Liberal World Order?" Well, ...for some yeah. For good reason. For some something that has been around longer than the created buzzwords & sentiments would turn it into something it isn't.

Which let's be honest.

Is par the course with the GOP these days.
Without Fox, how would all the conservatives know what to get mad about?

Oh yeah I forgot… Facebook.


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Well it was Newsweek..., so ???????

Or is Newsweek bad now? Can't keep up.
Yeah that link might be from Newsweek but I loaded the Fox News website and that story is right at the top.

I’m not saying what is bad or good. Just sayin, did you hear about the story from Fox or from Facebook?

Because I ain’t buying the idea that anybody is a regular reader of the Newsweek website. It’s a surprise that that they’re even still in business.


Resident Redneck
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Yeah that link might be from Newsweek but I loaded the Fox News website and that story is right at the top.

I’m not saying what is bad or good. Just sayin, did you hear about the story from Fox or from Facebook?

Because I ain’t buying the idea that anybody is a regular reader of the Newsweek website. It’s a surprise that that they’re even still in business.

Yes, I first saw it on Fox. But before I post anything like that, I Google it to see if any mainstream news orgs have the same story. If not, I don't post it.

But since Newsweek had it, I went ahead. Wonder why CNN who did the interview, didn't highlight it. I mean why should I learn about CNN interviews from Fox?

None of it changes the fact that he made those comments.

As for Newsweek, yes it is sad what they have become. They were really my first exposure to news. My boarding school got several hundred copies each week (same with Time) and I read it every week cover to cover.


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Yes, I first saw it on Fox. But before I post anything like that, I Google it to see if any mainstream news orgs have the same story. If not, I don't post it.

But since Newsweek had it, I went ahead. Wonder why CNN who did the interview, didn't highlight it. I mean why should I learn about CNN interviews from Fox?

None of it changes the fact that he made those comments.

As for Newsweek, yes it is sad what they have become. They were really my first exposure to news. My boarding school got several hundred copies each week (same with Time) and I read it every week cover to cover.
Thus proving the point: Fox made this nothing burger into something their viewers are upset about.

Do you have @JayMysteri0 on ignore? Read his post about what the official said.

The point is that Fox-world is angry because the word “liberal” was uttered, regardless of its actual meaning in context. It would be like somebody from the NRA saying ”we need more liberal policies on gun control” (meaning less restrictions) and everybody on Fox calling them a liberal.

There is nothing controversial about the comments. Instead, it’s a (deliberate?) misunderstanding by Fox of the terminology used. And the Fox News viewers lap it up.

Agreed on Newsweek. Today they just re-post news stories from elsewhere, selecting based on trying to get the most clicks and no other criteria apparently.


Resident Redneck
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Thus proving the point: Fox made this nothing burger into something their viewers are upset about.

Do you have @JayMysteri0 on ignore? Read his post about what the official said.

The point is that Fox-world is angry because the word “liberal” was uttered, regardless of its actual meaning in context. It would be like somebody from the NRA saying ”we need more liberal policies on gun control” (meaning less restrictions) and everybody on Fox calling them a liberal.

There is nothing controversial about the comments. Instead, it’s a (deliberate?) misunderstanding of the terminology used. And the Fox News viewers lap it up.

Agreed on Newsweek. Today they just re-post news stories from elsewhere, selecting based on trying to get the most clicks and no other criteria apparently.

First, I have no one on ignore. Not even @Hrafn who :mad: almost every post I make. Not my style.

I perused what @JayMysteri0 posted, but here is the thing. It doesn't matter what Fox news says about it. They are simply preaching to the choir.

But think about when that clip is used in political ads. There isn't going to be a @JayMysteri0 there to set the record straight. Just a 5 second soundbite left to stand on its own.


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First, I have no one on ignore. Not even @Hrafn who :mad: almost every post I make. Not my style.

I perused what @JayMysteri0 posted, but here is the thing. It doesn't matter what Fox news says about it. They are simply preaching to the choir.

But think about when that clip is used in political ads. There isn't going to be a @JayMysteri0 there to set the record straight. Just a 5 second soundbite left to stand on its own.

It’s another “tempest in a teapot” that will be forgotten. I remember the right spamming everybody constantly with “you didn’t build that” and then Obama won a 2nd term anyway.

But if you want to drink from the hose of manufactured rage put out by Fox, be my guest.


Snowflake from Hell
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First, I have no one on ignore. Not even @Hrafn who :mad: almost every post I make. Not my style.

I perused what @JayMysteri0 posted, but here is the thing. It doesn't matter what Fox news says about it. They are simply preaching to the choir.

But think about when that clip is used in political ads. There isn't going to be a @JayMysteri0 there to set the record straight. Just a 5 second soundbite left to stand on its own.
I promise if you cut your "pwn the libs" posting by 50%, you'll get 50% fewer angry's from me.


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Gavin Newsom, going after DeSantis in Florida. On Fox News. Clever. Nice that he's getting an early start going beyond being reelected for Governor in California.


Chew Toy McCoy

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I have a lot of problems with the state of things in CA but I think Newsom is a fighter that Democrats desperately need with the right rhetoric. At this time I think he would be a hard sell nationally due to the right laser focusing on all the issues in CA, but I think by 2028 if he cleans up CA a bit, calls out corruption including in CA, and continues to be a vocal and policy opponent of the extreme right he could be a good presidential candidate. At 54 he’s also a good age, not too young to be perceived as naive and not too old to be joining the ranks of the retirement home politicians a lot of people think need to retire, on both parties. I think the average age of Democrats in Congresses is actually higher than Republicans.


Resident Redneck
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I have a lot of problems with the state of things in CA but I think Newsom is a fighter that Democrats desperately need with the right rhetoric. At this time I think he would be a hard sell nationally due to the right laser focusing on all the issues in CA, but I think by 2028 if he cleans up CA a bit, calls out corruption including in CA, and continues to be a vocal and policy opponent of the extreme right he could be a good presidential candidate. At 54 he’s also a good age, not too young to be perceived as naive and not too old to be joining the ranks of the retirement home politicians a lot of people think need to retire, on both parties. I think the average age of Democrats in Congresses is actually higher than Republicans.

I can see the commercials of him at the French Laundry now................ ;)

Seriously, that rules for thee, but not for me will be made an issue. Maybe not by a candidate, but PAC's for sure.


Elite Member
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I have a lot of problems with the state of things in CA but I think Newsom is a fighter that Democrats desperately need with the right rhetoric. At this time I think he would be a hard sell nationally due to the right laser focusing on all the issues in CA, but I think by 2028 if he cleans up CA a bit, calls out corruption including in CA, and continues to be a vocal and policy opponent of the extreme right he could be a good presidential candidate. At 54 he’s also a good age, not too young to be perceived as naive and not too old to be joining the ranks of the retirement home politicians a lot of people think need to retire, on both parties. I think the average age of Democrats in Congresses is actually higher than Republicans.

I think he's gearing up for 2024 should Biden not run. That ad he ran on Fox was just a start, though I think he needs to project a bit more anger and not smile/laugh as he did at 0:18 in the vid.
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