The Trump Indictment Thread


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Well, I hate to sound Trump-ish, but you absolutely can lie on the stand if it cannot be proven you are lying. I suppose she absolutely could have committed a grave error by criminally lying about something that wasn’t a crime to admit to, but it’s also entirely possible no evidence exists to refute her claim because she’s telling the truth.

I do understand the arguments for removing her, my problem is that this is the game Trump likes to play, and at some point, we have to stop playing along. We are not going to find an infallible, independent, apolitical savior who gets the stamp of approval from everyone.

I have my doubts, but I’m not comfortable assuming she lied. That’s a crime, and I’m sure the Trump camp will be hard on proving if indeed she did. But if she told the truth, then all we have is a relationship that essentially meant nothing and means even less now.

Criticism against Willis is warranted, but it should be based on the evidence. The relationship should have never happened, or Wade should not have been on the team. She is paying for that mistake, and the case may too. That criticism is warranted. I’m not comfortable going a step further in assuming she perjured herself when the initial claims were never proven (embezzlement or self profiting of sorts), nor was Willis even removed from the case.
There is a ton of evidence that she lied. Phone records, phone location tracking records, eyewitness testimony, self-conflicting testimony by Wade and his attorney, etc. Not to mention that I imagine that the vast majority of people watching her testify, watching Wade testify, and watching Wade’s ex-lawyer testify would reach the conclusion they were lying, just from their body language, evasive answers, failure to make eye contact, etc.

And the thing she was lying about may have been a crime, too. There are reporting requirements and she lied on the forms. I don’t know Georgia law, but in at least some jurisdictions that’s a crime too. And lawyers are held to higher standards - you don’t need to commit a crime to get suspended from the practice of law, or disbarred.


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Well, they were extremely confident on the stand. That’s either because they were confident in their truth or arrogant in their lies. It was a huge, unnecessary risk to have lied, and stranger things happen than people taking unnecessary risks. But those accusations can be demonstrably proven. If they are, she’s toast. If not, then we’re back to where we started. There are many layers here, any of which can be used to prove her dishonesty. No such thing has been presented. Certainly not to the degree others in here have alleged, if at all.

The current theme seems to be “strong suspicion”, and I totally get it. I’m just not convinced that such suspicion can’t and won’t be manufactured regardless of who’s running things. “Strong suspicion” should have the same effect on Willis as the charges that were dropped have on Trump - none, until substantiated.


Mama's lil stinker
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But the point of the investigate, that is, beyond delay and misdirection, was that there was a conflict of interest. Of some sort. I am coming up short on sussing out how some schtupping on the side – the same side – presents a conflict of interest.
At the very least she is (was) his superior and that alone leaves a pretty bad impression.


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But, is, nonetheless, not a conflict of interest, as far as I can see.

Yeah, I'm not seeing that either. Let's say they were married (or brother and sister)... would that create a conflict of interest?

If so, why?


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I hope most of us would agree Willis and Wade exhibited horrible judgment in this matter and have weakened their case, if only by drawing attention from the real issue, which is about Trump and his supporters' actions around the 2020 election in Georgia. I'm equally disappointed the Merrick Garland, who I thought would make an excellent Attorney General, delayed so long in appointing Jack Smith. But these are the hands the country has been dealt.

There is no chance any of the criminal cases against Trump will be finalized before the election. But, to the extent that trial testimony might influence even some on-the-fence members of the electorate to not vote for him, or, better yet, to vote for Biden, I'd like to see trials begin as soon as possible. This applies to the Georgia case as well. Even though Trump wouldn't be able to quash a state proceeding in office, I'm sure he and his cronies would find a way to derail it.


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But the point of the investigate, that is, beyond delay and misdirection, was that there was a conflict of interest. Of some sort. I am coming up short on sussing out how some schtupping on the side – the same side – presents a conflict of interest.
The *theory* is what I mentioned above. A prosecutor is supposed to be willing to drop a bad case, settle it, etc. But if she is getting gifts from the special prosecutor she hired, those gifts go away when the case ends. So she is motivated to keep the case going.

That’s the theory. It’s a dumb theory, and it makes no sense legallly - by that logic, every special prosecutor has a motivation to keep a case going, lest he or she be out of a job.


Resident Redneck
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That’s the theory. It’s a dumb theory, and it makes no sense legallly - by that logic, every special prosecutor has a motivation to keep a case going, lest he or she be out of a job.

But she as the DA now has a financial interest in keeping the case going.


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Beaverton, OR
I hope most of us would agree Willis and Wade exhibited horrible judgment in this matter and have weakened their case...

Absolutely. It was a royal screwup and shows some pretty bad judgement.

But I also think we'd be in the same situation with anyone. They're trying to delay things and got lucky. Perhaps there's someone out there who could do this and is without sin. But good luck finding that person from the available pool of people who could take this on. No matter who is running things, they'll dig and dig and dig and look for any excuse to delay and derail.


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But she as the DA now has a financial interest in keeping the case going.
That‘s ridiculous. By that argument, special counsel should be illegal, because they only get paid while there is a case.

And, in this case, Wade got paid LESS when he was working as special counsel than he did in his own practice, so, if anything, she would benefit by ENDING the case.


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That‘s ridiculous. By that argument, special counsel should be illegal, because they only get paid while there is a case.

And, in this case, Wade got paid LESS when he was working as special counsel than he did in his own practice, so, if anything, she would benefit by ENDING the case.
By the way, by that logic, defense counsel should also be illegal - they don’t get paid when there is no case.


Resident Redneck
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That‘s ridiculous. By that argument, special counsel should be illegal, because they only get paid while there is a case.

And, in this case, Wade got paid LESS when he was working as special counsel than he did in his own practice, so, if anything, she would benefit by ENDING the case.

Is it? She as the DA is tasked with overseeing the Special Prosecutors used by her office including how many hours they bill and if they are appropriate. Being in a relationship with Wade undermines her ability to effectively supervise him.

I am surprised the state auditor's office hasn't gotten involved.


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Is it? She as the DA is tasked with overseeing the Special Prosecutors used by her office including how many hours they bill and if they are appropriate. Being in a relationship with Wade undermines her ability to effectively supervise him.

I am surprised the state auditor's office hasn't gotten involved.

Did you even listen to the testimony? The hours and rate were statutorily determined, and he worked more hours than he was allowed to and so he couldn’t even bill for them.

The judge was absolutely right - there is no actual conflict of interest in this situation. The problem is the appearance of impropriety, caused by her not telling the truth on her gift disclosure forms, and lying in court.


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More good news:

WaPo: " Donald Trump has been unable to finance an appeal bond for at least $450 million to cover a judgment in the New York attorney general’s business fraud case against him and is seeking a reprieve from an appellate court to keep the state from seizing assets, according to a court filing Monday."



Site Champ
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Beaverton, OR
More good news:

WaPo: " Donald Trump has been unable to finance an appeal bond for at least $450 million to cover a judgment in the New York attorney general’s business fraud case against him and is seeking a reprieve from an appellate court to keep the state from seizing assets, according to a court filing Monday."

There's a vast difference between me not being up to come up with half a billion dollars, and a multi-billionaire not being up to come up with half a billion dollars. I have no sympathy. Sell something. If you can't get a good price, tough shit. You should have started working on that immediately, not towards the end. I'd LOVE to see the government seize some assets. I don't see it happening, but that would be fantastic. It's what they'd do to me (or worse).
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