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Ever have a wart?

What treatment have you used?

The fastest treatment I ever had was to let the doctor freeze one.

When I was a child I had a wart. My Grandfather who lived in the mountains of West Virginia in a much different time, feels like a different life, took a penny, and told me he was going to buy it. I can’t remember if he said some words as he rubbed it on the wart and told me to keep this penny in my pocket. The wart went away. Apparently there is a technical vs comelier reason why this works, copper oxide.

Ok, well that memory just popped into my head. :)

I have had a wart now, what I think it’s a wart, on the top of the first joint of my index finger. It’s circular and has been there for years, but it does not seem like it is actively growing. I’d post a picture except it’s covered with a wart pad. Maybe I’ll take one later.

A couple of years ago, I tried freezing it off with a do it at home commercial kit, but it did not appear to work, or did it? The round protrusion is still there, but it does not seem to be active, but the circular protrusion is still there.

So this time I’ve been using Compound W One Step Pads. These are cool because the medicine, Salicylic Acid is held in place by a bandaid that seals around the wart Holding the medicine in place. A note on the box says it coukd take 12 weeks to get rid of it. If these are worn for 48 hours, sequentially, there is enough for approx one month, per box, and theybare inexpensive.

I’m working on my second box. The treatment seems to be slowly eating into this what looks like a wart And I am starting to see the normal skin pattern as compared to my other index finger. No pain experuenced so far. I’ll assume you are supposed to stop when you can no longer see the circle? 😳

I wonder if you could over do it and scar yourself?

Anyway when I finish with this second box, if it is still there, maybe I should find an old Penny and buy it? :)
Almost 2 1/2 months later consistently using Compound W, it’s hard to tell if I still have a wart or not. That’s my forefinger. The image is after 24 hr of Compind W on, it always turns the skin white so it can be removed. The entire pinkish area twice as wide as the white area is suspect based on its appearance.

I texted the Compound W people who said it’s gone when you see pink skin underneath. Well, after I pull off the dead white skin there is always pink, but I give it a day or two and there is still a circular impression of a wart as compared to my other finger that just has some wrinkled skin covering the knuckle. When I stop treating it, the circular area remains looks like a wart might be growing back.

Recently saw the family doctor and he said hard to tell. I asked about freezing and he told me they had not been able to get liquid nitrogen in months or it was broke. He told me if it is bothering me and CW does not work, he could send me to a dermatologist. I’ve probably spend $28-35 on 4 or 5 small bottles of the CW. There could be a dermatologist in my future.

For the comment about freezing, several decades ago, when I had a different wart, freezing it off was the quick and simple answer.

Maybe of interest or not, I’ve had this wart for several years, tried to use one of the commercial home freeze solutions, but it did not work so I just ignored it for a time, before deciding to tackle it again. It’s noticible, but not horrible looking when I’m not burning it with acid. :)



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The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks. does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.


finger after freeze.


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Does anyone drink a daily dose of diluted apple vineager cider?

By now you have probably heard about some of the health benefits or uses of apple cider vinegar. More and more people are discovering its multipurpose benefits and using it as a one-stop shop for daily needs. Here are 20 uses for apple cider vinegar (ACV) that will inspire you to incorporate it into your daily routine too.

  1. It helps in controlling the blood sugar level
  2. It is anti-bacterial and prevents infection
  3. It may aid in weight loss by changing the way the gut bacteria processes the fats
  4. It helps in the reduction of blood pressure
  5. It reduces the high cholesterol level
  6. It helps in regulating body PH
  7. It is supposed to help in the detoxification of the body
  8. It improves cardiovascular health
  9. It is supposed to prevent cancer
  10. It treats dandruff
  11. It helps to reduce the swelling of the vagina (vaginitis)
  12. It soothes the affected area of acne
  13. It calms insect bites when applied to the affected area
  14. It relieves sunburn when applied to the affected area
  15. It helps in getting a clear skin
  16. It helps to treat dyspepsia or indigestion
  17. It removes parasite infection
  18. It subsides leg cramps
  19. It diminishes the process of aging
  20. It helps in increasing hair shine
However, there has been insufficient evidence that supports all these health benefits of ACV. Besides, there have been conflicting viewpoints stated by different researchers, regarding the various health benefits of ACV.
I am current drinking 2 Tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water, twice a day, daily.
Two weeks ago, I also cut out all deserts, but still eat plain yogurt as a modest desert kind of.
Here is something unusual I’m noticing. The usual craving of sweets I usually experience when dieting is not there this time. I am not pacing the kitchen trying to figure out what I can eat that might satisfy my craving. I may have mentioned this before, but I keep a bag of peppermint life savers around, 15 calories each, which I was using recently to curb my sweet cravings, but mostly I suck on one now after I drink a glass of ACV, the stuff is vile. :)


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The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks. does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.

finger after freeze.

That’s definitely looks much better.

As for the ACV, always be weary of the such health claims. Especially when it comes to chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc this is not the way to treat these conditions and doing so is not safe. Vinegar should absolutely not be used in the vagina despite being in many OTC products. Your body naturally regulates pH itself. If your blood pH is out of range (which is extremely narrow) you have a much more serious issue at hand. Also worth noting vinegar is acidic and can cause tooth decay, so should be diluted.


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That’s definitely looks much better.

As for the ACV, always be weary of the such health claims. Especially when it comes to chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc this is not the way to treat these conditions and doing so is not safe. Vinegar should absolutely not be used in the vagina despite being in many OTC products. Your body naturally regulates pH itself. If your blood pH is out of range (which is extremely narrow) you have a much more serious issue at hand. Also worth noting vinegar is acidic and can cause tooth decay, so should be diluted.
I wouldn’t imagine you have to worry about @Huntn using the vinegar in his vagina. Just sayin’.


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I wouldn’t imagine you have to worry about @Huntn using the vinegar in his vagina. Just sayin’.

Haha yes. I actually had “…not that that pertains to you” in there but accidentally deleted it. Though I suppose you can never be too certain these days.

In the words of my boss, speaking to our student interns, (in the most stereotypical New York Jewish dialect you can imagine), “Vinegar is what you put on salads. It’s what I clean my hardwood floors with. It does not belong in the vagina.”

This is why I love my boss. She’s hilarious.


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The Misty Mountains
That’s definitely looks much better.

As for the ACV, always be weary of the such health claims. Especially when it comes to chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc this is not the way to treat these conditions and doing so is not safe. Vinegar should absolutely not be used in the vagina despite being in many OTC products. Your body naturally regulates pH itself. If your blood pH is out of range (which is extremely narrow) you have a much more serious issue at hand. Also worth noting vinegar is acidic and can cause tooth decay, so should be diluted.
I am wary. What I’m drinking is diluted, and I gargle with water immediately after. ACV unfiltered with “the mother” it’s essence of good bacteria, probiotics, and enzymes is supposed to be good stuff, I would say, just don’t over do it, and its consumption is the only reason I can think of with my current “dessert free“ regime that I am not craving sweets like I normally do.
I wouldn’t imagine you have to worry about @Huntn using the vinegar in his vagina. Just sayin’.
You assume correctly. :ROFLMAO:


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The Misty Mountains
I may have gotten rid of the wart. 🕺Since then…

Lately I’ve been bothered with frequent urination.

The epitome of inconvenience is if this happening during a road trip. I do drink, coffee, and as a diuretic* can make you have to urinate frequently, but in the past it has not effected me in that way, However, with aging, things change usually for the worst, :unsure:

*Articles online claim coffee both is and is not a diuretic.

When other than on a road trip, I tend to drink a lot (not alcohol) at certain times of the day (but not on road trips) and it seems that when the urge to go happens, I’m running to the bathroom every 20 min and I don’t think it used to be like this. i have read that as you age, you bladder become less flexible, and I have noticed some tenderness in the vicinity of my urinary tract. What is really irritating is the urge to go, but when I go, not much urine is being vacated.

So, I went to my family doctor as I loath the urologist for reasons having to do with a flexible rod being inserted into my reproductive organ. :oops:

Anyway, he said the frequent urination could have to do with my prostate and tenderness in the vicinity. I mentioned drinking a couple of teaspoons of Apple Cider Vineagar, mixed in water a day, and he dismissed that, but suggested that it could be a prostate infection or just an aging prostate issue and he put me on an antibiotic, ciprofloxacin. for 10 days.

I looked it up and besides all the possible side effects, I am more hesitant to do antibiotics these days due to trashing my gut bacteria, the good ones. But he said there was no test available to verify a prostate infection so I agreed to eliminate this possibility.

Now I’m trying to counter the adverse impact on my gut bacteria, by waiting 2 hours after taking the antibiotic and eating some Greek yogurt, or continuing to take the Apple cider vinegar and starting a regiment (100 days) of probiotics.

Several articles say to wait 2 hrs after taking the antibiotic, to allow it to clear your stomach, then eat some Greek yogurt, or ACV, and/or, a probiotic tablet. I just wonder, if you are taking an antibiotic, every 12 hrs which maybe killing the majority of you gut bacteria, how much good it does to introduce good bacteria into your stomach every 12 hrs?

Of interest, this probiotic I’m taking claims 1 tablet equals 10 billion bacteria of 12 “good“ strains. I just never really visualized how small bacteria is until I looked at this small capsule…

At the end of this antibiotic regimen, if my bladder is acting the same way, the doc is going to hook me up with Flowmax, a drug to relax the prostate and hopefully improve bladder function. If that does not work, it’s off to see the dreaded urologist… :oops:


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
I may have gotten rid of the wart. 🕺Since then…

Lately I’ve been bothered with frequent urination.

The epitome of inconvenience is if this happening during a road trip. I do drink, coffee, and as a diuretic* can make you have to urinate frequently, but in the past it has not effected me in that way, However, with aging, things change usually for the worst, :unsure:

*Articles online claim coffee both is and is not a diuretic.

When other than on a road trip, I tend to drink a lot (not alcohol) at certain times of the day (but not on road trips) and it seems that when the urge to go happens, I’m running to the bathroom every 20 min and I don’t think it used to be like this. i have read that as you age, you bladder become less flexible, and I have noticed some tenderness in the vicinity of my urinary tract. What is really irritating is the urge to go, but when I go, not much urine is being vacated.

So, I went to my family doctor as I loath the urologist for reasons having to do with a flexible rod being inserted into my reproductive organ. :oops:

Anyway, he said the frequent urination could have to do with my prostate and tenderness in the vicinity. I mentioned drinking a couple of teaspoons of Apple Cider Vineagar, mixed in water a day, and he dismissed that, but suggested that it could be a prostate infection or just an aging prostate issue and he put me on an antibiotic, ciprofloxacin. for 10 days.

I looked it up and besides all the possible side effects, I am more hesitant to do antibiotics these days due to trashing my gut bacteria, the good ones. But he said there was no test available to verify a prostate infection so I agreed to eliminate this possibility.

Now I’m trying to counter the adverse impact on my gut bacteria, by waiting 2 hours after taking the antibiotic and eating some Greek yogurt, or continuing to take the Apple cider vinegar and starting a regiment (100 days) of probiotics.

Several articles say to wait 2 hrs after taking the antibiotic, to allow it to clear your stomach, then eat some Greek yogurt, or ACV, and/or, a probiotic tablet. I just wonder, if you are taking an antibiotic, every 12 hrs which maybe killing the majority of you gut bacteria, how much good it does to introduce good bacteria into your stomach every 12 hrs?

Of interest, this probiotic I’m taking claims 1 tablet equals 10 billion bacteria of 12 “good“ strains. I just never really visualized how small bacteria is until I looked at this small capsule…

At the end of this antibiotic regimen, if my bladder is acting the same way, the doc is going to hook me up with Flowmax, a drug to relax the prostate and hopefully improve bladder function. If that does not work, it’s off to see the dreaded urologist… :oops:
I have the exact same issue and if I take coffee on the road with me I'll need to be stopping at least once per hour to pee. I've had prostate problems since my 30s so it's nothing new, a urologist diagnosed me with prostatitis and it also occasionally gets infected and the antibiotic I use is called Bactrim.

However, the frequent urination is now there all the time so I have to avoid drinks when on the road which is especially hard because I also enjoy coffee when driving. I just try to balance things out with it.


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The Misty Mountains
I have the exact same issue and if I take coffee on the road with me I'll need to be stopping at least once per hour to pee. I've had prostate problems since my 30s so it's nothing new, a urologist diagnosed me with prostatitis and it also occasionally gets infected and the antibiotic I use is called Bactrim.

However, the frequent urination is now there all the time so I have to avoid drinks when on the road which is especially hard because I also enjoy coffee when driving. I just try to balance things out with it.
Thanks, good to know misery has company. ;)


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I may have gotten rid of the wart. 🕺Since then…

Lately I’ve been bothered with frequent urination.

The epitome of inconvenience is if this happening during a road trip. I do drink, coffee, and as a diuretic* can make you have to urinate frequently, but in the past it has not effected me in that way, However, with aging, things change usually for the worst,

*Articles online claim coffee both is and is not a diuretic.

When other than on a road trip, I tend to drink a lot (not alcohol) at certain times of the day (but not on road trips) and it seems that when the urge to go happens, I’m running to the bathroom every 20 min and I don’t think it used to be like this. i have read that as you age, you bladder become less flexible, and I have noticed some tenderness in the vicinity of my urinary tract. What is really irritating is the urge to go, but when I go, not much urine is being vacated.

So, I went to my family doctor as I loath the urologist for reasons having to do with a flexible rod being inserted into my reproductive organ. :oops:

Anyway, he said the frequent urination could have to do with my prostate and tenderness in the vicinity. I mentioned drinking a couple of teaspoons of Apple Cider Vineagar, mixed in water a day, and he dismissed that, but suggested that it could be a prostate infection or just an aging prostate issue and he put me on an antibiotic, ciprofloxacin. for 10 days.

I looked it up and besides all the possible side effects, I am more hesitant to do antibiotics these days due to trashing my gut bacteria, the good ones. But he said there was no test available to verify a prostate infection so I agreed to eliminate this possibility.

Now I’m trying to counter the adverse impact on my gut bacteria, by waiting 2 hours after taking the antibiotic and eating some Greek yogurt, or continuing to take the Apple cider vinegar and starting a regiment (100 days) of probiotics.

Several articles say to wait 2 hrs after taking the antibiotic, to allow it to clear your stomach, then eat some Greek yogurt, or ACV, and/or, a probiotic tablet. I just wonder, if you are taking an antibiotic, every 12 hrs which maybe killing the majority of you gut bacteria, how much good it does to introduce good bacteria into your stomach every 12 hrs?

Of interest, this probiotic I’m taking claims 1 tablet equals 10 billion bacteria of 12 “good“ strains. I just never really visualized how small bacteria is until I looked at this small capsule…

At the end of this antibiotic regimen, if my bladder is acting the same way, the doc is going to hook me up with Flowmax, a drug to relax the prostate and hopefully improve bladder function. If that does not work, it’s off to see the dreaded urologist… :oops:

Well, if you do have an infection, best to treat the infection.

Antibiotics messing up one’s gut bacteria is always risk, about 20% of people get diarrhea, but this usually resolves within a few days. Taking antibiotics for 10 days (as opposed to months or years) reduces the risk of complications.

As a floroquinolone, Ciprofloxacin does have a higher risk of antibiotic associated C. Diff infections (a nasty, very hard to treat, very transmissible gut infection), but is on the lower end of risk for the “higher risk” antibiotics. The people most at risk are age 65+ with severely weakened immune systems, a recent hospitalization, and previous C. diff infection. Keep in mind hundreds of millions of antibiotic prescriptions are written annually in the US, Cipro is probably in the top 5, and most people do not get C. Diff.

Bladder and prostate problems are very common in males as they age. Basically if you live long enough you’re guaranteed to at a minimum to have BPH… it’s something like 50% at age 50, 60% at 60… 90% at 90. So basically, we’re all doomed. :eek:

One “clinical pearl” I think is important to mention about Flomax that sometimes gets missed in patient counseling is to be careful when standing up quickly, especially first thing in the morning, as it may make your dizzy or cause fainting (which can result in accidental falls and related injuries). This is especially true if on other blood pressure medications. Flomax/tamsulosin is an alpha-1 blocker which reduces smooth muscle contraction, such as in your bladder- but also your blood vessels. (That said tamsulosin is more selective for the alpha receptors in your bladder than your blood vessels, so there is a lower risk compared to other alpha blockers) When you stand up, your blood vessels in your legs contract to maintain the blood pressure to your brain. Flomax can inhibit this causing “orthostatic hypotension”, or low blood pressure upon standing up from a sitting or laying down position. The body will compensate by increasing your heart rate momentarily, it just takes a few seconds. So just be cognizant of this possibility and take it slow.


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The Misty Mountains
Well, if you do have an infection, best to treat the infection.

Antibiotics messing up one’s gut bacteria is always risk, about 20% of people get diarrhea, but this usually resolves within a few days. Taking antibiotics for 10 days (as opposed to months or years) reduces the risk of complications.

As a floroquinolone, Ciprofloxacin does have a higher risk of antibiotic associated C. Diff infections (a nasty, very hard to treat, very transmissible gut infection), but is on the lower end of risk for the “higher risk” antibiotics. The people most at risk are age 65+ with severely weakened immune systems, a recent hospitalization, and previous C. diff infection. Keep in mind hundreds of millions of antibiotic prescriptions are written annually in the US, Cipro is probably in the top 5, and most people do not get C. Diff.

Bladder and prostate problems are very common in males as they age. Basically if you live long enough you’re guaranteed to at a minimum to have BPH… it’s something like 50% at age 50, 60% at 60… 90% at 90. So basically, we’re all doomed. :eek:

One “clinical pearl” I think is important to mention about Flomax that sometimes gets missed in patient counseling is to be careful when standing up quickly, especially first thing in the morning, as it may make your dizzy or cause fainting (which can result in accidental falls and related injuries). This is especially true if on other blood pressure medications. Flomax/tamsulosin is an alpha-1 blocker which reduces smooth muscle contraction, such as in your bladder- but also your blood vessels. (That said tamsulosin is more selective for the alpha receptors in your bladder than your blood vessels, so there is a lower risk compared to other alpha blockers) When you stand up, your blood vessels in your legs contract to maintain the blood pressure to your brain. Flomax can inhibit this causing “orthostatic hypotension”, or low blood pressure upon standing up from a sitting or laying down position. The body will compensate by increasing your heart rate momentarily, it just takes a few seconds. So just be cognizant of this possibility and take it slow.
Since I started this trip I’m on, I stopped taking flowmax and I’m not sure if I notice a difference. It’s possible that my fluid consumption habits at home and during long distance driving is drastically different then while traveling internationally. Still thinking about that.


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The Misty Mountains
The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks. does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.

finger after freeze.
Almost a year later…

New issue- Gout?
Went to bed last night feeling normal. Got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and the middle toes on my right door felt like I had stubbed them. Got up this morning and I could barely flex my toes without severe pain. So happens we were at a hotel, so I’m thinking pain down to the front desk to buy a small pack of Tylenol, got to talking to the front desk receptionist, Raymond, great guy, Hampton Inn, told me that it sounded to him like gout, something he’s been suffering with for ten years. It had not even crossed my mind.

So when I get home, going to make an appointment with my doctor, but in the mean time, anyone here suffer from gout? What can you tell me? :D


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Not sure if this in ailment, but it is definitely a change and I am wondering if I should start to be concerned. I have been waking up sometime in the middle of the night, with severe dry mouth. I have been told (in the recent past) that I don't snore at night, but I am going to double check tonight and ask my spouse to check for me. I have noticed that I am a bit stuffed up in the past 2 months or so, but not enough for me to breath through my mouth.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Not sure if this in ailment, but it is definitely a change and I am wondering if I should start to be concerned. I have been waking up sometime in the middle of the night, with severe dry mouth. I have been told (in the recent past) that I don't snore at night, but I am going to double check tonight and ask my spouse to check for me. I have noticed that I am a bit stuffed up in the past 2 months or so, but not enough for me to breath through my mouth.
My nose is always slightly congested so I breathe though my mouth as a matter of routine, not 100% but often. Keep a bottle of water by the bed .


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The Misty Mountains
Almost a year later…
View attachment 26148

New issue- Gout?
Went to bed last night feeling normal. Got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and the middle toes on my right door felt like I had stubbed them. Got up this morning and I could barely flex my toes without severe pain. So happens we were at a hotel, so I’m thinking pain down to the front desk to buy a small pack of Tylenol, got to talking to the front desk receptionist, Raymond, great guy, Hampton Inn, told me that it sounded to him like gout, something he’s been suffering with for ten years. It had not even crossed my mind.

So when I get home, going to make an appointment with my doctor, but in the mean time, anyone here suffer from gout? What can you tell me? :D
Regarding gout, uric acid levels normal, a mystery, reinforced lesson, see your doctor. He said that a gout attack does not usually recede within 24 hours and it’s so painful, you usually can’t put your sock on. Urik acid is what they look for and I don’t have high level of it. :)


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This post is more about my Doctor. Starting last Tuesday 10Oct, it started with a seriously uncharacteristically ache in my back, almost to the point of nausea, followed over the next several days of non stop headaches, feeling off, sharp pains along my eyebrow, and face, and fatigue. No fever, no sinus issues, no coughs, no physical event like falling down.

When my wife suggested check my blood pressure, I did and it was high, for me really high 170 over something, although my blood pressure cuff is old, and did not align with the cuff at at the pharmacy which showed about 155. My normal BP is 115-130. Nornally I would have just rode this out, but on Friday night when I realized elevated blood pressure I made an appointment with my doctor, suffered through the weekend, felt weak on Saturday, but by Sunday my symptoms were diminishing, and by Monday I felt basically normal, but my back was tender.

Went to the doctor on Monday, told him the above was expecting him to examine me, but he just asked some questions. I was expecting a back exam at a minimum, but no exams, asked him about checking for a sinus infection, he said no symptoms. I told him I was feeling mostly normal. i realize it’s hard for you to judge without being there…I just expected more of a physical exam or a test of some kind sinus or elevated white count, something. He said I don’t know what to test for.

And, I felt ok this morning, but this afternoon, I still have that off, still sick feeling, mostly no energy. 🤔

Chapter 2
Worked out in the gym on Wed, felt ok felt weak, had a headache during the day. Worked in the yard today, felt weak but ok, around noon developed a killer headache. I decided to take my wife’s advice to be examined for a sinus infection headache, but my doctor had no appointments till Monday. So I went to urgent care, gave them my symptoms, the same symptoms, I had given my Dr on Monday . They actually examined me, something my doctor had not done, and boom diagnosis sinus infection. They gave me 2 shots and 3 medications to start tomorrow.
When I got home, through the MyChart app, if you are familiar, I wrote my doctor a message titled “Your Conduct During Office Visit’s”, where I explained to him there were several interactions recently between me and him, where instead of typing notes on his computer, he should of examined me but did not. This guy does not own his own practise but I think is an employee of Houston Methodist. I’m waiting to see what his attitude is, apologetic, or belligerent. That will determine if I stick with him a while longer or go searching for a new family practise doctor. 🤔
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