What are you doing today?


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My French class has finished for the night, and I am feeling exceedingly (nay, surprisingly) virtuous, as I have already done some of my homework for next week, plus a little revision.

From one academic to another - cheers!

I’m not being that good this week, but my quantitative research class’ live session was postponed until tomorrow since today is a holiday, and my design class has no live this week. I won’t begin the week’s discussion in quan before the live session and the week’s paper is pretty much identical to what we did in the first quan class. I did do my reading for the design class yesterday, but won’t bother doing any writing until tomorrow.


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From one academic to another - cheers!

I’m not being that good this week, but my quantitative research class’ live session was postponed until tomorrow since today is a holiday, and my design class has no live this week. I won’t begin the week’s discussion in quan before the live session and the week’s paper is pretty much identical to what we did in the first quan class. I did do my reading for the design class yesterday, but won’t bother doing any writing until tomorrow.

I hear you: well done you, and may I reciprocate your good wishes by sending you warm and hearty cheers, as well.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Beautiful "extended weekend" here on the Tuesday after Labor Day -- whether folks here really wanted more weekend or would have preferred a paycheckable day on jobs that are slow to return to some kind of new normal.

Anyway it's sunny in the mountains today, and a couple lingering robins seem to be like the rest of us: hoping for an extension of warm weather, despite our having left the traditional end of summer in the rear view for another year.

Blue jays seem a little annoyed the robins are still here, so their unusual calls are providing the comic relief "wallpaper" for today.

What I'm doing today: checking the caulk on the storm windows and getting ready to re-do a few of them. This nice weather doesn't really fool me into thinking I can put that job off.


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What I'm doing today: checking the caulk on the storm windows and getting ready to re-do a few of them. This nice weather doesn't really fool me into thinking I can put that job off.

What kind of winter are you expecting this year? I saw they’re already predicting snow in Denver, but that’s not unusual. The heat in California is just weird. Heat, drought, fires, and earthquakes. I think I’ll stay here.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
What kind of winter are you expecting this year? I saw they’re already predicting snow in Denver, but that’s not unusual. The heat in California is just weird. Heat, drought, fires, and earthquakes. I think I’ll stay here.

Yeah once you guys make it through prime tornado and hurricane / flood seasons, it must start seeming like you definitely deserve a nice and not-very-cold southern winter.

I never know what to expect up here, some years a lot of snow and other years bitter cold and not even enough snow to help protect mulched perennials from frost heaves when the January or February thaws show up. Don't expect to luck out as well as last year on the snow plowing bill though, first time I ever had to pay the guy for just ONE plow-out. Usually more like 8, 10, 12... very unusual.

Not counting on a winter like that again, so I've moved on today to other get-ready tasks, taking inventory of stuff like furnace filters, plastic and tape for the windows upstairs. Mumbling "where did summer go?" same as always, even without the bittersweet reminders of farewell lunches with seasonal residents, most of whom among my pals didn't come up here this year.

Too early to switch closets around, I surely hope: I have enjoyed seeing those robins hanging around, maybe they know something (or maybe they're just really dumb juvies). I did fish a couple flannel shirts and one utility wool sweater out of winter clothes so far... I'm in the mountains and out of NYC now for a long time, but 35 years of living there where landlords are not required to provide heat until October did train me pretty well. It's in my head never to expect it to be warm at night in September, even if I'm the one with the power to fire up the heating system at will. Solution to a chilly night before mid-October is the same as it was downstate: find a sweater and a blanket... then hit up the popcorn and a movie...


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
What kind of winter are you expecting this year? I saw they’re already predicting snow in Denver, but that’s not unusual. The heat in California is just weird. Heat, drought, fires, and earthquakes. I think I’ll stay here.
All fair points about CA. However, I'll say that all of the other seasons are wonderful here, mild temparatures, not a lot of clouds, humidity or rain and quite beautiful with all the parks and beaches.


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All fair points about CA. However, I'll say that all of the other seasons are wonderful here, mild temparatures, not a lot of clouds, humidity or rain and quite beautiful with all the parks and beaches.

Until 2020.

I just ordered myself a birthday present (it will arrive sometime in October, as will my birthday) - a modular kayak. It will be perfect weather for going out on the water. I have a friend who lives across the bay (Mobile Bay), so we can meet on the causeway and take off from there. A nice socially distant recreation. I’ll also be able to take it to my mother’s place and go out with my brother and sister-in-law.


Until 2020.

I just ordered myself a birthday present (it will arrive sometime in October, as will my birthday) - a modular kayak. It will be perfect weather for going out on the water. I have a friend who lives across the bay (Mobile Bay), so we can meet on the causeway and take off from there. A nice socially distant recreation. I’ll also be able to take it to my mother’s place and go out with my brother and sister-in-law.

Modular meaning you can take it apart to fit it in your trunk or modular like you can buy a laser turret module for it?
(both versions sound appealing)


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Modular meaning you can take it apart to fit it in your trunk or modular like you can buy a laser turret module for it?
(both versions sound appealing)

If I can buy a second seat for it, I don’t know why I couldn’t get a laser turret module.... It would be awesome for those pesky Trump regattas.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Have you ever slept so deeply you don't move your arms throughout the night, and you wake up with your hands all tingly, and they feel weak for the rest of the day, like your pinkies don't have any grip to them?

That's what I'm doing today. Dealing with my funky hands.


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Have you ever slept so deeply you don't move your arms throughout the night, and you wake up with your hands all tingly, and they feel weak for the rest of the day, like your pinkies don't have any grip to them?

That's what I'm doing today. Dealing with my funky hands.

Funky hands. Is that like jazz hands? Or is that the medical term?


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Have you ever slept so deeply you don't move your arms throughout the night, and you wake up with your hands all tingly, and they feel weak for the rest of the day, like your pinkies don't have any grip to them?

That's what I'm doing today. Dealing with my funky hands.

Only time one of my hands felt like that was after I energetically went to pick up a bucket of rocks I'd piled a bit too full... and almost dislocated my damn shoulder.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Funky hands. Is that like jazz hands? Or is that the medical term?

The official term is Slappy Phalanges, but you know me. I prefer more coarse vernacular.

Only time one of my hands felt like that was after I energetically went to pick up a bucket of rocks I'd piled a bit too full... and almost dislocated my damn shoulder.

That reminds me of the time I hurt my back on a little three inch drop. I thought it was a foot deep step down, and I braced myself expecting such, but it wasn't, and I somehow managed to strain a whole bunch of muscles on the landing.


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@Renzatic: I won't say that that's nothing (and, in answer to the original query, tingling fingers, kind of numb hands, on awakening, yes, I can tick that particular little box), but, how about pulling your hamstring (that injury beloved of temperamental, high maintenance, football/soccer players) while asleep? You know, you turn over, and somehow, spend the following day hobbling about the house groaning and cursing, and emitting softly sworn oaths between gritted teeth.
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@Renzatic: I won't say that that's nothing (and, in answer to the original query, tingling hands, and fingers, on awakening, yes, I can tick that particular little box), but, how about pulling your hamstring (that injury beloved of temperament high maintenance football/soccer players) while asleep? You know, you turn over, and somehow, spend the following day hobbling about the house grading and cursing, and emitting softly sworn oaths between gritted teeth.
#lifepast30 :D


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@Scepticalscribe I know exactly how terrible that is. It's happened to me twice.

I also managed to jack up my knee once while sleeping. I'm still not sure how something like that could possibly happen.

It is not just terrible; it is not even incomprehensible, - well, it is - but, worse, it is comical.

I mean, I am a person who does not run, or jog, or sprint, strut, swagger, stride, let alone even manage a gentle trot, (except very occasionally), instead, a stroll to the local shop readily and best accords with my own personal and preferred understanding of the form of self-flagellation that goes by the name of "exercise".

So, to pull my hamstring while asleep.....is faintly ridiculous and more than a little ludicrous.
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