What are you doing today?

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Another hermit here, too! Basically I emerge from my cocoon to go to the library, the grocery store and now that it is open again with lobby hours, the bank.....and that is about it. Only a few times have I gone anywhere other than those places. Fortunately there is plenty to entertain me right here at home!


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Yes, these days, I live a pretty hermit style existence, as well.

Another hermit here, too! Basically I emerge from my cocoon to go to the library, the grocery store and... Fortunately there is plenty to entertain me right here at home!

Sigh... I am so susceptible to suggestion when I've skimped on breakfast.. HERMIT BARS, SÍ !!!!

Hermit Bars, si!.jpg


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There were raspberry croissants - something I have never seen before - this morning in the French bakery, but I decided to defer partaking of this delight until the next time I visit the bakery.

Sometimes, I like the plain croissants, whereas my mother loved the almond and chocolate ones, but the raspberry content took the form of raspberry jam, and the croissants themselves were elegantly striped, and looked rather inviting and enticing.


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Raking leaves. :(

I am too old for this crap, and my kids have all grown. They better make me a grandpa real quick.
Do you really want that in the middle of Covid? I’ve never been more pleased that my son decided to never continue his father’s line, and my daughter hasn’t met the right man yet.

I’m working on a paper today. Or I will eventually once I tire of sitting on the deck.


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Do you really want that in the middle of Covid? I’ve never been more pleased that my son decided to never continue his father’s line, and my daughter hasn’t met the right man yet.

I’m working on a paper today. Or I will eventually once I tire of sitting on the deck.

Actually no. Just pointing out I don't have "helpers" anymore.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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So far I have done nothing particularly useful today -- first thing, of course, the minute I turned on the computer was to check the latest news on The Washington Post, and once I saw that there is nothing new, no declarations yet, I moved on to peruse and participate in forums. I have a bunch of images to post-process/edit and I also need to do some domestic chores such as run the vacuum cleaner and such....


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Raking leaves. :(

I am too old for this crap, and my kids have all grown. They better make me a grandpa real quick.

Yeah I can ID with that. I used to rake over the lawns twice in the season... push-pulling them onto an old quilt spread out on the grass, bundling the stuff up in batches and hauling them out back to be dumped into one of a pair of circular leaf corrals I had made out of rabbit fence. Then after those leaves hang outside all winter, they get added in batches to composting bins in the following year.

But all that is a lot of work and i don't have a huge veggie garden any more that requires so much compost either. So then it became a once-over thing, because one day I saw a neighbor just mulching his leaves onto the grass with a few passes of his tractor-mower. Aha. A big light bulb finally went on in my head.

Still, I don't want all of the maple trees' leaves mulched onto the grass because I think it might make the soil too acid and encourage more of some weedy species of greenery that I already have to squint to call "grass".

So I do still make one half-baked pass with the rake and that old quilt. But after most of the leaves have come down and a few late autumn storms have brought me whatever extra leaves the west winds have felt like contributing, I just pick up the phone and call the guy who mows the grass for me. Once he makes that final mulching pass then I can pretty much quit obsessing about how there are still 2700 newly redistributed dead maple leaves in the yard every morning.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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One of the joys of living in a condominium apartment is that I don't have to rake leaves!!! We have a landscaping company which handles lawn mowing, landscaping and, yes, leaf-raking each year. I had enough of raking leaves when living in the townhouse -- and I sure don't miss it!


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One of the joys of living in a condominium apartment is that I don't have to rake leaves!!! We have a landscaping company which handles lawn mowing, landscaping and, yes, leaf-raking each year. I had enough of raking leaves when living in the townhouse -- and I sure don't miss it!
Fellow condo-dweller here. The only "yard work" I do is that there are some planters on the shared patio space of the building, and I grow various herbs in them.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
Main Camera
You bet!!!! The other day I bought some Stella Artois at the grocery store and have had it chilling in the fridge, just waiting for the time when I could crack open a bottle and celebrate -- and today's the day, at long last!!!!

Now I wish we could just skip right through the rest of November and all of December and get right to January 20th......

Apple fanboy

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Same here, we live like hermits and we only go out for shopping and drives. I did get my flu vaccine at a drive through though, I wasn't thrilled about exposing myself to medical staff but it was pretty quick and easy.
We live like hermits all the time! Seriously I doubt anyone has had as little change in their lives compared to us.

Can't eat out - Never do anyway.
Pubs closed - Unless Im away on business never go.
Can't have visitors in the house - Other than contractors I don't think we have had anyone round for maybe 5 years?

Its like nothing has changed except we wear masks.


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Already took a nice power walk to drop off mail and one small errand.

Feel so energized by President-elect Biden that I will take another walk around the local park. Getting takeout from the only place we trust during this time. In-laws want steamed lobster and we'll probably get some soup dumplings.

Haven't had alcohol in 2+ years, but may get a beer or two. More likely some Martinelli's sparking cider if the local mart isn't crowded. And of course, my daily call with Grams. Surprised she didn't call me once The Call was made by the media. She was cackling yesterday with the votes all increasing the chances of Mango losing.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Grits. A staple in the south. Took me 20 years before I would eat them, but I enjoy them now. That plate is my husband’s - you can tell from the bacon. He mixes it all together. Nothing beats runny egg yolk and grits.
I love Cracker Barrel Restaurant grits with a dollop of butter, salt and pepper. HMMM GOOD. I've heard of people eating them with sugar and milk, kind of like cream of wheat, but I prefer my approach. :)


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I love Cracker Barrel Restaurant grits with a dollop of butter, salt and pepper. HMMM GOOD. I've heard of people eating them with sugar and milk, kind of like cream of wheat, but I prefer my approach. :)
Sugar is a sacrilege! There are long running debates in my family and among my friends about that. My sis G is notorious for putting sugar on everything. If you want sugar grits, grab a damn bowl of Cream of Wheat already!!! ;)


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I can't believe this.

Only one drink - sipped slowly over three hours (but immensely and intensely enjoyed) and I am tired.

Actually, I am bone tired (and I hadn't realised it).

This is even worse than when I realised that (inexplicably) I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I was seized of a mad urge to cook a proper meal, and I demolished two bowls of piping hot (but delicious) tom yum broth.

And, worse still, - and only one drink means that I cannot even blame the demon drink - somehow, I was so tired, and managed to become so distracted, (yes, okay, distracted by delight) I forgot to switch on my electric blanket.
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