What Movie Are You Watching?


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I just watched Bigbug on Netflix. A French movie about a dystopian future where evil RoboCop lookalikes run everything. It’s not a very serious movie, and it has a unique colorful look. A fun watch.


Funny, I was watching it at the same time—and I agree with your assessment.

The first 30 minutes seem interminable, but once it gets going it’s thrilling.

And now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to go turn off location services.
What I really loved about the movie, and this is why I called it "little", is that it didn't try to oversell itself. It's a solid 90 minutes. Cliff Martinez did yet again a fantastic score. Reminded me of his Solaris soundtrack, but infused with 1950s McCarthy era paranoid noir. Even the colors were dulled to reflect that, and a lot of the tricks, like tilted camera angles, narrow hallways, intentionally blurry outlines of antagonists, and reduced frame rate chases to imitate a dream state etc. Such a competent movie.

Thomas Veil

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Between this and movies like "No Sudden Move", it's almost like a return to the '70s when "Movie of the Week" went in for "little" films that were shorter and had TV-level stars and much smaller budgets. (Not that many of those were good, but there were a few great ones in there like "The Night Stalker" and "Brian's Song").

Now it's as if guys like Soderbergh are happy to make smaller, less splashy films for HBOMax and let the theaters have the huge, expensive, star-studded movies like "The Batman" and "Death on the Nile". And that works. As much as I liked "Kimi", I can't see the point of paying to see it on a huge screen in a theater.


Between this and movies like "No Sudden Move", it's almost like a return to the '70s when "Movie of the Week" went in for "little" films that were shorter and had TV-level stars and much smaller budgets. (Not that many of those were good, but there were a few great ones in there like "The Night Stalker" and "Brian's Song").

Now it's as if guys like Soderbergh are happy to make smaller, less splashy films for HBOMax and let the theaters have the huge, expensive, star-studded movies like "The Batman" and "Death on the Nile". And that works. As much as I liked "Kimi", I can't see the point of paying to see it on a huge screen in a theater.
I think this is a reasonable business model (at least for me as the consumer). I haven't been in the movie theater since Prometheus (it was a major mistake watching it the day before an 8-hour exam..continuous flashbacks). To me watching scandinavian arthouse/independent cinema projected on my wall was more than enough.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
No surprise here Bladerunner (1982), started a thread on it and will most likely watch Bladerunner 2049 today. :)

When you have a positive, emotional, enjoyable experience teleporting you away, watching a movie franchise, can you ever be happy when they turn it into a weekly TV series? Maybe, maybe not.

I did enjoy most of the Netflix Marvel series, some were really good such as Jessica Jones, The Punisher, and Daredevil, and only one of them, The Punisher had a previous movie I was vested in, The Punisher (2004) with Thomas Jane, but it kind of felt like a stand alone presentation. Jon Bernthal in some ways outdoes Thomas Jane if you are looking for grit.


Jessica Jones had a wonderful noir vibe. Netflix Daredevil was great, and it had been proceeded by a god aweful movie so a step up, not down. The Netflix versions were excellent, one of the keys here are avoiding 30 minute episodes, as I look at Disney and their continued trashing of StarWars (Yes, an arguable opinion :D)


What the F?!!!
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So, China got 'Fight Club', with of course a new ending.

Or it did... or what was the frikkin' point of bringing back a movie after all this time?



I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
Some great trailers released during the Superbowl! Excited about both of these and tons of exciting theories and discussion just over the trailers :D


Chew Toy McCoy

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Since the Oscars are close, did anyone like Power of the Dog (2021)?
If so why? I’m not against drama, but I did not like it, and won’t argue with anyone who calls the story a good one. I probably prefer him as Dr Strange. ;)

I watched it a while back and remember liking it. Before I watched I heard a lot of people complaining it was too slow paced and in a way that helped my viewing experience in advance. I also respected that almost constant air of tension. You never quite knew how a situation was going to work itself out and I thought the revenge at the end was creative and satisfying.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
I watched it a while back and remember liking it. Before I watched I heard a lot of people complaining it was too slow paced and in a way that helped my viewing experience in advance. I also respected that almost constant air of tension. You never quite knew how a situation was going to work itself out and I thought the revenge at the end was creative and satisfying.

It's up for a number of Academy awards, but it should, at the very least, win for score (Jonny Greenwood), though the Hans Zimmer Dune score is pretty stellar.

And I'm 98% sure Jane Campion is going to bring home the Best Director for it too.

Chew Toy McCoy

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It's up for a number of Academy awards, but it should, at the very least, win for score (Jonny Greenwood), though the Hans Zimmer Dune score is pretty stellar.

And I'm 98% sure Jane Campion is going to bring home the Best Director for it too.

They should just create a new category, Best Score By Hans Zimmer, give him the award and remove him from the general score category.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Watching Kimi from Soderbergh. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/11/1079849080/kimi-review-steven-soderbergh-zoe-kravitz

It's a little neo-noir masterpiece.

Funny, I was watching it at the same time—and I agree with your assessment.

The first 30 minutes seem interminable, but once it gets going it’s thrilling.

And now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to go turn off location services.

Kimi (2022)- Wow!
It’s too short of a movie to take so long to set up, and then it’s over. Here’s a question, what does this movie and The Island have in common and how does this story surpass it? Only answer with spoiler shields. :)
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It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Death to Smoochy is one of my favorite comedies. I had no idea it was a box office bomb. Recommend.



It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
It takes a very specific personality type to like that movie. Have you met the other 2 people yet? 🙃
According to the vid I linked, it’s gained some cult appreciation over the years. I‘ve disliked many Robin Williams projects over the years but dark Robin Williams is the best Robin Williams. Edward Norton crushes it in that film too.

Chew Toy McCoy

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According to the vid I linked, it’s gained some cult appreciation over the years. I‘ve disliked many Robin Williams projects over the years but dark Robin Williams is the best Robin Williams. Edward Norton crushes it in that film too.

I might have to revisit it. I remember not really liking it. I think there might have been a disconnect between assumptions based on who is in it, the trailer, and what the movie actually was.
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