1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ


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this is pretty interesting and will get the GOP so riled up.

About 1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ, according to a report the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released on Thursday, using data from 2021.

In 2021, 75.5 percent of high school students identified as heterosexual, the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) found.
Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn’t understand the question.

The CDC says the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021.

The health organization said a potential reason for the increase in LGBTQ students could be from their wording around students who are questioning their sexuality.

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“Increases in the percentage of LGBQ+ students in YRBSS 2021 might be a result of changes in question wording to include students identifying as questioning, ‘I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning),’ or other, ‘I describe my sexual identity in some other way,’” the report reads.

Among the high school students, 57 percent have had no sexual contact in their lives, 34.6 percent had sexual contact with someone of the opposite sex, 6 percent had sexual contact with both sexes and only 2.4 percent had sexual contact with only the same sex.

The CDC surveyed 17,508 students in 152 schools across the country.



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And this also answers someone’s question in another thread as to why you can’t make laws to prevent discussing it.


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Republicans lose most issues as soon as they take a stance. Conservatives have consistently been on the wrong side of history. So the question, then, is how much hell can they put people through before they are defeated or just give up.

And you can bet your last dime that many of those youth are the kids of conservative parents. I think it is in Montana where the republican governor’s non-binary son is trying to get him to veto anti-LGTBQ.

As a matter of history, each generation is more progressive and less conservative than the previous. My fear is that as conservatives continue to slowly but surely lose these culture war battles, they increase their anti-democratic stances. The stuff we’ve heard from Ted Cruz and others in the wake of the Jan. 6 and Fox/Dominion lawsuits should really unnerve some people.


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And this also answers someone’s question in another thread as to why you can’t make laws to prevent discussing it.

I know what you mean, but the punishment is the point. It's like smacking someone with a ruler every time they write with their left hand. It's about compelling compliance to heteronormativity using punitive measures. I don't think those passing these sort of bills actually care. When you see people as inherently sinners, or sinful, it isn't that surprising that the goal is to "fix" them or root them out. It's hard to be convincing to a group that sees this behavior as something inherently immoral or deviant, in my experience.


Resident Redneck
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And this also answers someone’s question in another thread as to why you can’t make laws to prevent discussing it.

Well it's High School, not K-3.

And the law does not prevent discussing it with a student, it prohibits classroom instruction.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
It's like smacking someone with a ruler every time they write with their left hand.
Man, talk about synchronicity. I am so in love with Sabine.

To K-3. Do you think K-3 should have access to this type of material?

I was that age once, and I remember some of the stuff I got up to. Ignorance is not a child's friend.


Resident Redneck
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I was that age once, and I remember some of the stuff I got up to. Ignorance is not a child's friend.

You have a better memory than me for sure. I really don't remember much from those ages. Bits and pieces, but nothing really substantial.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
To K-3. Do you think K-3 should have access to this type of material?
If they have access to Sunday school and the Bible then yes, if they're going to ban it "for the children" you can't cherry pick, there's some sick shit in that book.


Resident Redneck
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If they have access to Sunday school and the Bible then yes, if they're going to ban it "for the children" you can't cherry pick, there's some sick shit in that book.

But that is a parent choice to send them or not. Just like some parents wouldn't want Sunday School topics taught in public schools.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
and the Bible then yes, if they're going to ban it "for the children" you can't cherry pick

There would be


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
But that is a parent choice to send them or not. Just like some parents wouldn't want Sunday School topics taught in public schools.
Parents can choose to send their kids to private school if they want. BTW "this material" has been fine for generations, it wasn't until the GOP fascist extremists of their party took it all over. If they're going to use Government overreach to protect our children, they need to do it even handedly.


Resident Redneck
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Parents can choose to send their kids to private school if they want. BTW "this material" has been fine for generations,

Do you think the pic you gave me a warning for has been in school libraries for generations? Not that specific pic, but similar?


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There seems to be a fair amount of conflicting information on this. I’ve seen surveys that claim as high as 40%. Historically LGBT rates have been estimated between 5-10%.

In reality, I’m not convinced such high percentages of the population are truly LGBT by the rather rigid definitions many people traditionally think of. I suspect many teens are much more open to non-heterosexual identities and possibly be more willing to experiment outside of traditional sexual constructs. To some extent I think there is definitely a trendiness factor among young people in some environments or a desire project inclusivity by identifying as something other than heterosexual. In some more extreme cases I think there’s potentially a pathological attention seeking/victim mentality- but to be clear this is far from the norm. But at the end of the day, I have to imagine most of these people will grow up and prefer a heterosexual relationship.

For the most part I don’t think is something that’s particularly worrying, but it is rather interesting. How one defines their sexuality is of course is almost entirely subjective and there’s many layers to sexuality, attraction, etc.

I do have some concerns however about the rather alarming rise of transgenderism in young people. To be clear, I very much believe there are people who are very much feel gender incongruence and who can benefit from hormone and surgical interventions. And I am extremely troubled at some of the policies done in government wish to enact.

On the other hand, I am concerned at how quickly things are moving here and that proper ethical precautions are being eroded let alone understanding of this phenomenon. And clinicians, doctors, researchers, institutions, etc are hesitant to be too vocal about this for fear of social backlash and being labeled as transphobic— to the point where research that questions the current phenomenon impeded out of fear of controversy.

One of my favorite Science YouTubers/communicators recently but our a very good video about the topic of transgenderism. As someone who works in psych, I believe her presentation to be informed and very fair analysis of current research. Indeed she is a professor and PhD in physics, but often explores topics outside of her domain in an objective manner. And it’s refreshing to hear the perspective from someone living outside the tribalism in America.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Do you think the pic you gave me a warning for has been in school libraries for generations? Not that specific pic, but similar?
That was an offended user (who was frankly offended by everything) and is no longer with us, I personally couldn't care less. It's nice to know that you see images as offensive but words can be as well, it's just never been a strong suit for Republicans but the Bible is full of hatred, incest, evil, you name it... just have to visualize.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
One of my favorite Science YouTubers/communicators recently but our a very good video about the topic of transgenderism.

My take-away from that video: she observes that the sharp rise in gender dysphoria has primarily been among girls. What that says is not really about sexuality but about how much it really sucks to be a female in a strong patriarchy. We treat girls and women like shit, and these individuals really want no part of that. If we move toward making it not suck hard to be a woman, or stop worshipping at the altar of masculinity and strict gender role definition, a fair fraction of gender dysphoria and transgenderism would evaporate.


Resident Redneck
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My take-away from that video: she observes that the sharp rise in gender dysphoria has primarily been among girls. What that says is not really about sexuality but about how much it really sucks to be a female in a strong patriarchy. We treat girls and women like shit, and these individuals really want no part of that. If we move toward making it not suck hard to be a woman, or stop worshipping at the altar of masculinity and strict gender role definition, a fair fraction of gender dysphoria and transgenderism would evaporate.

And yet we seem to be perfectly OK with killing women's sports.
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