COVID Stupid


Mama's lil stinker
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At this point, it's not really a fear of getting sick. It's just that there's a lack of common values that's been exposed.

I believe in subjective reality, and in duty and even sacrifice, to one's family and friends, and the place we live. People who refused to take the vaccine fail one or both of these two tests. We just don't share values any longer, and I'm not interested in hanging out with people who don't share values.
Right, chances are if I get a breakthrough I'll be find and I get that, but who wants a breakthrough because some selfish asshole refused to get the vaccine? You're right about seeing people's true colors and frankly I just want nothing to do with them any more and it's unfortunately.
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On Ivermectin and COVID, not that much. Some of the shit never survived peer review, but had been cited from preprint servers....

The issue with repurposing is that it's easy to run a database and identify candidate drugs for certain indications.
Running adequate clinical trials to test these hypotheses takes special expertise (and infrastructure), that is much harder to come by than people who can do literature reviews. That's generally been the issue with HCQ or IVER, people equate low quality evidence as proof.

I have noticed that. People also have strange takeaways. Some of the weirdos on some other site (can't remember which, this is just an anecdote) were claiming a complete immune system collapse a few months post-vaccination, based on statistics from the UK, yet none of the reports even appeared to suggest that. Some of these people have genuinely weird takeaways. Personally, I still avoid high densities of people, in spite of being vaccinated. I don't really expect to change that until the topic of COVID is better understood.

Sworn to protect and server...

It amuses me that someone in a police march referenced "The Usual Suspects". As I said before, it's not just the resistance to a vaccine mandate but also the resistance to required testing. Basically they want to work in roles where they may have to come into close contact with the general public, yet they don't want to be subjected to efforts to control the spread of a disease.


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the wilds
I have noticed that. People also have strange takeaways. Some of the weirdos on some other site (can't remember which, this is just an anecdote) were claiming a complete immune system collapse a few months post-vaccination, based on statistics from the UK, yet none of the reports even appeared to suggest that. Some of these people have genuinely weird takeaways. Personally, I still avoid high densities of people, in spite of being vaccinated. I don't really expect to change that until the topic of COVID is better understood.

It amuses me that someone in a police march referenced "The Usual Suspects". As I said before, it's not just the resistance to a vaccine mandate but also the resistance to required testing. Basically they want to work in roles where they may have to come into close contact with the general public, yet they don't want to be subjected to efforts to control the spread of a disease.

The officers who refuse vaccination and testing requirements also largely ignore mask requirements, and hold themselves above civilian authority.

Which is why I'm happy to see them all be fired. They've said that their personal interests are above the interests of their fellow officers, their city, and have shown an absolute refusal to adhere to civilian authority. They've rejected the values of the police force, and so the police force should reject them in kind.

And, most police officers have gotten the vaccine. So, why are we punishing officers who are duty-bound and spend so much attention on people who are clearly uninterested in doing the gig.


The officers who refuse vaccination and testing requirements also largely ignore mask requirements, and hold themselves above civilian authority.

Which is why I'm happy to see them all be fired. They've said that their personal interests are above the interests of their fellow officers, their city, and have shown an absolute refusal to adhere to civilian authority. They've rejected the values of the police force, and so the police force should reject them in kind.

And, most police officers have gotten the vaccine. So, why are we punishing officers who are duty-bound and spend so much attention on people who are clearly uninterested in doing the gig.
Also, COVID killed more cops than violence. So there we have it. The departure of these guys will imediately improve LEO mortality stats.
Are they still considered "Blue Lives" after they left the force?:D


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Which is why I'm happy to see them all be fired. They've said that their personal interests are above the interests of their fellow officers, their city, and have shown an absolute refusal to adhere to civilian authority. They've rejected the values of the police force, and so the police force should reject them in kind.

Also, fuck their union reps for supporting this kind of garbage. The ones who genuinely do not want to accept the vaccine should have been all in on other preventative measures, including reassignment and/or regular testing. Their resistance to any and all change is in itself enough to reveal them as bad cops.


Also, fuck their union reps for supporting this kind of garbage. The ones who genuinely do not want to accept the vaccine should have been all in on other preventative measures, including reassignment and/or regular testing. Their resistance to any and all change is in itself enough to reveal them as bad cops.
Psst! Don't tell them. This is the police defunding itself.


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the wilds
Also, fuck their union reps for supporting this kind of garbage. The ones who genuinely do not want to accept the vaccine should have been all in on other preventative measures, including reassignment and/or regular testing. Their resistance to any and all change is in itself enough to reveal them as bad cops.

Yep. The unions should be in the position of educating their fellows, and reminding them of their duty to civilians and their fellow officers. Instead, because a lot of them are knee-jerk against civilians, or Oath Keepers and Trumpsters, they agree with the anti-vaxers.

The unions have failed in two ways: first, they're putting themselves in a losing argument over new rules, and second: they're doing so in a way that sacrifices public safety and officer lives.

City leaders are learning that the unions are a problem, and they're going to be increasingly disinterested in supporting them, even from usually pro-union liberals. And, conservatives are showing that they'll support unions for a hot minute, but will immediately undermine them too because they're functionally expendable.

Unions had an opportunity to lead. And, they utterly failed the test.


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Yep. The unions should be in the position of educating their fellows, and reminding them of their duty to civilians and their fellow officers. Instead, because a lot of them are knee-jerk against civilians, or Oath Keepers and Trumpsters, they agree with the anti-vaxers.

The unions have failed in two ways: first, they're putting themselves in a losing argument over new rules, and second: they're doing so in a way that sacrifices public safety and officer lives.

City leaders are learning that the unions are a problem, and they're going to be increasingly disinterested in supporting them, even from usually pro-union liberals. And, conservatives are showing that they'll support unions for a hot minute, but will immediately undermine them too because they're functionally expendable.

Unions had an opportunity to lead. And, they utterly failed the test.
And it hasn’t just been police unions. Unions across all industries had knee-jerk reactions to employers mandating the vaccine, treating it like an attack by employers on employers. A vast majority of workers want the vaccine, and the union leaders should have been pushing for a mandate too. This protects most of their workers from the foolish actions of a few.


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City leaders are learning that the unions are a problem, and they're going to be increasingly disinterested in supporting them, even from usually pro-union liberals. And, conservatives are showing that they'll support unions for a hot minute, but will immediately undermine them too because they're functionally expendable.

I wouldn't expect typical liberal support of unions to be unconditional, but this is a weird political alliance. Conservatives historically disliked unions on the basis of their being unionized labor, not due to specific grievances with individual leadership.

I guess it's possible that conservative politicians are trying to carve out an exception for police unions, although this relies on branding capitol police as "Feds" and therefore unworthy of such support.

There are occasional dolts that really surprise me. Capitol police officers died in connection with January 6th, and this jackass thinks it's appropriate to build bridges. I would hope that this is sufficient to at least force the guy into retirement. Being a Republican doesn't make this kind of crap okay.

While Riley did note in a message to the unnamed riot suspect that the Capitol Police had “over 50 officers hurt, some pretty bad,” about 10 days after the riot, Riley invited the person to join him at his home in the future and to return to the Capitol, the indictment returned by a grand jury in Washington Thursday alleges.

“Next time you want to come to DC just call me, you can stay at my house on shore for free and bring your daughter to the museums,” Riley wrote, according to the indictment. “If you want to see the capitol building, lets do it legally next time….I know a guy who can get you a”

And it hasn’t just been police unions. Unions across all industries had knee-jerk reactions to employers mandating the vaccine, treating it like an attack by employers on employers. A vast majority of workers want the vaccine, and the union leaders should have been pushing for a mandate too. This protects most of their workers from the foolish actions of a few.

At an individual level, they really deserve whatever backlash they get. It seems like they're unwilling to accept anything other than business as usual.

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Mama's lil stinker
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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
This is cute but also symbolic. Lucifer comes from Lux Ciphere: Light-bringer. Some of these people actively avoid enlightenment.
Everything you know is wrong. Or, everything, you know, is wrong.

The Christians have painted the devil as some kind of bad guy, but is he really? I mean, how many people has murdered or tortured compared to that Jehovallah guy? I believe that the Christians have their polytheism backwards, and their hero (a lot like a certain other group) is just a sleazy conman who has used his powerful PR department to make the devil look evil, when, in fact, he makes wonderful cake and snack eggs.


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Turns out Aaron Rodgers lied about being vaccinated.



Veteran quarterback Blake Bortles is flying to Green Bay on Wednesday with the expectation that he will be signed to the practice squad and be eligible for the 53-man roster on Sunday, a source told ESPN's Adam Schefter.
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