What are you doing today?


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Electric blanket on.....but beer (and crisps) to hand first, as it will be some while yet before my warm and welcoming bed is greeted.


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Echo Chamber
Don’t judge! 😛


Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Meant to post this the other day, it wouldn't fit in the trunk (it was filled with other supplies, but this was a beastly pumpkin ...), good color synergy with my car :D

View attachment 1107
Oooooh, I LOVE the color of your car!!!!! Orange is my favorite color of all time! That's gorgeous and I'll bet it's a head-turner wherever you are driving.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Went to the radiation oncologist this morning where I was told last week’s scan was perfect. The doc asked me how I felt about the election and I told him I was terrified. He said “you mean if Biden wins?” Eeee godz. And this after he complained about the total lack of social distancing when he went to the polls this morning. Dearheart...if you want social distancing, then you definitely don’t want Trump. To quote a former student - is you crazy?!
Alli, congratulations on the good health report with the perfect scan! YAAAAY!!


Went to the radiation oncologist this morning where I was told last week’s scan was perfect.
You deserve a drink! (unless you're taking chemo or other meds that should not mix with alcohol).

The doc asked me how I felt about the election and I told him I was terrified. He said “you mean if Biden wins?” Eeee godz. And this after he complained about the total lack of social distancing when he went to the polls this morning. Dearheart...if you want social distancing, then you definitely don’t want Trump. To quote a former student - is you crazy?!


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
… it's already windy, rainy and thoroughly depressing out there today …
I saw several of your dismal days and felt bad for you, for we, notorious for our "last year, summer fell on a Wednesday" climate, were having clear and pleasant weather – well, pleasant if you like 60 in the afternoon, 30 at night. Then, yesterday, the "Pineapple Express" rolled in, with kegs of rain, coming and going, and, well, the temp stayed right up there. Monday was like a pleasant day in March, Tuesday was like "ha, what were you thinking" – like, again, a day in March, irked.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Why did you need to buy a pumpkin when you drive one? 😜

I've got it listed in my car info portal as Angry Pumpkin :D

Oooooh, I LOVE the color of your car!!!!! Orange is my favorite color of all time! That's gorgeous and I'll bet it's a head-turner wherever you are driving.

It was a first time color for me, but I'd done a few "grayscale" colors in a row, was looking for something big and bold color-wise. I had a Vette that was Millenium Yellow, really perfect shade of yellow, always enjoyed it. When I went shopping for this car, I was pretty open to any color-color, so would've taken, yellow/orange/red/blue/other-blue, this one came up, just a perfect match for what I wanted, kind of decided the color for me.

It's actually called Orange Fury (or as the little G calls it, "Orange Furry"), it's a special upcharge color because the process is a little more complex, it has a tri-coat, so a base coat, a color coat, then a metallic tinted top layer (if you get close you can really see the metallic finish). The really fun thing is it shifts colors pretty radically, it's very light sensitive, that pic above, it's way more towards an red-orange, but other times, it very yellow-orange.


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Echo Chamber
I’m tired today. My four legged personal assistants woke me three times last night. As I watched from the slider it seems their only interest was to see if any of their 🐸 friends had returned along with the warm weather. 🤷🏼‍♂️

The calendar is full and a neighbor needs picked up from the airport around 4 Central. It might be a good excuse to cut the day short.


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Just getting to my coffee after finally sleeping just after 3 a.m. Can't believe I slept straight through.

Going to obsess over numbers and possibilities for a Biden-Harris win. Then I'll get up the nerve to call Grams and see what she has to say about this mess. She was hopeful "that man" would be sent packing. I'm sure she'll remain hopeful and will tell me to be the same way.

Then I'll speak with a Civil Rights couple that much predicted this outcome. They've been arrested, assaulted and are keen observers of what's going on. Last week the wife predicted that the GOP would steal this election. I'll see what they predict for the coming few days.

Then I'm probably going for a 3-5 mile power walk to clear my head.

"You are Okay! You are Okay! You are..."

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
Main Camera
Man, this is a real nail-biter, isn't it?!!! Sheesh! Last night I finally gave up, couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so went off to bed, thinking optimistically that this morning I would arise and there would be definitive good news.... Instead, I'm sitting here trying to keep from biting all of my fingernails clean off! Wow.....!


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Man, this is a real nail-biter, isn't it?!!! Sheesh! Last night I finally gave up, couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so went off to bed, thinking optimistically that this morning I would arise and there would be definitive good news.... Instead, I'm sitting here trying to keep from biting all of my fingernails clean off! Wow.....!
Same here, I went to bed defeated and didn't sleep all that well. This morning certainly looks more promising but the fact that so many still voted for that man after the way he's acted so recklessly and irresponsibly is disappointing to say the least.


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I attended an online talk (a long scheduled online talk) - given by a former deputy president of the EU commission (who had also been head of the EU's foreign and security policy) and the discreet, understand and dignified way she threaded her way through the material (and questions) spoke volumes.

Europe is holding its breath while awaiting a definitive outcome.


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I actually managed to do some research and get a short paper written and submitted this morning. Took my mind off things for a while even though I have the TV on in the background. Have to do another paper with a partner and she’s supposed to call when she gets off work this afternoon. That will serve as a nice distraction.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I went to bed in the wee hours when crashing just seemed like the next right thing... then "slept fast and woke up smart".. That part's a joke from days of hanging out with guys who were surgical interns in NYC and figured four hours sleep in 48 was a gift from God. I can tell you I wouldn't have wanted them operating on me for more than a simple appendectomy though.

Started my day with a nice mellow coffee from Honduras and some Allman Brothers for music.

It's a sunny day but windy and still pretty cold so I'm postponing a trip outside to haul down the collapsed remnant of what was a pulley-operated clothesline and stash the still fine line compressors away in a box until spring when I'll help stage that comedy short known as How Many Neighbors or Kin Does it Take to Hang a New Clothesline. Usually three... but one time my sole indoor-outdoor cat assisted, since she apparently thought she had nailed the world's longest living grass snake pretty close behind its somehow sorta knotty head... 150 feet of frayed clothesline can do that to the imagination of a highly skilled feline huntress.


I went to bed in the wee hours when crashing just seemed like the next right thing... then "slept fast and woke up smart".. That part's a joke from days of hanging out with guys who were surgical interns in NYC and figured four hours sleep in 48 was a gift from God. I can tell you I wouldn't have wanted them operating on me for more than a simple appendectomy though.
Been there, not great... At one point I thought I'm narcoleptic. Then it turned out I just accumulated 3-months worth of sleep deprivation... They are interns though so they are mainly used as "scut monkeys" and target practice for malignant nurses.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
^^ Uh... well at least the allegedly malignant nurses can usually find a vein to put a line in... which is maybe why some interns never quite master the art after the patients realize how it tends to go. As a patient I'd rather sure rather see a nurse than a doc approaching me with any needle.

As far as emulating narcolepsy, one of my uncles was a surgeon and was entirely capable of joining us in the living room after a holiday meal that he'd only half-attended thanks to existence of a whole slew of people having put off surgery they needed until they landed in the ER via ambulance... but he'd be making dutiful small talk for just a few moments, after which time he was clearly sleeping with his eyes open, sometimes even having left a sentence unfinished.

My aunt had reluctantly become used to this after decades of it, so she would roll eyes, shrug and go over and put a blanket over him, take his eyeglasses off and tip his eyes shut.. and so he willingly became part of the furniture for the rest of the evening. I sometimes wondered if the guy ever really got to do much more than carve a holiday turkey on festive occasions. Talk about a busman's holiday.
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