What are you doing today?

Apple fanboy

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As are mine, but I always send out an email blast to my customers wishing them a Happy New Year and to change their batteries. We have several older clients that we do this for every year because they can't climb up and do it.

And yes hardwired detectors have battery backups, but most are good for 10+ years.
We had the place rewired when we moved in, so only been in 18 months or so, should be good for a while.

Apple fanboy

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Wrapped up my 2021 52-Week project on another forum, and am doing year-end reorganization of my photo files and setting up new folders for the images which I'll be shooting in 2022.

I definitely followed my personal ritual of watching the old year go away and the new year appear, thanks to New York and the traditional Times Square event, but was annoyed when for some reason the show I was watching didn't show closeups of the Waterford Crystal ball as it was making its descent through the final seconds of 2021 and arriving at the first second of 2022. Must be some protocol that the different broadcasters have to follow and maybe positioning for the right angles to get those kinds of shots is something that is swapped around among them each year. Whatever.....

The smoke detector in my condominium apartment unit is hard-wired, but probably could/should be updated now since it is the original one which was installed at the time the place was built.
Isn’t that included in those management fees?


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hot water hose sprung a leak not sure when but we started smelling wet carpet and I found this. This is a manufactured hose with the hot water tank in a closet in the bedroom that we don't use. silly me to use high quality hose to replace the crap that came with it only to have it leak. I also put a shutoff vales there to make it easy to turn off the water of course I could not get it to turn. I put a shutoff where the water comes into the house as last time we had a burst pipe I had to craw 15 feet on wet plastic in 20 degree tempts to turn off the water.

Apple fanboy

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No, I think the smoke detectors/alarms are considered "part of the individual unit" and of course since they are hard-wired also are using electricity, and the homeowner or resident is responsible for paying their own electric bill.
You'd think something like that would be covered as you'd want everyone in the building to have one, and for it to be maintained to the same standard.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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You'd think something like that would be covered as you'd want everyone in the building to have one, and for it to be maintained to the same standard.
I think that is why the builder installed them in each unit right from the get-go, and made them hard-wired so that people wouldn't be casual about this sort of thing and "forget" to buy themselves a battery-operated smoke detector and therefore have none at all. I don't really know if people who have bought the units from the original owners or subsequent owners since the time of construction have replaced their smoke detectors or not.

With the exception of water/sewer services, there is nothing centralized here for which we pay via our monthly condo fees. This is not one huge big building with a couple hundred units in it. The complex consists of fourteen "garden-style" buildings, each with fourteen units. Residents/owners are responsible for everything inside the unit, which includes HVAC, electricity, phone service, cable service, interior maintenance, appliances, etc., etc. HVAC system, hot water heater and appliances were provided with the units at the time of purchase and then of course over time people have replaced the original ones with new HVAC unit, refrigerator, stove/oven unit, dishwasher, hot water heater, washer and dryer as needed.

When I bought this unit it was ten years old and so I replaced the washer and dryer and the dishwasher, but both the fridge and stove were in good shape so kept them and later on, I think about four years later had to replace the fridge. Hot water heater had to be replaced around that time as well, and then again more recently, some years later. Since I don't do much cooking and what I do mostly works just fine with popping it into the microwave, the original stove-cum-oven unit is still in here, but the stovetop/burners (electric, not gas) all work just fine. Don't know about the oven since I've never actually used it. If I were selling this place undoubtedly a new buyer would replace ALL of the appliances, start from fresh with more updated ones.


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I’ve woken up day two with a really sore arm after pulling it the day before yesterday. Going to take it easy I think. My wife wants me to put up shelving and is very unsympathetic whenever I’m not well lol.

Logged in to Mac Rumours to find a massive prick of a poster @Itinj24 is having a go at me on a thread about the Hermes AW. I need to cut down my participation on that forum I think lol [emoji2359]


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I’ve woken up day two with a really sore arm after pulling it the day before yesterday. Going to take it easy I think. My wife wants me to put up shelving and is very unsympathetic whenever I’m not well lol.

Logged in to Mac Rumours to find a massive prick of a poster @Itinj24 is having a go at me on a thread about the Hermes AW. I need to cut down my participation on that forum I think lol [emoji2359]

Ration your visits.

And your responses.

That is what I do.


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Spent quite a bit of yesterday on the phone.

My (German) sister-in-law phoned for a long chat of around an hour and a half (picking up and joining in after Other Brother had phoned me), quite lovely.

And my friends from Bristol phoned.
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Apple fanboy

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I’ve woken up day two with a really sore arm after pulling it the day before yesterday. Going to take it easy I think. My wife wants me to put up shelving and is very unsympathetic whenever I’m not well lol.

Logged in to Mac Rumours to find a massive prick of a poster @Itinj24 is having a go at me on a thread about the Hermes AW. I need to cut down my participation on that forum I think lol [emoji2359]
Is it really sore? Sounds like your trying to get away with not doing the diy! Hope it feels better soon. I’m rarely ill, but Mrs AFB is not big on sympathy either.


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Is it really sore? Sounds like your trying to get away with not doing the diy! Hope it feels better soon. I’m rarely ill, but Mrs AFB is not big on sympathy either.

Haha I am sure that’s what my wife thinks. Put it this way, yesterday I nearly threw up when I jarred it, it was so painful. The mother in law gave me some of her prescription painkillers which seem to have done the job today.


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Is it really sore? Sounds like your trying to get away with not doing the diy! Hope it feels better soon. I’m rarely ill, but Mrs AFB is not big on sympathy either.
I think that many women - whose pain, historically, has been dismissed and downplayed even though a great number endure persistent menstrual discomfort - if not downright agony - not to mention the sometimes brutal side effects of pregnancy - develop an impatience with manifestations of male illnesses such as manflu.

Haha I am sure that’s what my wife thinks. Put it this way, yesterday I nearly threw up when I jarred it, it was so painful. The mother in law gave me some of her prescription painkillers which seem to have done the job today.
Okay: That does sound grim.

You do have my sympathy.

Apple fanboy

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I think that many women - whose pain, historically, has been dismissed and downplayed even though a great number endure persistent menstrual discomfort - if not downright agony - not to mention the sometimes brutal side effects of pregnancy - develop an impatience with manifestations of male illnesses such as manflu.

Okay: That does sound grim.

You do have my sympathy.
That maybe true in some cases, but I’m 100% supportive of Mrs AFB varies ailments. Can’t say it works the other way.
But then I never just get flu. If I’m ill with a cold of flu (rarely) it also comes with 50 plus mouth ulcers. So basically you can’t eat or drink anything without server pain.

Fortunately I’ve not had a flair up in a while. I don’t have time to be sick. Too many responsibilities at work.

Deleted member 215

Just got back from the used book store with some good finds:


They didn't have records last time I was there, but I couldn't pass them up. And now I have some good reading material for the new year 😁


Resident Redneck
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I think that many women - whose pain, historically, has been dismissed and downplayed even though a great number endure persistent menstrual discomfort - if not downright agony - not to mention the sometimes brutal side effects of pregnancy - develop an impatience with manifestations of male illnesses such as manflu.

It's weird. I think women tolerate internal pain better than men, where men tolerate external pain better.

I can go out and play softball, come home barely walking with a huge strawberry and be fine. Give me a few stomach cramps or a headache and I'm a baby. Wife has quit asking what I did when she finds blood on my clothes.

But she can tolerate internal pain that I couldn't fathom, but she whacks her knuckle on the door knob and it's like you cut her hand off.


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besides the hot water tank problem my bike got messed up. I guess I was stressed and did not notice the problem jsut desperate to ride the stress away. Hey only 120 or so to dix the broken part and we did not even get out of the driveway. the rig is wet about 8 feet out from where it happened.

Apple fanboy

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Also about to start work. It is a public holiday here in the UK, but not in Germany and since they are doing their stock taking, I will no doubt get involved.
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