What are you doing today?


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went on a short 19 mile ride wife cant ride after her eye surgery and it has been wet but still go to get out. did 30 miles yesterday. found a really small Vinyard this pic is 1/2 of it. its I the suburbs of portland so not in a normal farming area. then going down the hill from it this cool fog patch. then in the little of the fog patch in a expensive suburb a cool hidden falls.


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Hope her eye syurgery went well, and that she is feeling better; great that you were able to get out, and I'd imagine that she enjoyed it.

How long before she can expect to be allowed to drive again?

When my father had cataract operations, it took him a while before, certainly a few weeks, before he felt sufficiently confident behind the wheel, and preferred my mother to drive him, or else he walked or took public transport.


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Hope her eye syurgery went well, and that she is feeling better; great that you were able to get out, and I'd imagine that she enjoyed it.

How long before she can expect to be allowed to drive again?

When my father had cataract operations, it took him a while before, certainly a few weeks, before he felt sufficiently confident behind the wheel, and preferred my mother to drive him, or else he walked or took public transport.
yep its doing well should be Thursday before she can ride. she blind so I don't think she will be driving anytime soon (G) but she cant be worse then some drives I have seen.

Thomas Veil

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Hope her eye syurgery went well, and that she is feeling better; great that you were able to get out, and I'd imagine that she enjoyed it.

How long before she can expect to be allowed to drive again?

When my father had cataract operations, it took him a while before, certainly a few weeks, before he felt sufficiently confident behind the wheel, and preferred my mother to drive him, or else he walked or took public transport.
Ah, cataract surgery. Not something you'd think you'd remember fondly, but there were aspects of it...like no longer having to wear glasses for long distance viewing.

I clearly remember going outside and looking around and being somewhat awestruck at the fact that I could see all the way to the horizon, and everything looked sharp. It wasn't as emotional as you see in those videos where color-blind people see color for the first time. But because I'd worn glasses since I was about nine and my eyes never tolerated contact lenses well, I couldn't get over being able to see everything around me in focus.

Of course, you can get much the same result with lasik, but this just felt better because the actual lenses in my eyes were replaced. (For a while I went around telling anyone who'd believe me that I'd paid extra for premium zoom lenses.) The downside is that I need reading glasses for anything close, but as far as I'm concerned that's a minor inconvenience.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Uh...Scepticalscribe, actually, Fooferdoggie has told us several times here (and also in posts on MR) that his wife is visually impaired -- blind -- and so of course she does not drive at all. The recent surgery is something new and experimental/clinical trial stuff to help improve her situation but my impression is that it wouldn't be expected to totally restore normal vision (if she ever had that at all). It's exciting, though, because this research and surgery can benefit not just her but many others to come along in the future, which is the whole point.

Cataracts....Sigh..... In a few more years I'll be doing the cataract surgery thing, as my right eye is slowly developing one....not sure why the left eye isn't also doing so, but whatever. NOT looking forward to the procedure itself but definitely will appreciate the outcome, assuming all goes well! Right now, thankfully, my vision is still good enough to be safely behind the wheel of a large moving vehicle but I know that the day will come when, with my ophthalmologist, I will need to schedule the surgery and pause driving temporarily until I have had the surgery and healed from that.


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Cleaned up part of the basement yesterday (lots of work to do) and blew out dust bunnies from the registers (forced hot water baseboard heaters) and cleaned out the heating/exhaust fan in the bathrooms.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Uh...Scepticalscribe, actually, Fooferdoggie has told us several times here (and also in posts on MR) that his wife is visually impaired -- blind -- and so of course she does not drive at all. The recent surgery is something new and experimental/clinical trial stuff to help improve her situation but my impression is that it wouldn't be expected to totally restore normal vision (if she ever had that at all). It's exciting, though, because this research and surgery can benefit not just her but many others to come along in the future, which is the whole point.

Cataracts....Sigh..... In a few more years I'll be doing the cataract surgery thing, as my right eye is slowly developing one....not sure why the left eye isn't also doing so, but whatever. NOT looking forward to the procedure itself but definitely will appreciate the outcome, assuming all goes well! Right now, thankfully, my vision is still good enough to be safely behind the wheel of a large moving vehicle but I know that the day will come when, with my ophthalmologist, I will need to schedule the surgery and pause driving temporarily until I have had the surgery and healed from that.

My cataracts removal was a great experience, and seeing things anew with sharp edges and corners was a reminder of when I first got glasses and realized how poor my vision had been beforehand! Hope all goes well for you as well.


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I've worn glasses since I was a small child, - the only person in the house who had to do so - and everytime I put them on, I am aware of the (striking) difference in vision between my sight - what I can see and the clarity with which I see it - when I wear them, and when I don't.

In the past decade or so, both brothers have had to don spectacles, Other Brother, for almost everything, Decent Brother for reading, which they have adapated to surprisingly well with hardly any grumbling.

Beer was delivered this morning, so I shall have - or, rather, enjoy - a bottle after my French class this evening.
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Cataracts....Sigh..... In a few more years I'll be doing the cataract surgery thing, as my right eye is slowly developing one....not sure why the left eye isn't also doing so, but whatever. NOT looking forward to the procedure itself but definitely will appreciate the outcome, assuming all goes well! Right now, thankfully, my vision is still good enough to be safely behind the wheel of a large moving vehicle but I know that the day will come when, with my ophthalmologist, I will need to schedule the surgery and pause driving temporarily until I have had the surgery and healed from that.

My cataracts removal was a great experience, and seeing things anew with sharp edges and corners was a reminder of when I first got glasses and realized how poor my vision had been beforehand! Hope all goes well for you as well.
For the last 3-4 years, every time I visit the eye doctor he remarks "your cataracts are coming in just fine." Bully for me. I'm ready for them to come in completely so that I can have them removed and not have to wear glasses (except for reading glasses).


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Today I'm cooking up a storm in case the actual storm causes power outages. Rice and beans time!

Well, some pasta, some rice.. separately. All kinds of stuff goes with those and some of it will come right out of a can if necessary. Hoping that's not going to be a requirement, although I'll take any excuse to pop the top on a tin of Cento caponata. Goes as well heated over pasta as it does just served with crusty bread for an appetizer.


I've been working on a project for the past year. Third tier in my priority list, but exciting due to the novelty and challenges. Figured out I can run the analyses in the background using CUDA, but never got it to work...Now I was recommended to rerun the whole thing (10days of processing), so I got CUDA fixed in hopes of shaving off a few days, and low and behold. MFin CUDA is slower than running tensorflow on the CPU. WTF.


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Today I'm cooking up a storm in case the actual storm causes power outages. Rice and beans time!

Well, some pasta, some rice.. separately. All kinds of stuff goes with those and some of it will come right out of a can if necessary. Hoping that's not going to be a requirement, although I'll take any excuse to pop the top on a tin of Cento caponata. Goes as well heated over pasta as it does just served with crusty bread for an appetizer.

Did someone mention caponata?


I adore caponata. From a jar, a plastic container, a tin, or - best of all - freshly prepared.........

French class finished and I am now sipping a beer, and catching up on the news.

Forgot to mention a lovely long chat (on the phone) with Decent Brother yesterday.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Another Caponata fan here, too! :). Now that I think of it, haven't had any in a while.... [makes notation on grocery list for the next time I venture out to the store! Not about to try making it myself, although I usually do toss in a few more capers and olives, but jarred or canned works nicely!]

What am I doing today/have done today? At the moment am running some backups between two external drives on my 2018 MBP and also running the new Big Sur 11.2 update on my 12" MacBook. I actually hadn't realized that this was released today until I fired up the M1 MBP to use while the other one was busy.....and got the notification about the software update. Since it had been a few days since I've used this machine I thought, "oh, I must've missed an OS software update!" and promptly started it going..... Normally I do due diligence and check things out ahead of time before running ANY update on any of my machines, in case there is some sort of big issue. Well, thankfully, even though I skipped that step this time and just jumped into doing the update, all is well and so far no hitches, no glitches on this machine. Whew!!

So now since the 2018 machine is still busy with her job of hosting the two external drives doing their thing, I went ahead and started the Big Sur 11.2 update on the 12" Macbook, too. I'll wait until tomorrow to do the update on the 2018 machine.....

Seems as though I really didn't accomplish much today, although I spent a fair amount of time gazing out the windows at our white landscape, giving thanks that we didn't get really nailed with a huge amount of snow, while sending good thoughts to those in NY, CT, NJ, Eastern PA and points north which were about to get clobbered.....


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
So far looks like the forecast is on the money about eastern PA, souther tier of NY and southern Catskills taking a real snow hit and up here we're only going to have around 10 inches if the models have it nailed. Weird how then it heads on up northwest of here and the Finger Lakes area gets a bigger hit than the mountains down here. Unusual, with lake effect from Ontario and Cayuga jumping in for an extra punch to eastern Finger Lakes as the week wears on. Some of those fruit orchards are going to be surprised, hope they can take the joke when the stuff melts and refreezes later on.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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A friend who lives in Eastern PA, not too far from Harrisburg, got ten inches late yesterday and overnight; he was not looking forward to getting out with the snow shovel and the snowblower after he finished work! (Working from home, like so many are.). Here we had a few snow flurries and a "snow shower" today but nothing serious; we did pick up about another inch of snow overnight, though.

I shot a few photos and did a couple loads of laundry today, so I was semi-productive, I would say.....


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I got news this morning that I passed my comprehensive exam. Woohoo! I’ve celebrated all day long with too much ice cream. (My stomach may not forgive me.) Not only did I pass, but the department chair granted me the committee I requested, so I have 3 amazing women to help me on my dissertation journey. Woohoo!!!


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I got the 1st of 2 shots of the Pfizer covid vaccine this morning. My arm is a little sore but thats about it so far.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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I got news this morning that I passed my comprehensive exam. Woohoo! I’ve celebrated all day long with too much ice cream. (My stomach may not forgive me.) Not only did I pass, but the department chair granted me the committee I requested, so I have 3 amazing women to help me on my dissertation journey. Woohoo!!!
YAAAAAAY, Alli!!!!! This is terrific news and I can only imagine how over the moon you are right now!!! Wheeeee!!!!!

So, next up: the dissertation......how long will you have to work on that, is there a specific time frame by which it must be completed, submitted and defended? Have you already given some thought as to what you would like to address?

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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I got the 1st of 2 shots of the Pfizer covid vaccine this morning. My arm is a little sore but thats about it so far.
Congratulations on getting that first jab!! Probably tomorrow is when you'll notice some increased soreness and discomfort in that arm. At least this is the way it was for me with Moderna -- didn't notice much of anything until I arose from bed the following morning, and oh, yeah, got a kind of sore arm here.....that lasted a couple of days and then on the third day a little itching at the injection site, but that was that as far as the arm was concerned.
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