Kanye West, the media's predictable cycle, and the rise of reactionism


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It's funny how artists like Lil Nas can have a video of him making out with a depiction of Satan, and trying to sell satanic sneakers, yet he's praised, not canceled. But everyone is treating Kanye like he murdered someone. I'm not defending Kanye, but it's obvious everyone's outrage priorities are out of order.
Are you fucking serious?! He was roundly condemned. For a video. Including by religious leaders and politicians (that included at least one governor). A video that showed him killing Satan. The video was about so-called christians and their unending hypocrisy. Your whataboutism is a defense of the Black self-hating nazi whether you realize it or not. At least be current. The Montero video is from March 2021, more than a year and a half ago.


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Well, what about Adenoid Hynckle?

You characterize it as "hate" – is that because you cannot find another way to frame it? If we refuse to put up with intolerance, do you call that intolerance for the intolerant?

Would you like a pretzel?

(And, yes, in my view, beating the crap out of someone sporting the flag of slavery and oppression would not be unacceptable, because that symbol says to me that it is ok to kill me because I do not support slavery and oppression. Responding to overt threats with violence is inappropriate, but sometimes I get forced out of propriety and have to deal with shitheads on their level.)

But it is hate. You're giving energy to hate. If hate was a demon, you'll be serving it a five course meal. I rather bring everyone into the light so they can reveal who they truly are. That's much better than letting hate fester in darkness until it becomes a sleeping giant waiting to be woken.

If you are a nazi, you are advocating FOR MY DEATH. You are saying you are fine with killing my daughter and turning her into lampshades and soap. You are joining a club that killed more than a dozen of my family members, stole all my family’s property, and which my grandparents escaped only by taking separate ships to separate countries and being separated for years.

”Never again” isn’t just a phrase of hope. It means that next time we aren’t putting up with this shit. And punching a nazi in the face is just the second step.

The first step being that I will not stay silent when people try to normalize the despicable language and behavior of Kanye, Trump, and the rest of those evil turds.

And because of that, your enemy is not in plain view. Trust me I get what you are saying. But punch one and there's another, punch another and there's another, and so on and so on.

And the despicable language and behavior is already normalized. How do you think Trump became president to begin with, he pandered to those types.

Are you fucking serious?! He was roundly condemned. For a video. Including by religious leaders and politicians (that included at least one governor). A video that showed him killing Satan. The video was about so-called christians and their unending hypocrisy. Your whataboutism is a defense of the Black self-hating nazi whether you realize it or not. At least be current. The Montero video is from March 2021, more than a year and a half ago.

He wasn't canceled by multiple industries like Kanye. And 2021 is pretty current.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
But it is hate. You're giving energy to hate. If hate was a demon, you'll be serving it a five course meal. I rather bring everyone into the light so they can reveal who they truly are. That's much better than letting hate fester in darkness until it becomes a sleeping giant waiting to be woken.

I spend 99.9999% of my time ignoring assholes. They do whatever the fuck they do and I do what I do. I do not seek them out or worry too much about them. That is not the face of "hate". I seek to starve their passion with my apathy to them.

He wasn't canceled by multiple industries like Kanye. And 2021 is pretty current.

What exactly does "canceled" mean here? I perceive it as "We want nothing to do with you, just FTFO". That is called "free speech" – it would seem that you call it "canceling" because you object to people actively objecting to ye's blortings.

Would you like another pretzel?


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Drawing parallels to someone speaking about the devil with someone who was actually responsible for the death of 6 million Jews is simply too ridiculous to even argue over but just wanted to say it's hard not to love Lil Nas, he's really talented and gives zero fucks about what others think of him.

Let's be realistic about true monsters vs mythology here.


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He wasn't canceled by multiple industries like Kanye. And 2021 is pretty current.
Ye isn't cancelled. He wore out the welcome from business partners as is their right. Of course you skipped over your misrepresentation of facts to take up for a self-hating Black nazi that is currently adding fuel to his anti-semitic fire. He got invited to a former President's home. He was on a program with millions of viewers where he was allowed to spew his hatred. That's being cancelled?


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When I watched that weird interview. It seemed like Kanye was trying to convey his faith by showing love to everyone, even the enemy. It literally states in the Bible, love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you. Now do I actually believe Kanye's faith is true? Well, I think he's too narcissistic to take anything he says as him being legit.

To you he's not real. To Christians, Satan is as real as can be. My point is Satan (whether you believe or not) is the representative of ultimate evil. So why was it okay for Lil Nas and plenty of other artists to play with that? It just looks like selective outrage IMO.

You’re comparing a theological entity portrayed in an artistic medium to a group of people who are real, physical beings. Kanye is promoting hateful stereotypes against Jews. Period.

I get Kanye was trying to see the best in people and “love thy neighbor”, but that doesn’t mean you can excuse the wrongdoing of Hitler. Let’s pretend as Kanye states the Hitler invented the microphone, highway, was a great architect, and 6 million Jews were not exterminated- does that overshadow the fact Hitler started a war that killed ten’s of millions of people? To say Nazis we’re not evil is insane.


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If you are a nazi, you are advocating FOR MY DEATH. You are saying you are fine with killing my daughter and turning her into lampshades and soap. You are joining a club that killed more than a dozen of my family members, stole all my family’s property, and which my grandparents escaped only by taking separate ships to separate countries and being separated for years.

”Never again” isn’t just a phrase of hope. It means that next time we aren’t putting up with this shit. And punching a nazi in the face is just the second step.

The first step being that I will not stay silent when people try to normalize the despicable language and behavior of Kanye, Trump, and the rest of those evil turds.

Kanye’s overwhelming appreciation of Nazis and promotion of stereotypes and conspiracies does not only promote the hatred and death of you, me, and all the other Jews in the world… His comments denying Holocaust denies the existence the horror that millions of Jews had to endure and all the bigotry and violence Jews faced in Germany prior to the formation of ghettos and concentration camps encouraged by the rule of Nazis.

On a personal level, what he says disgusts me deeply. I had two grandparents who survived the holocaust and many other relatives who did not. At best he is ignoring the heinous trauma inflicted upon them, at worst he is calling them liars. They died 20 years ago and never liked talking about their experiences, certainly with their young grandchildren, but I can only imagine how they would react to such comments.

I can only hope people realize how insane he and his beliefs are and will make others who consider or have succumbed to these same antisemitic conspiracies realize that they are wrong.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Like Trump, Kanye possesses the unfortunate combo of mind-blowing ignorance and relentless attention-seeking behavior.

At no point have I understood Kanye’s appeal, musically or otherwise.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
If Jewish people could just forgive Hitler and let it go that would be great.

Oh yeah, Adolph probably isn’t the same person since WW2. You’ve gotta account for his growth as a human being; otherwise you’re inflexible.

What’re the chances Ye is DMing someone with a fake Hitler Twitter and nobody’s broken the news to him?


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Drawing parallels to someone speaking about the devil with someone who was actually responsible for the death of 6 million Jews is simply too ridiculous to even argue over but just wanted to say it's hard not to love Lil Nas, he's really talented and gives zero fucks about what others think of him.

Let's be realistic about true monsters vs mythology here.

In a country so divided on certain laws based on religion, and dealing with a topic based on a ethnoreligious group. The devil (whether fiction or fact) and what the devil represents is NOT a ridiculous comparison. And this is coming from somebody who's non religious.


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If Jewish people could just forgive Hitler and let it go that would be great.

From what I have heard listening to only some of what Kanye has said, he makes it sound like the only reason not to like Hitler is because of the Jews. The reason the US got involved with WWII has nothing to do with the holocaust. Even without the holocaust Nazis would still have been seen as a force of Evil.

In Judaism, a person cannot expect forgiveness without “teshuva” meaning repentance. This is includes the process of self-reflection, confessing one’s transgressions, expressing genuine remorse, providing some form of remedy or restitution if possible, and a demonstration that he/she has reformed themselves. In other words, forgiveness is earned, not expected.

Obviously Hitler is dead and cannot attempt to atone for his heinous acts upon the world, but he at no point ever expressed any remorse for his actions against the Jewish people. If he had lived longer, I don’t think he would have changed his mind. One might infer he killed himself to spare himself the consequences of his actions. Therefore Jews are under no obligation to forgive Hitler.

I can forgive former Nazis who demonstrate contrition for their actions- but it doesn’t mean they didn’t participate in evil things. But Nazis who lack remorse or neo-Nazis who actively participate in hate do not deserve forgiveness. Why should Jews be expected to forgive those who actively wish to oppress or kill us?

Then there is the question of what forgiveness even means. Does Kanye think forgiveness requires forgetting the atrocities Hitler perpetrated and believing he should be free of consequences? Because that’s not how most people see it.

I understand the point Kayne thinks he’s making, but it’s not coherent and based on incorrect information and assumptions.

Honestly, I think we’re getting to a point where we start holding whoever is platforming Kanye responsible for disseminating anti-Semitism and/or attempting to profit off of what is clearly a mentally ill man.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting hate is or should be “medicalized”, but Kanye is obviously not well and I don’t think it’s fair to make character judgements of people in an active episode. If and when he is ever stable and continues to believe this terrible ideology, then it’s fair game.


Mama's lil stinker
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Jewish groups urge influencers and tech platforms to stop hosting Ye interviews​

Representatives from five Jewish and anti-hate organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, have asked tech platforms and influencers to stop hosting interviews with Ye.
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