Ron DeSantis: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with him?


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we really need this this guy generates so much crap. may dresses seems to scare him. this is so much about control. why is it this was Fien a year ago???

Many right-wingers love this because they hate LGBTQ people.

Others claim not to be biased against them, but say “this doesn’t affect that many people, so who cares?” Meanwhile, the same “who cares” folks are a small minority who have large gun collections, and lose their minds if the government puts even a single restriction on firearms.

Runs For Fun

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He's not denouncing this shit


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Speaking of grooming, the media is absolutely grooming DeSantis to be the 2024 Republican candidate. They are desperate for someone other than Trump.

more likely it's DeSantis who's doing the grooming......and as you note, the press is desperate for somebody other than Trump, so they're very receptive
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Florida’s new ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ license plate stirs controversy​

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took to Twitter last week to promote the state’s new license plate design. Since then, the responses have ranged from support to criticism.

The new plate features the slogan “Don’t Tread On Me” accompanied by a black coiled rattlesnake over a yellow background. According to the governor’s office, funds from the plate will benefit the Florida Veterans Foundation.

The “Dont Tread On Me” slogan, which is also known as the Gadsden flag, was first flown on a warship in 1775 as a battle cry for American independence from British taxation and rule, according to However, its meaning has changed significantly since then.

In the early 2000s, the flag’s meaning became increasingly politicized after it was adopted by conservative and libertarian groups and their platforms for small government and lower taxes. After several supporters of these groups were accused of racism, many of their critics associated the Gadsden flag as an expression of bigotry, the site added.
DeSantis meanwhile has claimed on Twitter that the plate is intended to send a clear message to out-of-state cars, “‘Don’t Tread on Me’ or Florida.”


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Florida’s new ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ license plate stirs controversy​

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took to Twitter last week to promote the state’s new license plate design. Since then, the responses have ranged from support to criticism.

The new plate features the slogan “Don’t Tread On Me” accompanied by a black coiled rattlesnake over a yellow background. According to the governor’s office, funds from the plate will benefit the Florida Veterans Foundation.

The “Dont Tread On Me” slogan, which is also known as the Gadsden flag, was first flown on a warship in 1775 as a battle cry for American independence from British taxation and rule, according to However, its meaning has changed significantly since then.

In the early 2000s, the flag’s meaning became increasingly politicized after it was adopted by conservative and libertarian groups and their platforms for small government and lower taxes. After several supporters of these groups were accused of racism, many of their critics associated the Gadsden flag as an expression of bigotry, the site added.
DeSantis meanwhile has claimed on Twitter that the plate is intended to send a clear message to out-of-state cars, “‘Don’t Tread on Me’ or Florida.”
They have had these in Virginia for a long time. I see lots of them on the road.


Chew Toy McCoy

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Every time I see that name a commercial plays in my head. "When it's that time of the month I feel really self-conscious about being around other people with that not-so-fresh feeling. Then my best friend told me about DeSantis."


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It’s a game to him. He and Abbott are trying to out-Trump each other with their stupid political stunts. DeSantis is really enacting policies that are skirting the constitution and go against the very things he claims to be trying to combat.

He’s a smart guy, but he knows his base well and is really hamming it up for them. If he said he was going to start arresting non-whites, gays and trans people, or non-Christians tomorrow, his approval rating would probably tick up a couple points. That’s the Florida Republican Party for you.

The republican party is too far gone, I’m afraid. They have decided to play this thing out until the end with no plan to self-correct. It’s like an addict who has exhausted all available help and now they’re at the point where they will either self-destruct or have an epiphany and turn around. And the only “epiphany” I see conservatives having is when the hatred and violent extremists they’ve fostered get a little too close to comfort for them. We’re heading for a GOP Jonestown.


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I don’t know if I’ve shared this thought here, but in some ways I feel like between Trump and DeSantis, DeSantis is actually a far more radical politician, or certainly a far more skilled politician in finding ways to execute policies to meet his goals. Trump’s personality is obviously blatantly repulsive but is far less skilled or apparently deeply concerned with some of these “culture war” issues. DeSantis presents as a far more socially palatable politician (ie not being quite so outwardly incendiary as Trump is with the comments and tweets) but is far more extreme when it actually comes to policy… if that makes sense. DeSantis is presented as a polite, more professional version of Trump, but when you look at his policies I see him as being a far more radical politician.

And I’ve always seen Trump as not being particularly firm in his political views, rather going along with whatever gains/maintains his power/popularity among his base whereas DeSantis actually has a strong opinion and desire to obtain whatever goals he has.

As a moderate, I would argue DeSantis could be far more damaging to the country as POTUS in a policy sense than Trump, who I see as incredibly detrimental due to his decisive rhetoric and narcissism (which leads to things like not conceding the 2020 election).

On the topic of Drag Queens, I see no problem with people choosing to live their lives as they wish. And we should certainly educate children to be accepting of people regardless of immutable characteristics. That said, I don’t really think it’s really appropriate to expose small children to hypersexualized forms of entertainment, such as the instance in this article… regardless if the performer is queer or a biological female. It’s not like there are many parents who would bring their 5 year old to a gentleman’s club (I imagine that’s illegal, but if they could…). There are a number of reasons highly sexual content is considered age “inappropriate” for children and that should equally applies to heteronormative sexual behavior as it does LGBTQ sexual behavior. That’s a whole different discussion though.

That’s not to say small children cannot or should not be exposed to people in the LGBTQ community, rather there’s appropriate ways and not so appropriate ways to do present anything highly sexualized- straight or otherwise.

All that said, my opinion in this case is more a criticism of the parents decision making, though I’m sure their intention is a positive one, likely an effort to make their children more open minded and accepting. An admirable goal but maybe not the best way of achieving it- but that’s just my opinion. The government however should have zero role in controlling what people are allowed to wear based on their gender or how people choose to present their gender identity. To use an archaic law to prosecute queer people is just ridiculous. And I can’t image the courts will uphold this. It seems like upholding such a law could easily be expanded into prosecuting all trans people.
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I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Far more dangerous than Trump, because he has the one thing Trump lacks: a brain.

Not only that, but Desantis is only 43, that's potentially a long political career, FFS, the guy could be in office making decisions that impact my [TBD :D] grandchildren.

Deleted member 215

On the topic of Drag Queens, I see no problem with people choosing to live their lives as they wish. And we should certainly educate children to be accepting of people regardless of immutable characteristics. That said, I don’t really think it’s really appropriate to expose small children to hypersexualized forms of entertainment, such as the instance in this article… regardless if the performer is queer or a biological female. It’s not like there are many parents who would bring their 5 year old to a gentleman’s club (I imagine that’s illegal, but if they could…). There are a number of reasons highly sexual content is considered age “inappropriate” for children and that should equally applies to heteronormative sexual behavior as it does LGBTQ sexual behavior. That’s a whole different discussion though.

I agree and I'm not sure why there's such a preoccupation among LGBT people right now with "drag kids". If a kid wants to cross-dress, I don't care. But drag performances with adult drag queens are often sexualized and they are intended for adults (yes, I have been to a live drag performance. It was not "stripping" but it was not child-friendly, there was sexual humor, and it was clearly aimed at adults). I think the LGBT community is shooting itself in the foot with this.


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I agree and I'm not sure why there's such a preoccupation among LGBT people right now with "drag kids". If a kid wants to cross-dress, I don't care. But drag performances with adult drag queens are often sexualized and they are intended for adults (yes, I have been to a live drag performance. It was not "stripping" but it was not child-friendly, there was sexual humor, and it was clearly aimed at adults). I think the LGBT community is shooting itself in the foot with this.
because they are easy targets and you can blame Christianity on it and be safe.


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Not only that, but Desantis is only 43, that's potentially a long political career, FFS, the guy could be in office making decisions that impact my [TBD :D] grandchildren.

He didn't age very well lol


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I agree and I'm not sure why there's such a preoccupation among LGBT people right now with "drag kids". If a kid wants to cross-dress, I don't care. But drag performances with adult drag queens are often sexualized and they are intended for adults (yes, I have been to a live drag performance. It was not "stripping" but it was not child-friendly, there was sexual humor, and it was clearly aimed at adults). I think the LGBT community is shooting itself in the foot with this.

People aren't taking their children to bars for drag shows on a Saturday night. The event that caused all the outrage was during Pride month in a Dallas park and it was a family friendly Pride event. I have been to PLENTY of Drag shows over the last 22 years of my life and rarely see kids, if ever. I honestly cant remember seeing a small child at a drag show. I have seen teenagers celebrating a birthday at drag brunch, but that's about it. Teenagers that are old enough to know. I don't ever remember seeing anyone under the age of a 15-16 year old. Once again, it's another Republican scare tactic culture war against the LGBT. And as a gay person yourself, it's crazy that you are agreeing with these nut bags and their scare tactics for things you know don't happen often. Were there any children at the show you went to? Doubt it.

Crazy Republicans are attacking Drag Story Time events because these crazy fuck politicians are tweeting about them grooming their children. And then their cult base are going out and attacking drag queens at bars, brunch and libraries. There is nothing sexualized about a Drag Story Time.

If people don't want their kids around drag queens, then don't take them. Simple as that.

Now back to crazy Ron Desantis.
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