Is Biden Really in Charge?


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I would wager that I don't think it as a big of deal as you do for sure. ;) Just like I think Biden being "handled" is a bigger deal than you do.
Ss long as Trump blamed all America’s problems on minorities, his supporters didn’t (and still don’t) give a shit about the rest. It was a backlash to Obama‘s presidency. White folk couldn’t handle the indignity of being ruled by a black guy with confidence and tan suits. So they went for the most racist, xenophobic candidate since George Wallace.

So no, they do not care about any of his flaws. As long as he sticks it to Mexicans and Muslims, he gets their support.


Resident Redneck
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Ss long as Trump blamed all America’s problems on minorities, his supporters didn’t (and still don’t) give a shit about the rest. It was a backlash to Obama‘s presidency. White folk couldn’t handle the indignity of being ruled by a black guy with confidence and tan suits. So they went for the most racist, xenophobic candidate since George Wallace.

So no, they do not care about any of his flaws. As long as he sticks it to Mexicans and Muslims, he gets their support.

Well, I didn't vote for Trump in the primary. Sadly by the time our primary rolled around, he was pretty much the front runner. I wanted Kasich even though he has some RINO tendencies, he was a Governor and I think former Governors make the best Presidents.

So yes I voted for Trump because I absolutely couldn't stand Hillary. Had the Dems had a real primary and not a coronation, I might have crossed over. But instead, DWS got caught with her hand on the scale and screwed the whole Democrat party. And Trump was the result. Just like Biden was the anti-Trump solution, Trump was the anti-Hillary solution.

So it wasn't a hatred of Muslims or Mexicans that led me to vote for Trump, it was a hatred of Hillary.


Site Champ
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Beaverton, OR
So it wasn't a hatred of Muslims or Mexicans that led me to vote for Trump, it was a hatred of Hillary.

I won't beat you up over what you did years ago. You had your vote and cast it for someone I didn't for reasons you have. There's no way you could have predicted the next 4 years.

What I'm curious about is if those were the two options the next time around, what would you do? Or, if you could go back knowing what you do now, would you still make the same choice?


Resident Redneck
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I won't beat you up over what you did years ago. You had your vote and cast it for someone I didn't for reasons you have. There's no way you could have predicted the next 4 years.

What I'm curious about is if those were the two options the next time around, what would you do? Or, if you could go back knowing what you do now, would you still make the same choice?

I wouldn't vote for Hillary if that's what you mean. Can't do it.

Probably would have thrown my vote away with Johnson. But my state went for Trump something like 70-25, so it really wouldn't have mattered. Like I said, I preferred Kasich. I just wonder what things would have been like had the Dems had a real primary like they did this cycle. Ok, maybe not that many, but say 5-6 real candidates all of whom had a shot. Thing is, Trump is really the only one of the Top 5 GOP candidates that could have beaten Hillary. The only one. So between Trump and Hillary, it still isn't that tough of choice. I just don't like her as much as most of you don't like Trump.

There probably are a handful of Dems I would have voted for over Trump, but they are moderates who would have had zero chance given the party's more liberal primary voters. I am more Libertarian than Republican. I just want government to have as little impact and control over my life as possible. We need some for sure, I just prefer it to be the bare minimum.


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Beaverton, OR
So between Trump and Hillary, it still isn't that tough of choice. I just don't like her as much as most of you don't like Trump.

It sounds like you voted for him for the same reason I voted for her. The choice was the lesser of two evils. So at this point I think we're down to you don't think he's as bad as I do, or you really, really, really don't like her a lot. While I don't agree with you, I can at least understand that answer. And it's a better answer than a stream of MAGA nonsense.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Watch this video with an open mind.

While we're playing political hyperbole I'm just going to throw this out there. Hey, at least someone is taking the standpoint of water into consideration.



Site Champ
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Beaverton, OR
While we're playing political hyperbole I'm just going to throw this out there. Hey, at least someone is taking the standpoint of water into consideration.

View attachment 8465

He should learn to shut up. I know some fires are hotter than others. So if you told me some hurricanes are wetter than others, I'm quite likely to believe you. I've not grown up around them and I don't care enough even now to Google it, but it sounds plausible.

When you tack "from the standpoint of water" on the end, then I'm wondering if you're a really smart person with bad communication skills, or if you're as dumb as you sound. I understand that the photo in this case answers that question. But if that was a random quote from a random person important enough to quote, I'd be saying "What the hell did I just hear?" Then I would look for a different source.

I wouldn't say he missed an opportunity to look smart. But he absolutely took the opportunity to look dumb. If only he'd known when to shut up (assuming the first part does indeed make sense).


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
There was a thing posted by a friend of mine accusing Joe the President of handing over $83M worth of weapons and stuff to the enemy, and what is that if not Treason? To which I noted that Joe was just carrying out exactly the policy that CFEFWSG had put in place. They replied that (Individual-ONE) never would have let those weapons be taken, to which I replied, BS – CFEFWSG never did thing one right, why would you expect him to not bollix this up?

Seriously. Were/are the MAGAts so incredibly myopic that they could not/cannot see that Agent Orange was hopelessly inept at fucking everything?


Resident Redneck
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He should learn to shut up. I know some fires are hotter than others. So if you told me some hurricanes are wetter than others, I'm quite likely to believe you. I've not grown up around them and I don't care enough even now to Google it, but it sounds plausible.

When you tack "from the standpoint of water" on the end, then I'm wondering if you're a really smart person with bad communication skills, or if you're as dumb as you sound. I understand that the photo in this case answers that question. But if that was a random quote from a random person important enough to quote, I'd be saying "What the hell did I just hear?" Then I would look for a different source.

I wouldn't say he missed an opportunity to look smart. But he absolutely took the opportunity to look dumb. If only he'd known when to shut up (assuming the first part does indeed make sense).

But if Trump says it, he's stupid. When Biden says it, he's just "folksy". Sure........


Site Champ
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Beaverton, OR
But if Trump says it, he's stupid. When Biden says it, he's just "folksy". Sure........

Can you show the Biden quote where he discussed the hurricane "from the standpoint of water"? I'd also love to know where this mysterious quote was referred to as "folksy"?

I went out of my way to make it clear that "from the standpoint of water" would sound stupid coming from anyone. Perhaps you simply missed the part where I said "...if that was a random quote from a random person important enough to quote...". If you can show me where Biden said the same thing, he'll get the same ridicule.

If you want to discuss my post, let's go. If you want to quote me, then misquote me, I'm not sure I'm interested. It's as if you quoted the wrong person here (which might be what happened I guess).


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
Indeed. They tried to weaponize that comment against her and the left, but it turned out to be an understatement.
Kind of reminds me of “my” hockey team, based in a town with plenty of immigrants.

Really takes the wind out of away supporters’ racist chants of “Södertälje, suburb of Beirut” when the home supporters own it and responds with a louder “Södertälje, suburb of Beirut”. For good measure, “We have the best kebab in Sweden” is also chanted proudly. The latter is nowadays a regular chant and does not need idiots to trigger it.

Slightly more positive than empowering a big basket of deplorables, possibly.


Site Master
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When did the Republican narrative switch from "Joe Biden is weak and not really in charge" to "Joe Biden is a power-hungry dictator"???

You could get whiplash with all these 180-degree turns.

Governors are wailing and gnashing their teeth over the new vaccine mandates. They are threatening to "fight back" against evil Joe Biden. How did "Sleepy Joe" respond? "Have at it."

So much for Biden being weak I guess.


Site Master
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One follow-up statement I wanted to make. Biden has shown he is willing to do things that are unpopular with his advisers and with many Americans. I believe he is willing to do them because he thinks they are best for the country.


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
One follow-up statement I wanted to make. Biden has shown he is willing to do things that are unpopular with his advisers and with many Americans. I believe he is willing to do them because he thinks they are best for the country.
I imagine he isn‘t aiming for a second term, probably simplifies making big decisions he believes in.
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